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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Very very sorry to hear that mate, not a good time for you at all. You have my deepest sympathies.
  2. Yeah I have to agree, it's definitely going to be down to the driver. To make it fair, do a few laps, see who is winning, then swap cars.
  3. I think you're all being silly I bet if you could ignore your preconceptions ( and badge prejudice ) every last one of you would enjoy a Boxster S. They are a cracking car to drive, a real sportscar, and forget the notion that it's a poor mans 911 because thats just Clarkson talking.
  4. I worked for a Peugeot dealership for 8 years - before starting my own dealership - and the first we knew about a new model was when the transporter turned up. Like someone else mentioned, we learned more from Auto Express etc than from Peugeot themselves. I don't remember getting ANY product based training from Peugeot, it was up to me as a Salesman to learn about the car by sitting in it, reading the brochure and taking it for a drive.
  5. When I joined the Supra club about ten years ago the members with Mk4 Supras were all heading for their 50's, barring a couple of well heeled exceptions, and the younger ones were still driving Mk3s. This was because the Supra was heading for 50 grand new in the mid 90's and the younger ones just couldn't afford one, or insure one. As time went by and the values dropped more and more younger members moved to Mk4s and the Mk3 rapidly headed for banger status. At this point a lot of members left the forum because they could not get on with each other !!! The same will happen with the Z, although being a bit of a bargain there are many younger people on this forum with one, although probably on finance and not paid for. There also seem to be a lot of people on here earning more than the natonal average which is interesting. I must admit the age of some of our customers often surprises me. For example, the lad that bought my Monaro VXR a few weeks back can't have been more than 25 years old. When I was 25 I couldn't dream of spending 25 grand on a car - I would have maybe spent that much on my first house !!! Let alone getting a 6.0 litre sports car insured ! I was driving 3 litre Capris and V8 Rovers around the place and generally making a nuisance of myself
  6. He would look a lot like me ( 40 in November ) It depends on the 40 year old, some 40 year olds look very old, I personally get mistaken for 19 all the time
  7. Turns out the car didn't need a valet, it was already very clean so the pictures are now LIVE !
  8. I would probably start it at £8995 if it was split mint but I honestly think it would shift at £8495. It's not like they are particularly rare, so the price has to be sensible. I prefer to turn them over and keep the money working, rather than having cars sit there for weeks on end. I really need to see the car to be honest, it could well be split mint and worth the extra £500
  9. A couple of people asked me to post when I came across a nice Zed. I bought one today, as per thread title. It's very clean, no nasty marks and has Full Service History - you all know how fussy I am and how many I look at I'm collecting it tommorow morning, it will be on site by lunch time but won't be prepped and ready for pictures till Monday, hence there won't be any photos of the car on my website till Monday afternoon but the description is there. Full details : www.TheGlenNissan.co.uk Thanks for looking
  10. It Glass's at £6800, Cap would hit it much harder, but with something like that I mainly go off what other people are asking for them and I would say £8495 is a fair price for that car, which gives me £1500 across it to allow for recon, VAT, Tax, salesmans commission etc etc...
  11. Sounds like £7,000, subject to viewing.
  12. And so starts the silly season. I have been quite busy and am now desperate for stock, so I'm doing the Auctions with a vengeance trying to fill my site. Yesterday I couldn't even get on the Auction car park, it was absolutely rammed and every single car started over book. I would say most cars sold for at least £500 more than they were really worth, and some did much more. All the dealers must be busy and they are paying stupid money for their stock and hoping a bouyant market will support their margins. Not a good time to buy a car guys, hold on till the Winter
  13. Gotta say, I have a mate who is bonkers just like this guy. Last year he picked me up in an Elise and told me he had "weighed the fuel and polished the bonnet to reduce drag". I cracked up laughing, not least because it was ME he was picking up thus rendering all weight saving measures completely redundant It took me about an hour to get in the damned thing and of course I am still there, this is a laptop with a wireless connection, my diet consists of drive thru take aways and I go to the toilet through a small plastic tube...
  14. LOL Who let Zedrush back on, didn't he get banned last week Mods, get him off
  15. Trade £18k, retail £20,500. Best bet is to look on Auto Trader and see what everyone else is asking. If it was a GT I would give you a cheque today, but I don't buy none GT spec cars, sorry.
  16. Dan


    Grrr, I've no sound at work
  17. (the Arnage T cant keep up in a straight line even..) I think you misunderstood my post, I just said they would go like the clappers and they do, for something weighing as much as a decent sized semi detached house You can't fairly compare one to a 350z let alone a Gallardo or Carrera GT, it's a totally different type of car. You are comparing sports cars with one of the grandest of grand tourers. They have a totally different purpose, one is designed to stimulate and excite and feed back as much of the driving experience as possible, the other is designed to comfort and cosset and travel large distances very quickly with effortless ease. To even show one a race track is to totally miss the point of the car, and anyway, to actually put any effort into driving one is uncouth, undignified and not at all in the spirit of the car One does not accelerate in a Bentley, one gathers momentum. One does not "hussle around bends" in a Bentley one conducts the car along the carriageway in an appropriate manner My good man, please show some respect
  18. They are an amazingly cheap car, I paid £23k for an 06/56 6.0 VXR with only 4000 miles, the car was as new and sold in about 10 days. I thought that was a complete bargain, considering £37k new !
  19. I prefer the older ones, when they were still British. Most of the Rolls/Bentley fans hate the BMW engined cars and in fact there was an outcry when that happened and they brought the Rolls Royce V8 back.
  20. Crete was the same, went there a few years back and saw loads of really old cars, paint faded from the Sun but no rust in sight !
  21. Forgot to mention that point, please don't buy one without the GT pack as they are far more difficult to sell. You could really struggle with it mate so well worth the premium in my opinion. And you get the price difference back come re-sale anyway, more or less.
  22. Yeah they are heavy, and deceptively big. Think Vauxhall Omega Coupe with a Corvette engine and you aren't far off.
  23. I'm about to be flamed off the forum here but I have to admit to a major liking for Rolls Royce and Bentleys. I absolutely adore the Silver Shadow and I've had 2 very nice ones, and a Corniche ( 2 door Coupe ) that was originally owned by Cliff Richard. I've also had a smattering of very nice Bentleys including a lovely 30,000 mile Brooklands which I really enjoyed and was sad to part with. For me though, the old ones are the best and one day in the not too distant future I'm going to end up with a really mint low mileage Shadow which I will keep forever. If anyone is interested I wrote a "buyers guide" on these cars on my old website with some nice pictures of the cars : www.crossfieldcarsales.co.uk The link to the buyers guide is on the left on the home screen. P.S. This isn't a plug, this website hasn't been used for years and all the cars are long gone !
  24. My God, I bet thats fun ! I'm looking every day for a Monaro VXR500 with the Vauxhall approved Supercharger kit, I would really like one. I would guess it would handle 500 bhp without much trouble, it was very planted with 403 unless you deliberatly provoked it. 600 I'm not so sure, thats a big jump and with Turbo's there would be a lot of Torque all coming in at once, so could be a handful. FUN though Thanks for posting.
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