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Sarah 350z

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Posts posted by Sarah 350z

  1. A bit awkward both parties are going to point the finger at someone else here. My only worry would be they do a crap job repairing it if they are tight for money etc and most days people don't like to put their cash into a rented property especially if they can't take it with them. I guess as well you don't want to **** them off as you do want them to take care of your house for the duration they are renting it.

  2. My dad has a SLK 55 AMG and absolutely loves it and always gets top class service from our Mercedes dealer so I think it's just personal preference and obviously experience. The car has never thrown up a fault yet unfortunately it sounds like you've just had a bad time off it

  3. I average around 26mpg to work and back etc but seen 40.5mpg up the motorway just gently cruising in sixth don't think il see that to often though...


    I worked it out manually and was getting 32mpg but that was when I was bringing her home most motorway roads.


    The smile my Zed puts on my face weighs out any poor mpg :yahoo:

  4. Yes, but not only, just making sure that all of you are attending Wales 2013, not just for 5 minutes as Squee this year, but for the whole weekend! :lol:





    Working on the video from Wales 2012, I'm still in that mood, loved every second of it!


    Belfast to Wales is a long drive lol

  5. Hi Sarah,


    Nice to see another newbie lady owner join the club. :wave:


    I joined last week and they have been fab and very helpful. Lots of advice and great deals to be had, I have spent too much already :blush:


    Is this your first Z or have you had one before? :teeth:


    It will be my first Z can't wait :teeth: I'm a huge petrol head though so it wont be my first performance car, but my first RWD my other half has a drift car I think that has give me the bug :drive1

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