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Posts posted by Linus27

  1. Haha well you see the blue car in the background, you can see two tiny little people with the backs to the camera, that's us :)


    Aaaahhh I see now. But looking closer and I just spot myself :scare: ! ..I am the one standing right behind that silver Zed to the left... and to the back 495 miles ;)


    HAHAHAHA ah yes, now you come to mention it, you are as clear as day, silly me for not noticing :teeth:

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    Excellent, I don't even have a 350Z but the one time I pop over to say hello, I get into the photos talking to Kraziekatz1. Ok, so it's just the back of us but still, perfect timing :)




    Haha well you see the blue car in the background, you can see two tiny little people with the backs to the camera, that's us :)

  3. Well, ive just read all of the comments on this thread, and I must say, most of you are very nice, genuine people. However, some of you really are rather rude to call someone sad and pathetic just because they have a picture of themself as their "avatar" or whatever its called. If you take a look around there are plenty of lads that have links to their pages etc on here but im guessing you haven't noticed that. I had never even been on a firum for cars before and hadnt read any posts so I thought you were supposed to have a picture of either yourself or your car. I do apologise if all ive done is not to your taste, and are certainly entitled to having your own opinion. But maybe think twice before making yourself like a royal aresehole by using such hurtful words.



    I will be the bigger person and leave it at that.


    One last think actually...... this is my 11th car and I do infact love cars, just none as much as I love my zed.



    Thank you.


    Well said!


    I'm sure you realise that I made this thread for a bit of a laugh. Inevitably, testosterone will rear its head from time to time on a sports car forum - I'm sure you know that already.


    It's clear to me (and many others) that your 'car credentials' are at least the equal of many users here.


    Finally, I enjoyed your phrase, "making yourself like a royal aresehole" - very succinct :)



    Of course I know youre joking, I can take a bit of banter, I found this thread really funny until a couple of people decided to lower the tone and get personal.


    I didnt come here for attention, or even to recieve hate for that matter. Any future posts will probably just be of the progress of my car.



    Thanks for all the genuine kind words though for those of you who are nice.


    to be fair to Chubbs (and I apologise because I havent read the whole thread) - this thread was never intended to be about you at all, It was just poking fun at the droolers imo


    To be honest, thats what I thought also. I haven't looked at the other thread but got a sense what was said in it and realised this thread was taking the mick out of the droolers also.

    • Like 1
  4. I think everyone probably needs to get over it... wow a girl who owns a Zed and may or may not look like her avatar? :shrug:


    I have only just seen the original thread :)


    I also work with a girl who owns a Zed and I resist talking to her as much as possible, in fact when I see her I close my eyes and hide under a chair as she's very scary :)


    There is another lady at work who has a Zed and I have never spoken to her. Now that's strong.


    I do have my wallpaper on my PC a picture of a Gal from Fast and Furious getting out of a Zed so I do have a weak spot :(


    A lot of girl/Zed links going on here. It's a conspiracy I say, the girls are taking over :)

    Linus27: Do you have a portfolio of girls who own Zeds? You have already admitted to a 'weak spot'. I hope you're not stalking this poor lady, she seems to have had a bad time on the forum already without you bothering her :stir:


    Kraziekatz1, I am disappointed, I was expecting a far ruder reply from you especially after how rude you were to me at work today :) You are becoming far too girly in your old age :)

    Sorry, really hate to disappoint.....but sensed a bit of tension in this thread. I can kick you in the ******** at work later if that helps :ninja:


    HAHAHA you got to catch me first young lady :boxing:

  5. I think everyone probably needs to get over it... wow a girl who owns a Zed and may or may not look like her avatar? :shrug:


    I have only just seen the original thread :)


    I also work with a girl who owns a Zed and I resist talking to her as much as possible, in fact when I see her I close my eyes and hide under a chair as she's very scary :)


    There is another lady at work who has a Zed and I have never spoken to her. Now that's strong.


    I do have my wallpaper on my PC a picture of a Gal from Fast and Furious getting out of a Zed so I do have a weak spot :(


    A lot of girl/Zed links going on here. It's a conspiracy I say, the girls are taking over :)

    Linus27: Do you have a portfolio of girls who own Zeds? You have already admitted to a 'weak spot'. I hope you're not stalking this poor lady, she seems to have had a bad time on the forum already without you bothering her :stir:


    Kraziekatz1, I am disappointed, I was expecting a far ruder reply from you especially after how rude you were to me at work today :) You are becoming far too girly in your old age :)

    • Like 1
  6. I think everyone probably needs to get over it... wow a girl who owns a Zed and may or may not look like her avatar? :shrug:


    I have only just seen the original thread :)


    I also work with a girl who owns a Zed and I resist talking to her as much as possible, in fact when I see her I close my eyes and hide under a chair as she's very scary :)


    There is another lady at work who has a Zed and I have never spoken to her. Now that's strong.


    I do have my wallpaper on my PC a picture of a Gal from Fast and Furious getting out of a Zed so I do have a weak spot :(


    A lot of girl/Zed links going on here. It's a conspiracy I say, the girls are taking over :)

    • Like 1
  7. My old Zed used to get lots of female attention, but I think it was because I was driving it! Wahahaha.

    God, I hope my Z doesn't have the same affect :lol:


    No chance, you'll be lucky to get a granny to look at you. Still, beggers can't be choosers :lol:


    But when her teeth are out.....ooooh think of the fun :lol:


    Who Kraziekatz1 or the granny's? Actually, come to think of it, both are possibilities :lol:


    By the way, I work with Kraziekatz1, if you don't hear from me for a while, it could be because I am in hospital :scare:

    • Like 1
  8. My old Zed used to get lots of female attention, but I think it was because I was driving it! Wahahaha.

    God, I hope my Z doesn't have the same affect :lol:


    No chance, you'll be lucky to get a granny to look at you. Still, beggers can't be choosers :lol:

    • Like 1
  9. It's the spoiler that does it.....the Z wins hands down in the front view photo though!


    I think you have a nicer rear end also.


    EDIT: Before anyone wonders and draws the wrong conclusion, Kraziekatz1 is female and a work friend. I don't normally talk about rear ends on a forum. Thank you to Kraziekatz1 for altering to me a potential public embarresment :)

    Grrrrr...... :boxing:



  10. Also love these videos and nice to see a lot of other cars in the mix. Usually they have a lot of Honda's pitted against each other. I was also very impressed with the S2000 as they are a handful. Shame there wasn't an Evo and NSX in the mix.

  11. It's the spoiler that does it.....the Z wins hands down in the front view photo though!


    I think you have a nicer rear end also.


    EDIT: Before anyone wonders and draws the wrong conclusion, Kraziekatz1 is female and a work friend. I don't normally talk about rear ends on a forum. Thank you to Kraziekatz1 for altering to me a potential public embarresment :)

    • Like 1
  12. So, between tea brakes and car talk, Kraziekatz1 and I decided to do a mini Japfest of our own at work today. One thing we discovered was both of our cars are filthy :) Anyone, one gorgeous Azure 350Z and one head turning CW DC5 :)







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  13. Did someone mention my name :)


    I love my CW DC5 but I am not sure this is quite the place I should say I think it looks better than a Z :) Not sure I would get much agreement or get out of this forum alive :)


    I am sure my CW DC5 next to Kraziekatz1's blue Z will compliment each other. They are both awesome looking cars but also very different types of cars.

    But would you say your DC5 turns more heads than my z? I feel a challenge coming on......tomorrow??


    Well, to be honest, considering how your Z looks, I think it would be pretty even. The difference is, with me behind the wheel of your Z, I would turn more heads than you hahaha


    Ok, so a challenge, how do you plan on judging who wins or shall we just accept the inevitable and say I won, I mean, you know how popular I am at work :)

    The words 'pretty boy' spring to mind for some reason lol

    Shall we ask that lovely lady who cleans the office? I'm sure she would give a good, unbiased answer!


    HAHA the cleaner lady who not only worships the ground you walk on but also believed me when I said I have buried you in my garden as you didn't look at my DC5. I am sure she was one digit away from dialling 999 until I said it was a joke :)











    Still might bury you in my garden :)

  14. Oh, well, if we are talking Fast and Furious, then I will have to post my second favourite scene.


    No doubt kraziekatz1 will be along shortly with some rolling eyes and insults aimed at my direction :)


    • Like 3
  15. Did someone mention my name :)


    I love my CW DC5 but I am not sure this is quite the place I should say I think it looks better than a Z :) Not sure I would get much agreement or get out of this forum alive :)


    I am sure my CW DC5 next to Kraziekatz1's blue Z will compliment each other. They are both awesome looking cars but also very different types of cars.

    But would you say your DC5 turns more heads than my z? I feel a challenge coming on......tomorrow??


    Well, to be honest, considering how your Z looks, I think it would be pretty even. The difference is, with me behind the wheel of your Z, I would turn more heads than you hahaha


    Ok, so a challenge, how do you plan on judging who wins or shall we just accept the inevitable and say I won, I mean, you know how popular I am at work :)

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