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88 Zed

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Posts posted by 88 Zed

  1. I had kumho's on my civic type R after the cheap landsails it came with couldn't put the power down, I wouldn't say they were cheap nasty tyres, they were excellent in the wet and just as good on the ratings as some of the top of the ranges tyres.

    Obviously the likes of bridgestones will be better but don't knock the kumho's until you've tried them! Especially at £80odd a corner!



  2. Kumho ecsta le sport KU39's I've ordered, had them on my previous civic type R, there really good value for money, especially in the wet.

    Have these on mine=no complaints


    The ratings are just as good as the top of the range tyres but there a lot cheaper. I've just got a discount of black circles because they were cheaper on tyre leader ( tyre leader had major difficulties finding my works address so cancelled my order) , not a full match but got some money off anyway :)

  3. Just got home from fitting a extreme clutch, SMF, slave cylinder and hose kit from Ewen at Clark Motorsport.

    Next day delivery, excellent value for money and he even sent me the Nissan workshop manual page for bleeding the system!

    I'm very happy with the service and even happier with how the car feels now. Such a transformation.

    Thanks a million and happy Christmas Ewen, I will defenetly be buying goodies from you again :D


    P.S you can tell it's an Aussie company when it comes with a bottle opener / baseball cap combo


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  4. No it's not just you! I've lost count of the times I've argued with other testers about the fail criteria.

    There's a worrying amount of tested items that different testers can't agree on when it should be simple as they all have access to the manual.

  5. This sounds exactly like the argument I had with my boss when this part of the test was added a few years ago, he was adamant that he had been told otherwise during his refresher course. The problem is the manager also whent on the same course at a later date and was told something different!

    I agree with you entirely and admit my post was misleading! Apologies, I was just trying to give some friendly advice as unfortunately the general consensus from other testers I've spoken to is that they need to be fitted. I don't know weather it's down to the old training scheme or just what. Luckily the VOSA are now the DVSA and the training scheme will be changing to a private firm (the last I heard)



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  6. the last time I got caught speeding it was 10:30pm on a dry dual carriage way at the end of the M 53 that had recently been reduced from a 50 to a 40 and the only sighnage that would have warned me was solar powered and obviously wasn't lit up as it was dark.

    Admittedly I was doing 56 so I was breaking the old limit but that's not my point.

    My point is at no point on that bit of road was I a risk to anyone other than myself and there was no need for a traffic officer to be hidden behind a Toyota dealers show hi-lux. Surely at 10:30pm on a Saturday there are other matters the office could be dealing with (drunks or people speeding around residential areas)

    I'm sure people (including the desk sergeant) will agree that this was a bit harsh.

    So.....I was asking if anyone knows of any decent radar systems that would have possibly prevented this situation?


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