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Posts posted by dErZ

  1. Love your previous Z project.


    Is this going to be your 1st proper bike? I am not up on the latest Licences, do you have to have it restricted for 2 years to 33BHP? just remember to get some crash mushrooms incase you drop it ;)


    Ive got a TL1000s

  2. Great day :thumbs:


    Nice to see everyone again and a a few more faces to go with the names :)


    Thanks to Abbey for the great hospitality and Mark for the traction control demo - very impressed :thumbs:


    Drive back was yuck due to weather - Mr G the cake was great you shoulda tried it ;)

    Sometimes I can exercise self control!!! :)


    G, Mark said roughly 7000 for a drive in drive out SC fitted.

  3. I too did this today, I fitted some 5k bulbs and changed my side lights. All was going well till I saw the main light outer casing( circular disk) sitting on the floor!!! FFS!!!


    i was lucky though as all the bits in the arch are OEM


    Dont give in ;) just dont do any DIY'ing in the winter ;)

    • Like 1
  4. its full :( if anyone pulls out first dibs on spot :)

    PM Mark

    I think Mark said we could use up the last slots if it got to it. Would be a bit harsh to dump Ersen out considering he was like 7th on the original list. Surely the people on the original list should get first dibs on the slots?


    Ersen.o you can have my slot mate

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