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Sarah 350z

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Posts posted by Sarah 350z

  1. I thought I would jump on the recent car cleaning bandwagon and show some after pictures of my hardwork.


    I washed the car using Autoglym Bodywork shampoo, the wheels were then washed using Autoglym Clean wheels and finally I clayed the car using Meguiars Smooth surface clay kit. To keep the bodywork in tip top condition I sealed it with Autoglym High Definition Wax.










    Before I forget, can I have your opinions on the rear lights, they were on the car when I bought it and I'm still unsure.


    What colour are your wheels?

  2. 1. Search eBay to locate a cheap replacement bumper. Reserve enough funds for a new bonnet just incase needed. Ensure insurance policy includes windscreen cover


    2. Locate workman


    3. Drive towards him at a healthy speed


    4. (A) If said man moves, claim you didn't see him through your tear filled eyes since you were petrified if driving to work past him. Offer him a tissue to wipe the excrement from his work clothes


    (B) if said man doesn't move, resist urge to break (if one applies), after making contact, stop and shout at him "What are you doing, are you a ****ing retard can you not see this is a road, get out of the ****ing way". Use bumper to repair damage to your car and dent any knowledge.


    Disclaimer: this post is intended to be comical, by no means does av8er or his associates condone dangerous driving or illegal activities in any shape or form.


    Absolutely brilliant 😠however I don't think I am the girl to pull that off...

  3. And on the other side...



    Let's say that Sarah drove over something very important in the road that they'd spent the last day or night prepping, or she'd gotten in the way of a very important maneuver that was likely to put either herself or her car in jeopardy. I'm thinking something like a crane about to drop a load or whatever. Perhaps the guy had had numerous people drive the wrong way into a clearly coned off area, and it was just bad luck that Sarah actually stopped and got the brunt of his irritation at the complete lack of awareness from some drivers. We've only got one side of the story here. Perhaps the guy wasn't as aggressive as the OP says, maybe more sarcastic, or maybe Sarah made her comment in a bit more of a flippant way.



    I'm not saying anything like that happened, and I dare say the original story is probably bang on the truth, but all it was was a few harsh words from a bloke in a hi-vis. I wouldn't particularly let it ruin my week, and I'd just stew on it a bit and then carry on with life. I certainly wouldn't bother complaining about it. Next time it happens give as good as you get back, my missus certainly does. :)


    My worry would be if I say where to start to give it back to him A. Will he get even more abusive or B. damage my baby Zebadee

  4. Deffo complain about that, even if he was the boss he'd still be a contractor and that language is unacceptable to use to a member of public no matter what. And if he is just a worker the bosses wouldn't want that image associated with their company. Name and shame them.


    Alternatively carry a stun gun with you and shoot the next guy in the balls who talks to you like that!


    Completely agree I'm sure his boss wouldn't be impressed but I just hope there not there tomorrow

  5. Bollocks to all that move on @*!#.


    Go to local gym

    Locate biggest 'heed' you can find (probably Neil by now if he's on the roids)

    Slip 10 quid

    Drive back

    Perform same manoeuvre with window down

    Invite **** to come and have a chat again

    Watch shrinkage akin to testicles being dunked in ice water


    The problem with people like that is no one ever stands up to them and every now and again the feckless, micro cocked, ginsters eating, public toilet pebble dashing, undoubtedly useless parent, impotent cretins of the world need putting right back in their box.


    Holy moly if your free tomorrow morning do you wanna come to work with me?


    Whenever I was 15/16 ish I wouldn't of had a problem shouting back at him I probably would off squared him up myself but things change and I just wouldn't have the guts to do it now especially being on my own.


    Gutless yea I know lol


    Errr gutless.......40 year old navvie screaming at you?! No that's not gutless. Gutless is screaming like a **** at a 23 year old girl who took a wrong turn.


    Apart from anything in this day and age he could be some sort of psychotic deranged type who ends up killing you for answering back!


    Lastly I'm about 8 stone wet and far less hard than the squirrel of my avatar......unless you need some form of human shield I will be of little use.


    Ah well you've given me a right good laugh tonight 😀

  6. No point dwelling. We all have bad days, you've just been unlucky today. Tomorrow should be better. Worse case scenario, you could always run him over tomorrow. Or bring out a laxative laced cup of tea out for him.


    Hmm laxative cup of tea now that I could arrange...

  7. Bollocks to all that move on @*!#.


    Go to local gym

    Locate biggest 'heed' you can find (probably Neil by now if he's on the roids)

    Slip 10 quid

    Drive back

    Perform same manoeuvre with window down

    Invite **** to come and have a chat again

    Watch shrinkage akin to testicles being dunked in ice water


    The problem with people like that is no one ever stands up to them and every now and again the feckless, micro cocked, ginsters eating, public toilet pebble dashing, undoubtedly useless parent, impotent cretins of the world need putting right back in their box.


    Holy moly if your free tomorrow morning do you wanna come to work with me?


    Whenever I was 15/16 ish I wouldn't of had a problem shouting back at him I probably would off squared him up myself but things change and I just wouldn't have the guts to do it now especially being on my own.


    Gutless yea I know lol

  8. Absolutely no need for that kind of behaviour, if you know the company involved I would definitely complain and get your boss to back you up, can understand why you would have been scared!


    I was unsure if I was over reacting or not but after all your comments I think use are right as my dad said to me I bet he wouldn't have done it to another man

  9. Did your boss notice you were upset when you arrived at work this morning ?


    I think you should ask them to go and make a complaint first thing in the morning on behalf of you and the other staff.


    There's no need for behavior like that.


    He did indeed and only that he was in the middle of an operation he would of gone out there himself to complain

  10. Hi guys,


    So today driving to work gave me a right old scare! There was guys out doing road works right outside my work and had cones clearly laid out. There was also a section for people turning right into where I work so obviously I turned down but the guys had blocked it off with cones at the other side which I hadn't seen and there was no signs telling me. I noticed a gap in the cones that I could comfortably get my 350z out back onto the road so I stuck my indicators on and a wee kind lady flashed me out as I started to move off a guy in his 40's came storming over to me howling abuse giving it stacks arms in the air and everything I then @*!# myself and thought had they already done the road which thank god they hadn't so I looked back up at him and said "I'm sorry I got a little confused" his response was "are you f**cking thick what are you doing are you a f**cking retard" and he kept going can't remember what else he said I quickly drove off as he was fast approaching me I honestly believe if I sat there he was for squaring me up. For me being a 23 year old girl that was a scary moment I was shaking for a while after.


    But I do wonder should I have phoned the police cause that behaviour is just not on!!??

  11. That's my pet hate! Driving past lorry drivers, I'm starting to believe that they don't see me in my zed or their just ignorant cause their ten times bigger than us! Thank god I've not had anything like this happen I'm sure that was a scary experience.

  12. No snow in Belfast thank god!


    Does that look like changing as I'm flying into City Airport from Leeds / Bradford tomorrow evening...?


    The sun is out at the minute with a clear blue sky just a few fluffy clouds but definitely not snow clouds we had a small bit of snow yesterday morning but didn't stay long, fingers crossed for your flight 😀

  13. I did the same raced up to someone's house to see a 350z apparently it was mint I was so gutted when I got there and seen it! Talk about battle wounds I didn't even take it for a test drive and just walked away and was the best thing cause I wouldn't have my current 350z which I love :)

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