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Posts posted by Yampiedog

  1. Slashing prices on new models like this is good for the people in a position to buy brand new but stereotypical of the lack of respect manufacturers / retailers have for the consumer. This will have a knock on effect to existing owners and it will slash the second hand market values just as much.

    This price is much closer to the mark of what this type of car should be available for.

  2. Roughly on costs then you would need to get 10k out of 453 / VUS tyres and 14k out of MPSS (mileage figures are only for ease of comparison and are just made up to show the percentage) to return same cost per mile. I'm not convinced you will get that 40% extra life from the MPSS to make them worth it in that sense...

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  3. thats why they never caught on, but for the money thats a bargain. would do a treat for a couple of years.


    I suppose if you find one that has had an engine rebuild recently but then as already said, the mpg is appalling for what is effectively a 1.3 engine and then you will probably spend as much on oil.

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