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Posts posted by chettle

  1. I managed to get a bag in the bundle luckily, along with a couple of 8gig memory cards! Got a tripod too! Just need to get some filters and i think ill be set?


    Had a bit of a play, but it was only a quicky!






    Shall definately be having a browse of that forum though! Cheers! :thumbs:

  2. Cheers for the replys guys and girls, its very much appreciated!


    She got a reply back off the estate agents who have "appologised" and clarified the contact details they have are correct (the details have always been correct before!)


    Luckily her purchase should all be completed soon so she can get away from them!


    Again... Thank you very much for the offers and replys



  3. My sisters just rang me, shes currently in the process of moving flats in Reading, her tenancy is about up, and shes got somewhere else ready once the solicitors pull their fingers out...


    the problem is... the estate agents have been showing people round her flat without her knowledge.


    Saturday they turned up unannounced, and just let themselves in, my sister and her boyfriend were sat on the sofa unaware.


    Since this happened, they got talking to their neighbour, who then told them that they had also been shown round my sisters flat by the estate agents on the 1st August. My sister was back in Nottingham at this point and had no contact from the estate agents about it!


    Shes emailed the estate agents a couple of times but had no reply, im angry for her!


    Ive told her to contact CAB, as im sure this is a breach of contract?


    What would you do?

  4. I understand its not a bolt on, injectors, management possibly a fuel pump and a thicker HG would be needed straight away amongst other things!


    But if its used properly, then there is no reason as to why it wouldn't do the job!

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