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Posts posted by r37

  1. if the car is running 0 oil pressure it will explode after 500 yards. if the car drives fine and the water needle sits in the middle its probobly fine. If the car didnt have an oil pressure gauge you'd never know. As said though its a buyers market so if your not happy walk away, pleanty more out there.

  2. nope, 265 up front. I was a bit worried when i put it on as its so much bigger than stock and with an 9.5j et20 wheel its alot further out. IIRC the inner clearance is only 4mm less so it doesnt hit any of the struts and at full lock there is still pleanty of room left against the arch liners/ect. I have only done 500 yards on them but i couldnt get them to rub anywhere. Car isnt lowered so hopefully it wont drop far enough to hit the tyre as they sit very slightly out of the arches.

  3. Not sure if this is the right place, seemed more suitable than the wheels section though.


    While fitting my new rota grid drifts ( 9.5j et 20 with a 265/35 and 10j et 20 with 275/35 pics here and here) i found an extra little stud thing next to the wheel ones. It doesnt bolt to anything structural and stops the wheels bieng fitted so i took it off, i cant find anything about it on the forum so i'll assume its just to stop other wheels bieng fitted. Anyone know the answer. Picture here

  4. im strongly against a black box/restrictions on new drivers. When i was 17/18 the ability to drive got me my first job, with a 5am start on saturdays, sometimes picking up a mate along the way. after that i had a series of jobs that required start/finish times at silly hours. None of which would be possible without a car.


    My opinion is is that we should get rid of all ''speeding'' offenses and replace them with dangerous driving ones. If your doing 100 down the motorway at 3am you fine, you do the same during the day or in a built up area you get a ban/hefty fine. We should also crack down on bellends who drive a daewoo matiz, think they can out accelerate a 350z then try and change lanes by turning into your front wing in the hope you'll move over (i didnt, and he had a 7 mile trip down the m1 to the next roundabout). People on phones should also be fined alot more than they are now. people who dont wear seat belts should be left alone, its their own life and i think toll roads should be restriction free at night.

  5. i actually found mine on auto trader at a VW dealer. I'd spent around 3 months looking for a GT in black with sub 50k miles and it was listed one saturday morning with no pictures and i'd paid the deposit by that afternoon. I never checked the classifieds on here as im only 23 so i cant get temp insurance on a 350z and my parents are pretty car phobic so they wouldnt really be able to properly test drive on for me.

  6. i think satnav was an option on 04+. it was damn expensive and doesn't have a postcode feature either. and will likely be horribly out of date so i wouldn't bother too much. Reliability wise ive spent nothing on mine since ive had it. Its been serviced//ect and will need some more brake disks + pads soon but other than consumables its been solid as a rock.

  7. dont sand down the paint before you laquer it either, you'll knock the flake all over the place and end up with a matte finish. For metallic paint you will need to clear coat the panel while the base coat is still wet. Not sopping wet but maybe flash off the paint or 30 mins under a heater or leave for an hour so its still very slightly tacky otherwise the clear wont bond to the pain properly and it will flake off.

  8. i'll assume thats me (name is above title)


    ive had it since march and its never missed a beat since. AFAIK the GT pack didnt change over the whole production range so it has cruise control, bose stereo and heated leather seats and brembo brakes. Only thing it doesnt have is the inbuilt sat nav which was a £1k option form nissan so nobody bought it.

  9. i paid just over £7k for an 05 GT with 49k on the clocks in fantastic condition all round. Was also in black too which seem to cost a little more. £9k is more than enough, do bear in mind that the tax goes up to £425 a year from 06 onwards from £275. Fuel wise im sitting at 21mpg, but i have a heavy right foot and once the car is warmed up it doesnt see many shifts until i get to 5kRPM. motorways usually get me 30+ doing 80ish in 6th gear.

  10. a floppy clutch after a long drive might get you some bargaining power. Its not really an issue as the clutch is fine and Nissan car design is to blame. Might help you negotiate a deal though. A rattly gearbox on engine shut down also seems common-ish. Again not really an issue but definitely an impressive noise to point out to the dealer.

  11. It will be a powdercoat if anything. Magnesium isnt used in paint/powder.


    And to steer it back off again i was charged £320 from TWS to refurb a set of 17'' rims. Cant fault them at all, spot on job and as others have said they were acid stripped, some minor kerb rash filled, powder coated and baked all within 12 hours. Expensive but worth it IMO.

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