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Posts posted by chettle

  1. Bit of a late update, but i got my Eibach springs and 20/25mm spacer combo sorted so got them on




    stance was sorted, so decided to move onto the brakes, got some lovely DBA disks and DS2500 pads




    Unfortunately, before getting round to fitting these some C***** decided to rearrange my rear bumper and 1/4 pannel, and preceded to drive off! Lowered zeds dont make good chase cars over speed bumps!


    So brakes got fitted, along with a new brake line due to one snapping....




    S2000 stubby got purchased and fitted at some point too, along with a cargo net for the boot (VERY useful!!)


    That leads me to today, dropped the car off at the bodyshop today for the damage to be sorted out! While its there, I decided to have the wheels repainted, then its going next door for a deep clean on the leather seats!


    she will also be treated to some HEL brakelines and fluid change as the dot4 doesnt seem to be cutting it for me! And some general replacements on the auxillary belt and air con belts!


    Tints are also going on while its there too, so it should be a busy couple of weeks for them!


    Decided to treat her to some lovely new shiny nuts too!




    Shes been gone 5hours now and i miss her already :thumbdown: 2 weeks of driving the lil ladys 1.0L corsa is gonna be fun (but cheap, so more mods will be coming!!!)

  2. we could be twins.... altho im much older! haha...


    Looks sweet as mate! what do you do about your number plate though with no plate holder?

  3. Just to revive this... I managed to blag a ride out in it the other day, Wheel spin is MENTAL... but between spinning up the wheels, and stopping like its hit a brick wall, the things an ANIMAL! It made another friends 614bhp Evo8 feel slow!


    AND it turns corners!



  4. I managed to get a friend of a friend to make me up a new brake pipe so we have it all sorted :D shes "back", although the brakes need a propper bleed as they are not 100%, i just wanted to get my car out the ghetto and home as soon as possible!


    Thanks alot for your help guys! Braided lines will be ordered very soon though!

  5. Right, i managed to sort my last little dilemma, but started the car up, and noticed the Traction Control light and ESP lights on, could this be down to the brakes needing more bleeding?


    They are sharp but not quite 100% so was planning to take it down to a garage to get them to just bleed it properly for me, as quite simply, i cant be bothered after this weekend!



  6. Haha thanks guys. It's a 53 plate Gt spec, pics are up in the media bit, its already got revup, plenum spacer and exhaust fitted, and I fitted spacers and springs yesterday!


    Brakes are next!


    I can see it being a very slippery slope! This GOOD jap stuff ain't cheap!!!!

  7. Ive always been heavily against Jap motors (dont really know why tbh, just never really let them catch my eye) with the exception of the RX7.....


    Back in 2003 i got shown around a friends parents brand new 350Z.... and fell in love!


    I have owned a Mk1 Renault Clio 1.4rt (which i spent WAY too much money on) and it handled brilliantly! 81 WHOLE bhp at the flywheel! Mega!


    I Then moved onto a 1.8 Sierra Saphire which got matt blacked and made to look like a cossie..... RWD fun.... if only it had enough power to spin the rear wheels loose once in a while!


    I then owned an Astra Coupe... 2.2... Brilliant cars, id still have another one!


    I got bored with the lack of real power, so bought myself a C20LET powered Corsa Turbo, 294bp, Coilovers, V6 brakes, fully polybushed up.... complete animal! it would spin up through 4th gear in the wet, but when dry it was like a rocketship!


    After using £40 of fuel to 60miles, something had to go!


    So another astra coupe was purchased! Much fun was had.... but it was still only a 2.2... so power bored me again...


    I decided that this year was to be the year that i took a big plunge and spent a bit of my savings properly.... a morgage can wait!


    That leads me upto 2 weeks ago....


    I purchased my Zed..... and ive not stopped smiling since!!!! It really does have EVERYTHING!!!! Comfort, power and it handles! not forgetting the awsome looks!


    I had to declare this after last night having possibly the greatest night of driving since passing my test 7years ago!



  8. Hi Guys, while changing my springs yesterday I discovered that my disks were pretty badly lipped, SO.... Its time for some new disks!


    i cant be spending a fortune, but what do people recommend? ps... ill just be doing the fronts atm

  9. Before:











    And trying to get out my mates garage!



    after a few miles last night, the ride is a fair bit firmer on bumpy roads, but it feels MUCH more solid!


    need to sort out the camber though as i cba with uneven tyre wear!


    And to add, Speed bumps are a little bit of an issue, crawling over the blocky sharper type is essential

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