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Posts posted by hawker1986

  1. ahhhhh, well ive had the driver seat all the way forward to do something yesterday and the Mrs had a bottle under the passenger seat :S.


    I shall have a check and give it a go lunch time :)





  2. Hi all,


    This morning I started up the Zed and ive got a light flashing which looks like an airbag. Its between the fuel and water temp gauges and above the seatbelt not plugged in light.


    What does this mean? and more importantly how do I make it go away :)


    Many thanks in advance for advice.



  3. Hi guys,


    I know this has been done before, but search fails me.


    Im after some new blades for the Zed can anyone recommend some decent 'blade' style ones and a decent place to get them from?


    Many thanks



  4. Indeed, ive had new struts a while as the boot kept falling down :S. But ive just replaced the springs with new ones from the caped one and its not helped at all. Old ones had foam filling them and that didn't do it either. May have to try and remove the weight and see.

  5. This once happened to me too tbh. I was sat at the lights and this van was gunning for me, no problem I thought and I pull away and he keeps up...at this point im like "WTF". You see what happened was the awesome sound from the V6 made me think I was gunning it, actually I didn't have my foot all the way down...once I correct this said van was far behind me and I was rewarded by an even more awesome noise...I'd check you've got you're foot down properly...cool story bro

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  6. Hi all,


    Had a bit of a mare, somehow we've managed to rip a hole through the leather in the bottom part (under your bum) of the drivers seat in the Zed. One inch all the way through and scratched for about another two. Can I replace just the bottom, or is this going to be a whole new seat. Or are there other options?


    Many thanks advice appreciated,



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