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Chris Wiltshire

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Everything posted by Chris Wiltshire

  1. Yes! This is my buddy. Always alert... Glad everything is ok though!
  2. Kleen freaks, lasts long and smells like bubble gum!
  3. Good luck, If its tidy you wont be dissapointed - Just bought my first 350z from a forum member and absolutely love it.
  4. Yes it's true Black Betty has ran off with another guy aha Just arrived home from London. It was a real pleasure to meet Will and Erika. Nicest people you could meet. Love Black Betty!!! The drive home was nice! Will be sticking around on this forum and definatly attending some meets
  5. How much would you looking for Black Betty? And also mileage
  6. Cheers guys! Yeh I seen that, was pretty bummed I missed that! il keep my eye on the sale section.
  7. I run a vinyl business and would not recommend polishing vinyl..
  8. Hi! Hopefully this is the right section, Looking for a nissan 350z 03/4 prefably black and GT spec. ( hard to bloody find aha ) Thanks!
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