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Posts posted by GC350z

  1. I use my eyes :teeth: In Ireland there's about 12 fixed speed cameras but only 3 acutal cameras which they rotate round the 12. There's also the odd van with camera in the back and of course cops on the side of the road. All stand out like a sore thumb which is why I've never received a ticket or points.


    In a year or two they will be privatising speed cameras in Ireland. My eyes wont be good enough anymore so I will most likely go with a Valentine One. Had one in the US for a month. 10k miles - no tickets. Saved me on many occasions.

  2. Being a slightly paranoid individual :dry: had I bid early on I would of backed out by now. Don't really like the look of bidder 3. Sorry if that's you Steve. Registered on ebay for 2 - 3 years but has 0 feedback. Most experienced sellers of items over a certain price wont sell to a 0 feedback user without some form of communication first.

  3. At what point does this become a waste of cash?? It's at £102.01 (by a bidder with 0 feedback). I'm of course thinking in terms of overall price incl shipping which would be about £80 according to seller.


    Haven't bid yet. Always prefer to wait.

  4. When I was a kid we were afraid of the law and got a clip round the ear if we stepped out of line. Now the little f*****s get away with whatever they want. You can tell I don't have kids ;).


    As a result of many factors kids are away that they can do just about anything they want without consequence until they turn 18.


    Parents, government, society, tv, cinema - you could blame some or all of them until you're blue in the face but it wont help.


    Society needs to grow a pair and bring back some kind of discipline to put fear into them.

  5. Roadster with the roof up is one of the uglist cars on the road. No offence to roadster owners. Roof down it's one of the nicest cars on the road.


    The question for potential buyers is can you live with the looks with the roof up? I couldn't and found an ex demo coupe instead.

  6. If the UK goes ahead with this then Ireland will follow suit being the lemmings our government are.


    As Steve said, contacting your MP directly is the only way to try and stop this. Ring them, tell them they’ll loose your vote, your families and all your fiends/neighbours and so on. Tell them it’ll spread like a virus.


    Then ring them again the next day and the next and the next and write and mail.


    Would a device like the one suggested to monitor mileage be an invasion of privacy??? And therefore be unconstitutional?



    On a different but similar note – if Brown becomes the next PM you should all just leave the country.

  7. Finally a Maserati I want and thanks be to jesus they've sorted out the rear light clusters. Was never into the boomerang style (especially after I saw Bono in his) and the replacements looked as if they were bought out of the back of a mag for a tenner.

  8. I like TG a lot. Doesn't bother me in the slightest that it's all scripted.


    Can't sit through any of the others. 5thGear, Drive, Driven. They all leave me angry with the presenters poor knowledge.


    With TG they review (most reviews) a car not with the knowledge that it might affect your purchasing decision but knowing that most people will never get to drive the cars they are in. I want a koenigsegg but the odds are not in my favour of ever seeing one in Ireland let alone owning one.

  9. All of the above except indian. Also got a taste for lobster and caviar while on a holiday a few years back. Have resisted it since.


    You have to add pizza, pig, cow, chicken, duck, ginny fowl (lets just say all fowl), buffalo (burgers are gooooood)


    I love to eat.

  10. Meaning I am going to get enraged in Dublin, or the Dubliners are road ragers? :p


    I was not planning on going that high up in Ireland... land in rosslare and drive around south ireland , below the dublin level...


    Waterford is where I'm originally from. Mother still lives there. Takes an average of 3hrs to get from mine in Dub to her place on a Saturday leaving a 11am. Traffic is just pathetic. Drivers here shock me on a daily basis.


    On Sunday last I was returning from Waterford to Dublin on the N11. Coast road - more fun. Got stuck behind a cop from Waterford to wherever. About 1hr. Anyway in a town called New Ross (you'll pass through if heading west) the cop approached a blind corner in the middle of the road crossing the centre line. Oncoming car rounded the corner and got some fright. Swerved to avoid. Cop didn't budge. I flashed the @*!# out of him and still no response. He then continued on breaking the speed limit in the 50koh, 60kph and 100kph.


    Tips for driving in Ireland:

    1. Never blink :)

    2. Assume everyone around you cant drive

    3. Indicators don't necessarily work

    4. People accelerate and break for no reason

    5. People from Dublin cant use roundabouts

    6. You will be tailgated

    7. Fog lights (front and rear) don't have an off switch


    And on a very serious note


    8. Drink driving is a much bigger problem then people realize, especially outside the cities.


    Enjoy :teeth::teeth:

  11. Interestingly, my son works for a rival bank, and he says that rumours are rife that most of these cases arise from inside jobs - employees selling on card details to low-lifes.



    Wouldn't be surprised. We use chip and pin credit cards here now. Not sure if you guys do. So walking into a store and using some elses card like what happened to my mate is just insane. They need a card and pin to do it yet she had it.

  12. Sucks ass.


    It happened to a friend last year. Some ****er went into phone shop in Dublin and bought about 1k worth. I blame the shop for not checking purchases like that out. Card got cancelled money returned. New card issued. Never used. First statement. Phone shop again. 1.5 - 2k this time. She has now cancelled the card and wont get another one.

  13. I always feel a sense of loss when a nice car takes a hit.


    Thankfully none hurt.


    Front beam looks to of remained in place but repairs would be massive including labour. If you just looked at the price for bonnet, bumper, fender plus painting and fitting and a few bits behind you'd be looking at €5000 in Ireland. (where I am btw, UK would differ of course) Then there's head lamp, washer bottle, radiator, air box and anything else that isn't vissible. Right off for sure. Now I really feel bad.


    Sorry to see mate. Hope it's sorted quickly.

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