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Emperor Ming

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Everything posted by Emperor Ming

  1. Just created an Engine Bling folder on photobucket and it is now in my signature. Just pasted the link from the address bar into my signature box and hey presto I have a link!! Just got to find out how to name a shuffle and date each photo now. I reckon its got to be able? Will let you know if I succeed. ming the Sorted.
  2. Yup I use phtobucket all the time. I will go in and set up a Zed account with all the pics on it. You can shift them about to put them in a chronological order without losing the link but if you resize them then all the links prior to the resize will be lost i am pretty much certain that you can leave the whole file as a public file. If that is the case then all we need to do is leave the link at the bottom of our signatures - again i am pretty sure we can do that - so that people wanting to look at the 'work in progress' can go and flick through the link. I will still continue to post up pics of each mod upgrade etc as I do it onto this link so that folk who have seen all the other stuff can have a look at the new bits. What do you reckon. Ming the Willing
  3. Hi mate If you are buying one of these I guess I am beat and I will give in now I got better ideas LOL Ming the Mad Better ideas on an oil cap?? Man, you're not going to have one painted are you, I'd have to give in immediately then........ Touche Nope got another idea but I gotta source out an old friend first Keep you posted Ming the ideas man
  4. H5 and I are going about this in completely different ways. As he has said his will be almost a one hit make over whilst mine will be a work in progress! I am happy to post pics up as I change or improve - some might say ruin - each item. The competition is just a bit of fun - no it 'aint its deadly serious who am I kidding - to give it a little impetus. I am happy with the format as it stands with some sort of cut off date with enough time for those members -still interested enough - who can't make TRAX to do some sort of club on line vote prior to TRAX H5 How about we keep this thread going but at the same time start a file each in the gallery section and also imput the photo's there. this would give a full picture file on each car in one place and allow comparison without flicking through the whole thread! Is this OK MODS?????????? LAMINATED STEP BY STEP GUIDE You sound like my old metal work teacher!!!! He He He!! Good idea though -plagiarism steps forward here!! Ming the happy
  5. Hi mate If you are buying one of these I guess I am beat and I will give in now I got better ideas LOL Ming the Mad
  6. Yeah A couple of hiccups along the way but it got here in the end. Its gonna look top dollar when its all blinged up and fitted!! The filter is the only bit I cant get powder coated as it doesn't come apart but it has polished up really well so i am quite happy. Was yours an easy fit? It looks like it should go on OK. It even comes with a straight fit for the MAS so no fiddling about there either i reckon! Ming the happy
  7. Check ALL fluid levels Driving a car at the edges of its performance like you do at a place like the ring uses all sorts of stuff that normal use does not. I would guess on oil level personally but anything is possible. Let us know what was low. Cheers Ming the Hopeful
  8. My ebay purchase arrived yesterday and allthough a large chunk of it is off down thepowder coaters I decided to polish up the filter itself - mrs Ming is out so I can do it in the house and play with the computer at the same time!! Here are the results Before x2 After solvo and black fingers I will post up the powder coated pics as soon as I get them - the plenum is already in!! ming the Black fingered
  9. As strange as itsounds this is probably a VERY good idea. Either that or take a walk round the car - just as a dealer does when he is offering you a pathetic PX on your car - and show him the condition of your car. Anything there AFTER you get it back has to be down to them then doesn't it! Ming the thoughtful PS This is exactly why I used a tried, tested and most important of all TRUSTED independant garage. I KNOW that they will do what they say they will do and if they can't do it they WILL SAY SO!!!!!!!!!!
  10. If its a dead heat after a years worth of work then H5 and I just going to get pi**ed mate Ming the Ready
  11. Mrs Ming laughed when she saw this!! I am the only bloke she knows who will spend all day in the garage on his own and have a non stop conversation!! Ming the (slightly) Mad H5 The embroidery is on mate!!
  12. That's not even the expensive stuff Ming, scroll down to Royale Glaze!!!!! http://www.vertar.com/zymol-estate-glazes.asp?pt_id=89 Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two tubs of that will buy you a ZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!! Ming the Mind Blown
  13. H5 Hi mate Found this site http://www.johnswax.co.uk/acatalog/Feed ... Waxes.html Scroll down to the Vintage Glaze Fancy getting a bottle of this to shine our cars?? ?? Ming the Stunned
  14. H5 If it stays at Silverstone then its about 1 hr 45 away for me and looks good enough to make a weekend of it. It gets my vote. The Minel Does the site have a club get together for this! It would be great to meet a few faces at the same time? Ming the Happy H5 Where abouts in the country are you mate. It just says England??
  15. Its almost a year to the day Let the battle commence! Ming the ready
  16. Hi Guys Any one know the date for Trax next year, and so that I know .... where is it. If it is to be the 'bling off' then I need to look at somewhere I can CLEAN HER!! This is going to drive Mrs Ming mad now for months to come. She knows I hate to lose It has the potential to be the most expensive 6 pack of beer EVER!! Ming the Competitive!!!!
  17. Hi Matt My brother in law bought some after market 19" for his Volvo and they corroded badly within 6 months. He cleaned them up and we went back and they changed them for him then and there!! Now if a wheel shop can do it then so can a Main Stealership. Standing in the shop and talking about why you wouldn't buy another Nissan in a clear loud voice in front of prospective customers usually gets a response from someone in a position to make a decision. As for GLAZED discs. BOLLOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They might scrape/fade/judder/ even cause a steering wobble but CREAK!! Never. Stand your ground and politely say that you will be submitting a complaint and ask for an address to send the bill when you have had someone independant fix it because of their ineptitude and inability to diagnose even a simple problem like yours. Like Lomoto says I keep away from the useless BAST*RDS I am pretty sure nowadays that warranty work does not have to go back to the main dealer and can go to any registered garage and the main delaer pays. Worth a check with a decent independant garage. If its right its a great lever to get the Stealership to do what you want them to do! Ming the (not) surprised
  18. Hi Chris I will go with whatever people think but for what its worth I think that when H5 and I reach a set date all members should be allowed to vote with maybe half a vote on the back of pictures and a full vote to those that turn up at whatever meet it is that we both attend. (they get to look at both cars side by side.) Come on H5 what do you think? Rickya Thanks for that mate. I have seen some pretty smart BMW engines around as well. That straight 6 head begs to be blinged!! When I retire I do want to go into the valeting, engine bling business doing my own powder coating, but that is 4 1/2 years away yet and there are still villains to pursue. Ming the Polished PS Just got a GTO front rocker back in Hyper Black - a sort of black chrome with a very fine metal flake in the lacquer - and I spent about two hours polishing the lettering. it looks mint. The owner is going to have fits when he see's it. Its one of those colours that looks nowt until the sun hits it then it explodes into colour. Good suggestion Ming, happy with the half vote from pics and full if at the location. Is it worth setting a date of Trax next year? Or earlier in the year? When and where mate? So long as I know I can plan stuff around it. So long as it is Summer/end of Summer so that all the siney bits are still shiney then I am up for it. If its too early in the year then I will not have got all the Winter marks off the car and we run the chance of a crappy day or two. If you find time in the next 4 1/2 years, fancy catching the TWOC'ers that took my car??? see my post about my car - not happy with the local police atm... I will have a read in a minute mate. There are things you can say and do that sometimes get a better response. I may also be able to put a bobbies eye view on the proceedings and time scales. Its a pity you aint a little closer as i have an extensive network of 'friends' up here and would be able to get a name or family in quite a short period of time. From what you've shown it's be something people would go for. Bonus is, if they don't keep it clean, you get to do it again.....!! The plan is to make it a bit of a 'one stop shop'. I would get together all the bits that people would be likely to want 'blinging up' and offer a drive in service. With a little forethought and practice I could set up my own small scale powder coating business (It needs little more than a small stripping bay and a large domestic oven believe it or not together with the spraying equipment) so that people pick a colour scheme, drive up and leave the car for a couple of days and get it back blinged up under the bonnet and polished to death on the outside. Cars like the Zed are great as there are no engine variants so all the bits are the same. If you look at something like the Honda Civic there are a complete myriad of variations and it would mean a LARGE stock of parts. Not impossible but a little more labour extensive (Hell I love scrap yards as well ) Now to decide on that theme....... :kicking PURPLE Ming the Underway
  19. Hi Chris I will go with whatever people think but for what its worth I think that when H5 and I reach a set date all members should be allowed to vote with maybe half a vote on the back of pictures and a full vote to those that turn up at whatever meet it is that we both attend. (they get to look at both cars side by side.) Come on H5 what do you think? Rickya Thanks for that mate. I have seen some pretty smart BMW engines around as well. That straight 6 head begs to be blinged!! When I retire I do want to go into the valeting, engine bling business doing my own powder coating, but that is 4 1/2 years away yet and there are still villains to pursue. Ming the Polished PS Just got a GTO front rocker back in Hyper Black - a sort of black chrome with a very fine metal flake in the lacquer - and I spent about two hours polishing the lettering. it looks mint. The owner is going to have fits when he see's it. Its one of those colours that looks nowt until the sun hits it then it explodes into colour.
  20. Thats one clean cossie mate If he is on your side I have got problems!! I have also got experience so its gonna be fun Ming the Thinker
  21. Hi H5 Just thought I would post up some pics of my GTO engine bay On purchase and after the initial clean After many incarnations the final result prior to sale (I am that sad I have pics of all the other colour schemes it was as well.) Ming the Obsessed
  22. Rob My lad was SEVENTEEN!!!!!!!!!!! He wanted an install like all the other seventeen year olds ....... but ....... BETTER!!!!!!!!!! Thats what he got. Alos it was about five years ago. Its not how I would do it but I am nearly 48!! I can tell you that in the peer group he knocked about in at that time it blew the oposition into the weeds. Not only that but taking the components out - and he funded them - it cost us less than £100!!!!! Styles change. Christ look at what WE all used to wear!! Have no fear nothing ike this will go any where near the Zed. I am going to use leopard print. The Whole idea of the pics was to show H5 what we could do, not what we are going to do! Ming the Ready As the older one its your place to educate them. The sooner they realise how crap it is to have 6x9s above subs the better. If you save the money on 6x9s spend it on gettinga better amps/subs you would still have a 'cool' looking install but it would sound even better blowing away his mates [i was not knocking the style - as you say its all down to trends] Hi Rob My lad was 17 and therefore knew EVERYTHING about style. All I was was fabricator and more important QUALITY CONTROL!! Since the Astra he has moved on through Peugeot (x2), BMW to VW Corrado. the instals have been much more subtle and the latest is still on the drawing board and may yet be just an upgrade of components. He decides what he wants and I just make sure its done right!! Ming the Patient
  23. The H5 is the beginning of my number plate from the pics of the Volvo? It's just short and easy to remember for logging on to these sites!! Are you trying to scare me Ming?? I have plenty in the pipeline, I never make a rash decision, the WHOLE CAR will be planned before any work is started and will all be done quite quickly after that....... However, the fabrication of many things from that light weight racing material has begun....... BTW, what sort of price have you been quoted as I want one done and there's a few places down here (could get it cheaper if more than 1?) As a comparison? PM me if you want. Hi mate Initially I was quoted about £150 for a finished article but as luck would have it I spoke to a work mate today whose old man is a panel beater and metal fabricator for the classic car scene and as he is retired works for beer money!! I have hopefully sourced a spare plastic cover so I am going to drop it down to him as soon as I get it and ask him for both ideas and prices. As such I do not know yet what it is going to cost. Unless yours (or mine) is loads cheaper I reckon we should do them seperately to see what each comes up with!! Obviously if there is a massive price, or quality, difference then we can pool resources. As you may have guessed the embroidery is not for under the bonnet Now where can we put a big fancy Zed?? Another update. I have just been given a tub of Zymol 'plastic detailing wax'. God knows what it cost but its got lots of Carnuba wax in it and all sorts of exotic stuff to make plastic shine and smell nice!! Can't wait to get into the car and start trying that out. Might have to slow down for this month though as I have just checked my front tyres Ming the Happy (Always happy when blinging or planning blinging)
  24. Liam As a self confessed etymologist I love words, often words for words sake but I must be getting old and stupid because it went straight over my head. (no hair at all so not that difficult really.) What does he DO???? sl114 - What do you DO mate?? Ming the Interested
  25. Thats fine you can be nosy, Its basically an Interactive Project Manager but we now call it Digital Media as it deals with all types of media not just interactive. So your IPTV Video on demand, website, text to screen, all that stuff really. What i do is the client (or channel) will come to me with any new types of work, i'll scope it out, cost it up, assess the risks, issues, dependencies and work out timelines accourding to my resources etc and put all that together. They then apply for the money, if they get it, i plan it all out and make sure it happens. Its all good fun and im quite new to it, however there is always so much to learn which keeps me going. /quote] I know I am a fik coppa but . . . . WOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ming the puzzled PS Could you say it again with little word and in ENGLISH!!
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