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Posts posted by chubbster

  1. Firstly - I'd think twice about repainting them unless they're badly scuffed, because they're a classic, sexy colour. Gold Brembos are lovely.


    Secondly, if you're determined to do it, DO NOT BUY THAT CHEAP CRAP PAINT OFF EBAY. It will be brilliant for your girlfriend's nail polish, but it's @*!# for brakes.


    Foliatec paint (which is also on ebay) is not cheap, but it's good quality.


    Yes, you can pay someone else to do them - but make sure they use suitable paint and only use someone you trust.


    If you do it yourself, preparation is the key. Take your time, clean properly and paint slowly.

  2. ...What I do think is intriguing is the question of the ethics of someone leaking potentially sensitive and offensive outtakes outside an organisation that employs them.


    With respect, I think that argument's already been won - whistleblowers rule and so they should. The important challenge (and the theme of this thread) continues to be racism. Let's not get diverted.

  3. His video response is the pleading of a man who thinks he's commited a criminal offence and is squirming and wriggling for fear of the consequences. It's about time the fear of the law made him cringe. He knows he went too far this time and I enjoyed seeing him shrink for once. It doesn't matter how many racists try to defend him, or say it doesn't matter, or attempt to find excuses for him - he apologises because he knows the truth (which, strangely, some posters on this thread choose not to acknowledge) - and if you watch that disgusting video you'll see the truth too. He's a racist, like many many others, and now he's worried that in the current climate of targetting well-known faces he could get arrested. In my opinion he should be arrested, charged and tried. The evidence is there. One day it will all catch up with him - personally I hope that this is the day. Commit the crime, do the time.


    Just my opinion.

    • Like 4
  4. Nice paint job there Chubbster...I think I might get mine in the spray booth too :p


    I was very impressed at how well these drive over carpet...if only they could drive up the stairs then my cats would really get a god chase haha.




    My cats get a good chasing too :)



    You need to try it on a wood floor. I was doing doughnuts with my R/c 350. :lol:B)


    Powerslides are possible!



    I want I mean need one of these ^^^

    Hope they got them in silver :teeth:


    Sadly they're only in yellow (if they've got any left) - they were on special offer a week ago, alongside a silver/grey amg merc.

  5. well - after a bottle of my favourite kooliba red shiraz from Aldi (only £3.99 - and the best plonk I've ever tasted) ...I'm happyish :)


    Roll out the resprayed zed - come to think of it, that went blue the same time Faye's did ? Are you the same person ? Schizophrenia ?


    I think you're taking this thread off-topic and should be reprimanded, sir. We are merely extending a warm welcome to a new member of our fraternity. Please do not attempt to divert us from out honourable course.


    God Bless Her - and all who sail in her :boat:


    Aye aye captain


    Welcome aboard Faye :thumbs:


    Steady as she goes mr Zulu (sulu but better with a zed :lol: )


    We're entering uncharted waters here, Mr Spock - I don't like the looks of it. These new creatures look harmless enough, but one can never be too careful. I am relying on your - how can I put it - charm. Keep it up - you're doing well so far. :)

    • Like 2
  6. well - after a bottle of my favourite kooliba red shiraz from Aldi (only £3.99 - and the best plonk I've ever tasted) ...I'm happyish :)


    Roll out the resprayed zed - come to think of it, that went blue the same time Faye's did ? Are you the same person ? Schizophrenia ?


    I think you're taking this thread off-topic and should be reprimanded, sir. We are merely extending a warm welcome to a new member of our fraternity. Please do not attempt to divert us from out honourable course.


    God Bless Her - and all who sail in her :boat:

    • Like 2
  7. Jesus Christ - just read the opening post - That is SO annoying. People like that - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:


    What do they think it is????? A ****ing CAR OR SOMETHING??????


    Don't these morons realise???


    God it makes me angry.


    The hours of love and care and devotion - they bloody don't deserve it - idiots.


    Bloody idiots.


    Bloody ****ing idiots.


    ****ing idiots.




    ****ing idiots.



    Oh I am so annoyed.


    I am FUMING




    Bloody caps lock grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :rant:

    • Like 2
  8. my name is ioneabee........................and I didn't resist :lol:


    but as with Attak..............I just said hello and tried to take the thread off topic by talking about ebay :teeth: .................it didn't work :surrender:


    Yeah, right - of course you did. :)



    Be funny if Faye replied on here :lol:


    Oh, 'Faye' now, is it? :)


    I think she's probably just sitting back & gigling a bit. I know I would be, unlike poor old SuperStu, who seems to be suffering from a temporary sense of humour bypass :(


    I can't even troll on a trolling thread?


    Can I troll a troll on a trolling thread or is that to far



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Well if you're going to troll some more then I'm going to pedant.


    That should be "too far?"




    He'll use that lame excuse... "damn predictive texting", like they all do.

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