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Posts posted by Strudul

  1. I average about 31 mpg on my commute. Mainly city driving and A roads. However there's speed cameras most of the way limiting me to 30/40/50.


    I avoid flooring it unless I know that the road ahead is clear. No point mashing the throttle just to stomp on the brakes in a few seconds. In fact, I hardly ever use my brakes at all, I just coast when I need to slow down / stop.


    On motorways I get 40-50 mpg. Generally, acceleration and twisties are fun, not speed, so unless I'm gonna blast about at 130+, I'm happy to stick to the speed limit on motorways.


    So yeh, my driving overall is pretty conservative, but it just makes the times I do put my foot down and have some fun all the more special.

  2. When you're spending upwards of £50-£60 a month on it or more then there is no reason why it has to taste like a glass of sick. :shrug:

    Cardiff Sports Nutrition is my local go to place for this type of stuff and they're great as they were more than happy to let me try samples in their shop of lots of different shakes etc.


    Some tasted vile and others were incredibly nice, ...with the vile ones doing the same job as the nice tasting ones I'd be mad not to go with the ones that tasted nice to me. ;)

    What flavours are you trying?


    If you stick to unflavoured and mix it with a decent ratio of milk it pretty much just tastes like milk (maybe with a hint of porridge). It's great for me, cos I love milk, though I can see why you'd be finicky if you don't like milk...

  3. Best advice would be to buy used - either individual components or a full system. Unless you need the very latest spec cos you're running 4k or VR, you will save so much and still get excellent performance.


    I would avoid ebay, but if you try the marketplace section of a dedicated forum, you can find some really good deals.


    Don't be afraid to build it yourself either, it only takes 5 minutes. You just stick things where they fit - you can't really go wrong. (Though even the best of us forget to plug stuff in and have a mini panic attack when we press the power switch and it doesn't boot.)

  4. Im using Protien Dynamix for all my stuff at the moment. They were crazy cheap compared to the other main names which I used to use. I got 25% off using a code, plus cashback via topcashback. Worth checking out next time you need anything.

    Bought my last few lots from Protein Dynamix. Was hesitant at first cos it was so cheap, but it seems alright.

  5. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Nice to see the forum is active!


    I have the complete BT module in the cubby hole, and as you've said I found can't be used for audio. I'm looking for something as stock looking as possible on that front. Planning to go to the Essex meet this week so hopefully some brave soul who's done the Bose hack before can talk me though it.

    Easy - can't go wrong.

  6. Welcome


    • Figure out how to get my phone connected for bluetooth music (and look as standard as possible)

    For the bluetooth, there is a basic connection if you check in the arm rest compartment if there is a box there its the BT unit, many are missing though from the cars.


    Just to clarify, that BT is only for handsfree, it won't work for streaming music. For that you'll need something aftermarket (new headunit or 3.5mm BT adapter connected to a cassette adapter or aux cable if you do the Bose hack).

  7. now I'm back at uni I keep missing lunch.



    I'm finding this too. Most of my classes give no time for lunch. I'm mostly in 11:30-1:30/2 as a second session. Come 1pm I'm starving.

    I think I just need to get back into the habit of making a packed lunch or my peanut butter "flapjacks" and having a munch during lectures.

  8. Sticking to my M/T/Th/F, working round uni.


    Diet is getting sloppy though. Was going really well while I was working, but now I'm back at uni I keep missing lunch.


    Trying to get back up to my previous 95Kg, but if past years are anything to go by I'll lose weight over xmas...

  9. I think it would be better if you keep orange highlights throughout the car. If you swap to a black handbrake, you could at least wrap it in orange or black with orange stitching - same for the gaiter.

  10. Did they ever work for you? I believe they're run off separate pumps, so it would be strange if both pumps failed at the same time.


    Can you hear anything when you try use them?


    Also just to make sure, you are pushing the stick forward to use the rear washers and pulling it for the front?


    Also check your headlight washers with the button if you have them.


    Edit: Wow, fixed that spelling - didn't realise how bad it came out on my phone.

  11. Just thought I'd throw this out there.... Have you checked for any obstructions under the bonnet. I've noticed this twice on mine and each time I'd left something under the bonnet - usually the battery cover.

    As i mentioned in the OP, there doesn't seem to be anything blocking it, and I can push it down, but it just springs back. :/

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