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Posts posted by twobears

  1. I'll tell him he's barmy then, ha ha :lol: He just hates cars and tries to make his life as easy as possible by buying new ones because he thinks they will be more reliable. I think he has a point because some of my more injudicious second- hand purchases have let me down v badly :wacko:

  2. I think I am explaining this badly. Mr Twobears is used to fairly expensive (not overly, but fairly) cars. He has always had company cars until recently when he began receiving a car allowance. He pays for Stanley for me and another Fiesta for our daughter. He doesn't need or want an expensive car because he drives infrequently and in Weybridge he has a driver who takes him to the airport and collects him when he gets home. However, he is coming back to Yorkshire in May and will then need to get himself to the airport so he needs a car but he doesn't want anything desirable as he will only be using it for trailing back and forth to airports and stations and will have to leave it there when he is away.


    He hates BMWs with a passion if I really have to spell it out. Sorry :blush: For the money you have to spend on one - not that he would buy one if it were the last marque left on earth - he feels that the comfort levels for his back are zero. He could barely walk after driving the last one and the cockpit, for an expensive-ish car, was minimalistic. Normally he sticks to RRs and LRs and we have two ancient Defenders which are so uncomfortable that even the dogs don't want to travel in them :surrender: He will probably get a Freelander in the fullness of time but, at present, whilst he is travelling abroad every other week, he just wants something cheap and cheerful that won't let him down but will get him where he needs to go and happily wait for him to come back .


    He describes himself as 'happy to trundle along' and has zero interest in fast cars. Also he's not a small chap so he'd end up looking as though he were wearing a tiny car, so they are also out of the question. He likes 4WDs because we are pretty rural and the lanes on which we live never get gritted and it is 5 miles in any direction to get to a main road. This winter has been fine so far but he needs to know that his car (unlike Mr Z in previous harsh winters) will get him off the drive and up to the main road. Again, the RWD BMW let him down badly in this respect and he is not the sort to faff about with tyre chains etc as he really doesn't like cars or anything to do with them :surrender:


    Hope I have explained myself properly this time :teeth:

  3. If by German saloon you mean BMW, I'm afraid he definitely wouldn't go for that. He hates them. He's only had one but it was incredibly uncomfortable and the cockpit was very

    basic for the money, not that he bought it himself of course.


    He's got quite a generous car allowance (in lieu of a company car) but he's already paying for Stanley and another brand new Fiesta for our daughter so I think he wants another loan type deal (or whatever the right term is) so that he spends X amount per month. I just saw that the Dacias were very cheap per month and you didn't need to put down any deposit. Maybe there will be other makes that do similar deals? I'm not very good at this and he is away so I need to try to come up with a couple of options for him as I am now back in Yorkshire with Stanley and he is currently using taxis.

  4. LRF4N, you are right I'm sure but he's never had a second-hand car in his life and doesn't seem keen to start now. He's had company cars since he was in his early 20s and is used to picking the one he wants off the list. Maybe I could fool him with a used car if I sprayed "Essence of New Car" in the interior? :lol:

  5. Feck all at the moment :dry:


    But ... I have just landed in Yorkshire and will be servicing my embroidery machine next week ready for action - yay :teeth: I had nearly two years being a lady of leisure and it was great in some ways but ultimately not very fulfilling. I now realise that I need to be creative to be happy. Mr Twobears works his backside off as a C Suite member of an international company which means I can just potter around and run my business as a lifestyle business if I want but I am quite ambitious and aim to grow my company like I did the last one and sell it on eventually :)


    If anyone here manufactures blankets or knows someone who does, please give me a shout because I am looking to order some :lol:

  6. Thanks Arkwright. I will test drive the Sandero as well and see what I think. Mr Twobears isn't small and usually prefers to drive a bigger car although he seems happy to drive Stanley (on the rare occasions he is allowed :lol: ).


    I don't think an old Clio is Mr Twobears sort of thing StevoD. He likes to trundle round (his words) in a 4x4 as a rule.

  7. No, not my new dream car but Mr Twobears is looking for a cheap car that he won't mind leaving in airport car parks, since that is where his car spends the bulk of its time. Has anyone driven one or know anything about them other than the fact that they are very cheap? I am going to go to the garage later this week to look at one but I don't know if it is a bonkers choice or not? I guess I will know a bit more when I've driven one but any advice would be gratefully received, as always. Thanks :teeth:

  8. Had my first lesson at Bisley this morning and it was amazing. Still buzzing!


    My instructor, John, was lovely and I feel as though I have learnt a lot in a short space of time. I've now learnt to shoot gun down and can tackle two clays - one coming forwards and the other going away. Not sure of the terminology yet :blush: My gun licence application is in and I can't wait to get my first gun now. Wondering why I didn't take this up sooner :dry: It's going to be an addictive hobby :surrender:

    • Like 2
  9. Butlins bloc weekend in 3 weeks í ¼Ã­Â½Ã‚ºÃ­ ¼Ã­Â½Ã‚ºÃ­ ¼Ã­Â½Ã‚º, ayia Napa in June, ibiza in August í ¼Ã­Â½Ã‚ºÃ­ ¼Ã­Â½Ã‚»Ã­ ¼Ã­Â½Ã‚º í ½Ã­Â±ÂÂ



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    And then an appointment at the itchy and scratchy clinic in September ;)

    Yes there is a high chance of that í ½Ã­Â¸Â‚



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    Steady on lads - ladies present :nono: Oh no, hang on, there's only me :blush:


    There 50% to blame

    anyway 😂



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    That's what Mr Twobears always says when he reads surveys about men's unfaithfulness and I really can't fault his logic 'cos they have to be having affairs with someone and it's normally women I guess.

    • Like 1
  10. Butlins bloc weekend in 3 weeks í ¼Ã­½ÂºÃ­ ¼Ã­½ÂºÃ­ ¼Ã­½Âº, ayia Napa in June, ibiza in August í ¼Ã­½ÂºÃ­ ¼Ã­½Â»Ã­ ¼Ã­½Âº í ½Ã­Â±Â



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    And then an appointment at the itchy and scratchy clinic in September ;)

    Yes there is a high chance of that 😂



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Steady on lads - ladies present :nono: Oh no, hang on, there's only me :blush:

  11. I love threads like this, everythings happy :thumbs:


    I have lots to look forward to this year.... in 2 weeks we're off for a 4 day spa break to chill me out and prepare me for the 2 weeks after that when I return to education and start my nursing degree!

    Then August we have a 10 day holiday booked touring The Netherland, Belgium, France and Germany on the motorbike :teeth:


    Didn't know you were going to be a nurse Lydzzz. Sounds great and the best of luck :teeth: Your other 'treats' sound good too!

    • Like 1
  12. Florida in june :)


    I went to Florida a couple of years ago and I loved it which really surprised me. Didn't do any of the usual tourist things because Mr Twobears was at a car show near International Drive but I did get to sit in some monster trucks and do a lot of swimming and sunbathing.


    Enjoy yourself StevoD :thumbs:

    • Like 1
  13. Thank you RobPhoboS - not patronising at all, thanks :D I do have my seat back very upright when driving because I get lower back pain and if the rake is too great I end up with problems. When I was having lessons on the track the instructor set my seat up perfectly and my lap times improved significantly. I have watched the video and will try to adjust my seat to see if I can reach a compromise. Cheers :thumbs:

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