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Posts posted by -G-

  1. The engine in the 86 is woeful. Yes, it has potential but you can say that about nearly every car out there. I was so set on buying one but a test drive at Struans of Perth put paid to that. Can get an MX5 or an SLK for similar money. Having had a shot of my mates old SLK I'd sooner have one over the BRZ/86.


    If it's a new 86 you're considering, you're not far off decent 370z money, really. Still got a soft spot for the MK1 Nismo.

  2. So I recently moved house with the better half & part of the deal was building a garage, which is currently under construction. The size is going to be 7.5m x 6m x 2.1m so around about 90 m3 in volume (accounting for walls) and about 45m2 floor space. We have an electrician ready to install a distribution board in the garage once its built, but I'm still humming and heying about the lighting & heating & also Frost protection I should have installed. The garage will be detached and away from the main house.


    Has anyone built a garage before & can share any nuggets of wisdom on what to avoid or otherwise embrace? I'm not going to be routing water into the garage so anything I install needs to be electrical - I've been thinking convector heaters or Infra-red heaters (how do they affect car paint? I assume they don't??) - I'm really not sure what to opt for.


    Thanks in advance. :)

  3. Investment, Pete. That's the simple truth of it. Hardly any money spent on the game in Scotland compared with England/Wales. I also remember Souness being the first manager to flood the Rangers ranks with English players - basically buying the Scottish Cup with mercenary means.


    1987 was the start of the decline of Scottish Football.

  4. In a studious effort to keep the miles off the unicorn & still be a sociable sort after moving to the country (ish) I took myself off around Aberdeen's used car Garages and picked this up. The first Italian turbo I've owned, so that's something. GF loves it - the styling is pretty good, the drive in non-sport mode is pretty crap. Sport button basically just boosts better which at about 8 seconds to 60mph isn't sluggish.


    Jury is out on whether its worth dropping £3500 in it to break 235PS - more likely I'll buy something else Japanese and let the Missus have it. We'll see, thougjh


    Some snaps of the muddy little bug on what will eventually be a new garage for me :-)



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  5. Oh. I'm sorry, being such a massive Poppy buff I thought you'd have recognized the British royal Legions 2013 official Youth indoctrination scheme.






    Hard to argue that the British royal Legion is just a 'random picture on the Internet'. They got that much @*!# over the photo they deleted the original tweet.




    I'm not here to start a flame war over what people believe in or how they show respect to the dead, I'm just making a point that the Poppy I wore as a child on rememberance Sunday is not the same as the one being worn today, for all the wrong reasons.

  6. The Poppy has been appropriated by the political classes for the last decade to sustain & celebrate the savagery of war and it is definitely a political symbol, one that appeals to jingoism, racism and occasionally people who genuinely want to show their respects to the dead of both wars.


    Wear one if you like, it doesn't bother me, just spare me the platitudes about 'sacrifices' and Britain being some kind of martyr to Europe when after the last year it's clear the UK doesn't give a @*!# about Europe or its people. The family who started the war sacrificed ****-all, instead boy was set against boy so that men without courage could expand their empires. George, William & Nicky. The fact this comes up every year saddens me just as much as thinking of the needless loss of life on both sides.

  7. Chernobyls core melted through the superstructure into the basement levels below. What infamously became known as the elephants foot, containing a myriad of actinides that we have no atomic knowledge of off and frankly, wouldn't ever want to.

    The initial core breach and explosion sent the fission products into the atmosphere, some of which was detected in sheep that grazed in the Highlands. That's probably the worst extra-national ecological extent of the Chernobyl disaster.


    Fukushimas biggest issue is that to prevent a reactor meltdown, they started using "normal" water as opposed to the moderator fluids used normally because the pumps were unable to be powered on site. The issue is that because the inner core was breached, the radiation inside the core effectively irradiated the minerals the normal water is naturally comprised of. That irradiated water has since been dripping into the world's oceans, absorbed by flora & fauna alike. Pretty much the world's worst ecological calamity. But pretty much nobody is talking about it.



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  8. Half life wouldn't bother me. The sievert value of the affected areas on the other hand, would. The granite around Aberdeen has a half life of 1600 years but the radium (radon when it decays) is encased & can't escape hence doesn't cause a health hazard.


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