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Posts posted by BobbyZ

  1. Jerrick, what options are there in terms of absorbing impacts that are 'sharp' vs 'non-sharp', i.e. in your example I think for a fast road set up the preference would be to absorb small vibrations and pot holes (that I would classify as sharp) and still have maximum control over larger, lower frequency deflections like rollers?

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  2. I vote for Ohlins DFVs just to throw more spanners into the works :wacko:


    I try to justify £2500 to myself on a daily basis. Havent quite got there yet :lol:


    Would also state that Ive seen no evidence of KW v3's for £1250 as claimed earlier in the thread. You gets what you pay for I think ;)


    Totally understand that, that's why the only reason i bought them was because i grabbed a brand new set at £1400!

    Have you tried other coilovers, and if so how do the Öhlins compare?

  3. Rarity is the most pointless reason for owning a car ever.

    That's just your opinion though - there's countless people that would say the same about RWD.


    Wonder if all the driver aids were fully OFF on both cars..???

    I'd imagine they used whatever set up the car was fastest in.

  4. I don't think I want to ever have kids now.


    Just one of many reasons I don't want to have kids - I think we're heading towards an ever more automated world where humans are forced to simply go through the motions.


    And what happens when technology goes wrong or the system fails, the driver relying on it to possibly save his life, shocking idea if you ask me....


    While I'm not in favour of any automation, I'm not sure that argument will stand up to scrutiny in the long term. The systems will become more fail-safe and will ultimately be shown to have a better safety record than an unassisted driver, which will be the turning point.

  5. How many false positives does it report? Handy device if it isnt putting brakes on when an accident doesn't occur. Do fear that there is too much 'assist' to drivers nowadays, that driving as a skill is being lost and accidents will happen because drivers become lazy and think they do not have to concentrate.


    People are too lazy to concentrate already, yoy just have to look at the numbers of people glued to their phones whilst driving.


    You surely cannot really believe the roads would be safer if cars didn't have ABS, EPS, powet steering, etc??? Most people drive to get from A to B not to have fun.


    I've never had the preemptive braking come on in our Lexus or even the TC system on public roads, but am not stupid enough to assume I have the skills needed to avoid every possible accident. Every single one of us have been distracted whilst driving, if you haven't been than your lying to your self. Most of the time you get away with it but if all the dots are lined up all it takes is one glance away from the road ahead and you could end up changing your life forever or even worse someone elses.


    Maybe its because I've seen too many people in ITU due to RTAs, and since becoming a dad the thought of anything like a RTA involving my daughter really is unthinkable. Personally I don't understand why legislation isn't already in place to mandate this kind of preemptive safety equipment, the ability to avoid or reduce the impact of a crash will save just as many lives as seat belts and air bags.


    Nah, I'd rather have a short life where I get some excitement and challenges rather than a long, sanitised life :)

  6. Just leave a sufficient gap to the car in front :p


    Yes, I started leaving a decent gap many years ago. Saved me once from a major pileup that happened right in front of me (and behind me too). I managed to stop easily without standing on my brakes, the guy behind me stopped too, but he got hit by a tailgater. I don't know how the accident in front of me happened but there were 6 cars involved and it was on a humpback bridge.


    I wish someone could come up with a solution, like a buzzer when you're driving too close. I'm not sure that automatic deceleration won't actually cause more shunts?




    Well in the absence of people paying attention properly when driving (which i think we have to accept isn't possible for a lot of people), I guess a simple sensor could do the trick. It still couldn't account for everything that a good driver can though, i.e. road conditions, visibility etc.

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