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Regional Event Organiser
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Everything posted by Spatt

  1. great stuff.. knew you must have been a forum member from the big waves.. good to see you
  2. I was sat in traffic once waiting for the lights to turn green on a bit of duel carriageway and a guy who was crossing the street ran in front of my car and peered in through my passenger window and said "Go on give it a rev then" I obliged of course, laughing at how bold he was.. this isn't the only time this has happended
  3. What this guys said!! Get it all the time Then there's some clued up kits who say nice 350z haha
  4. Looks great! What road is this? Fantastic shots
  5. got a wave of a black 370 on Saturday morning you where heading east and i was heading to the coast sat in trafic anyone on here?
  6. Spatt

    BMW E89

    Stu. . The scissors go in the glove box pal.. first thing I checked haha
  7. Spatt

    BMW E89

    I've only ever driven an auto diesel and that was the same.. put your foot down then the clock started... the revs started to build then the car would drop a gear or even two and you had to wait for the fluid torque converter to pick up smoothly.. it was a strange sensation but I believe the petrol autos are different. I guess if you drive in manual mode or sport then it shouldn't want to change gears as often
  8. Spatt

    BMW E89

    so putting the 28i engine out the window (because who wants to go back to four cylinders after owning a V6) Do the 35i and the 35is come with the 8 speed auto (its like a semi-auto though ? is this right?) i know how to tell the difference i think from the cockpit one has a thumb press buttons (which is the crap auto box) and the good one has these proper flappy paddle things on the back both types pictures. Or have i got this wrong? Does the good 8 speed box only come on the 35is?? Ive been watching some videos on youtube and i actualy prefer the sound of the 35i over the 35is... but i'm sure in the flesh they are different. this is all pipe dreams as i couldn't ever afford a new one but i wanted a zed for two years before i finally picked one up so i'm happy to wait while i save and prices come down a little. Does the E92 have a good auto box or is it manual all the way for them?
  9. Spatt

    BMW E89

    oh Chris.... haha, ive talked myself in and out of it for around 6 months.... its staying for the time being but i cant keep it forever. I want something else but cant put a finger on what. All my mates say the new Z4 is a girls car but when i look at what they drive right now i find their comments not worth a dime! I also really really like the new Z4 i think it looks ace
  10. Spatt

    BMW E89

    How does it get in the way tho... sure to god that it helps come resale time even if you don't really use it?
  11. Spatt

    BMW E89

    Hahaha.. this is very true. My dad has a 3 series coupes it's the same shape as the v8 m3, I believe it's the last 3 series coupes they did before it became the 4 series. Anyway it a 2ltr diesel but every time I drive it it's such a pleasure to be behind the wheels of. It's fully spec with all the trimmings and I I really like the I drive system
  12. Spatt

    BMW E89

    OK so feel free to slate, I'm expecting all the usual hairdressing comments haha What do we think of the new engine options for the 35i and 35is ? The 28i looks like a great option too! Anyone know a new shape z4 owner?
  13. Hi folks.. well I've been living with having to bang on my door to get the window to come down and go up for about 3 months and it's finally happened... won't go up now. Been hitting the door card in several places and slamming the door my hands now sore and the neighbours think I'm mad as a big bag of spiders sufferingwith some weird ocd. I took it into a garage last time to have both of them reset but it was quite expensive what can I do from home.. hope I'm not looking at a new motor?? The things just dead Cheers, sorry I know there's a guide for motor reset but it might be a bit beyond me.. please post up below if you can find it though.
  14. The location of the stand would have been great at TRAX as all the main shopping stands are located near that pit straight this would have brought people through the club stand but i felt we where out the way a little... that said it was good to be on hard standing. I have only been to castle combe once but personally i much preferred the layout. you could walk around the track and see all the stands... I feel i might have missed some stuff at Silverstone because its more spread out, the weather defiantly didn't help
  15. Mr P - Please PM me re your lights... i was having a good look at them and wanted to ask you a few things there was also a toyota GT 86 who looked as though he had rear ended something on the way in.... conditions where far from perfect in the morning for showing off but i dont hold anything against anyone... it's horrible seeing someones pride and joy smashed to bits
  16. Big thanks to the organisers, really gutted i didn't get to meet some more people and catch up with those who I've met in the past. Great event, there where some really nice cars on show!
  17. hi folks, I need two new fronts and at the same time i want to get four wheel laser alignment done. Can anyone recommend a good reliable place to head to for this kind of work. big thanks in advance. Matt Mods feel free to move... wasn't sure if "Servicing" "Suspension" or "Tyres" would have been a more suitable home for this thread.
  18. Just got to the premier Inn in Milton Keynes! See you all bright and early
  19. Just spent the entire morning cleaning the car and now it's gonna get dirty on the ride down through the peak district grrrrr ! See you all in the morning
  20. Its the first place i'd go to if i needed something big doing When you go tell them i said Hi ! Matt
  21. Hi guys, I used to take mine there for service and MOT, the guys do a great job but this year i decided to service the car myself and get an MOT in a local place as L&G are a bit far for me
  22. haha this made me chuckle.. "50 sodding Honda four pots banging off the limiter isn't the nicest of noises" well said sir
  23. Hi Synx, I try to hold a meet every month in North Wales, Northwest or Yorkshire and we mostly have them on Sundays because they involve a bloody good drive and Sundays are quiet Like Marzman said nothing wrong with trying your own though
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