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Posts posted by twobears

  1. I know that Ethel might fall victim to the dog and I really don't want that to happen but I doubt my neighbour could bring herself to serve Ethel up for her own dinner because she's told me that she 'loves' her. That's the daft thing, she encourages her into the garden but moans when she comes in of her own accord. I did ask her to stop feeding her but she says that she likes to see her. Argh!!

  2. Just realised I haven't answered the fencing question either! I've got post and rails along two edges with chicken wire stapled on and on the other sides I have wire stock fencing, again with chicken wire stapled on. I've raised the height of the fence but that didn't make any difference to Ethel, even when her wing(s) were clipped. She's not been out of the orchard all day today but I am keeping an eye on the little menace in case she makes a break for it :dry:

  3. Sorry Wendy, forgot to say that all my birds roam around the orchard all day but are locked into coops which are inside large wire cages overnight. There's always someone here and so far we've had trouble from a stray ferret but foxes have stayed away. There's always a risk of fox strike with free rangers though but they have such a happy life scratching about all day that I couldn't keep them inside their houses or I'd feel like a battery farmer!

  4. Ha ha, just got home and read all these replies. Some very funny ones! :lol:


    There's no way I could get cameras all along the perimeter walls to monitor young Ethel but I like the idea of her carrying the camera strapped to her back!!


    Neighbour gets lots of eggs anyway so that won't work to bribe her and I clipped one wing last year but to no avail. I know she couldn't fly but all I can think is that she has some sort of Chicken Run set up going on and is being fired into the air by the other chickens? :wacko:


    Really don't want to fall out with my neighbour but I can't cope with constant phone calls either so I think Ethel might have to go to a better place soon :( Only to a friend's house rather than chicken heaven I should point out. I love that chicken too much to want anything to happen to her. She's got more personality than the rest of my girls put together and she's a luvverly yellow colour to boot :teeth:

  5. I've recently moved back to Yorkshire and my next door neighbour - only house for miles except mine - seems to have gone more batty than is normal, even for her. I keep a few ducks, geese and chickens in my orchard which runs parallel with hers. She has nothing but rough grass on her side of the fence so nothing that could be damaged. The problem is that one of my chickens, Ethel the Ovenready (joke, she is a pet), a lovely friendly yellow chicken often gets onto the neighbours land. I don't know how she gets out, the other chickens all stay put but Ethel is an escapologist.


    Neighbour has become obsessed with Ethel and admits to having fed her on many occasions and yet she only seems to want her to call round at pre arranged times. As you can imagine, chickens don't really wear watches so Ethel just goes round when she feels like it and that prompts yet another phone call from the neighbour to tell me to go round and get Ethel. She phones me every other day and sometimes twice a day. I am at the end of my tether now because I simply can't keep Ethel in, despite going round my fences umpteen times to block up even the most minute holes because she still gets out somehow. Last year her wings were clipped but she still got out and that worries me because next door neighbour has a Labrador that will chase her and could, obviously, kill her much more easily if Ethel couldn't even flap out of harm's way.


    I don't want to fall out with my only neighbour but I am not sure what else I can do except wring Ethel's neck and that is not happening!! Just wanted to see if people think I am the unreasonable neighbour and, if so, what I can do to keep young Ethel from her peregrinations?

  6. Thank you :) I guess it is the same as most things then i.e. you get what you pay for? :dry: Maybe it would be better if I could ask for a discount at the picture framer I use? I don't like to charge too much for my pictures and framing adds quite a lot to the cost but I can't offer them unframed like you can with prints as they wouldn't look right unframed.

  7. I make a lot of embroidered pictures and, although I say it myself, they are really quite nice. I have sold a few and would like to sell more. At the moment I use a local picture framer who doesn't overcharge me but to improve my profit margin on the pictures I am wondering about learning to do the framing myself. So my question, if anyone knows the answer, is how difficult is it to learn and how much equipment will I need to invest in? I've got the space in which to do it so that's not a problem but I don't want to invest a lot of money in equipment at this point as I am only trialling this idea.


    Any info gratefully received as always. Thanks :)

  8. also forgot to add other than IT i do part time evening male escorting. happy to give members doscount if you got a lonely aunt or grandma who could do with a good looking dinner date :lol:


    You might regret making that offer now you can see clearly again :scare::lol: :lol:


    Looks like Twobears is going to take you up on that Bradders :stir:




    Depends how much he's going to charge me!!! The farmer has very reasonable rates you see :lol:


    As long as it covers dinner, my taxi home and and some coins for the beer pot im game :):lol:


    Hmm, I can probably run to a McDonald's Happy Meal and your bus fare home, provided you live no more than 5 miles away :scare:

    • Like 1
  9. also forgot to add other than IT i do part time evening male escorting. happy to give members doscount if you got a lonely aunt or grandma who could do with a good looking dinner date :lol:


    You might regret making that offer now you can see clearly again :scare::lol: :lol:


    Looks like Twobears is going to take you up on that Bradders :stir:




    Depends how much he's going to charge me!!! The farmer has very reasonable rates you see :lol:

  10. rabbitstew, I'm sorry that you are so unhappy :( I don't think I could live like that. I'd rather be on my own than with someone who didn't seem to care about me. If you and your wife no longer love or even like each other maybe you would be better apart? I don't know how old your children are and I know it will be difficult for all concerned but it might be best in the long run? I'm not just offering advice that I wouldn't follow myself because I divorced my first husband when I woke up one day, looked at him and realised I didn't have any feelings for him at all. It's not easy but lots of people do it and survive.


    Sorry if I have overstepped the mark but I just don't like to think of you, or anyone else, being that unhappy day after day.

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