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Posts posted by Paddy78

  1. Stiffer springs will mean that there is less suspension travel, although you always run the risk of a bit of rubbing with extreme lock when turning or going over big bumps. Teins are about the best for small drops (~18mm from memory) or you can get Eibachs which are around 30mm.


    At 30mm you may need to be looking at toe bolts and camber arms as well as the drop will put the wheels outside of Nissan camber tolerances. You also may need some camber to bring the wheels inside the arches with the lower ride height. There are also speed bumps etc. to think about! :)

  2. I saw the GT86 as well...not sure what he hit, but all airbags had gone off....but from the front hood damage it looked to me like he had run into a lorry


    We drove past that and also wondered what had happened. A lorry could be a good call as you'd think there would be another car parked up if it had rear ended a car. The damage was pretty significant, so must have hit reasonably hard.

  3. Was a really good day out. I arrived a bit late, so there was literally no one around on the stand. Managed to bump into Matt (Spatt) and I saw Grundy and some of the other #TeamTarmac guys, but no one else at all!


    Highlight for me was the v8 supercharged 370z BDC car... what a beast and the noise!!! :cloud9:



    Did anyone else see the poor black 350 that had an argument with a wall... and lost? :(

  4. I would say that the M3 has a very strong identity


    Really? I can barely tell them from any other 3 series these days. :shrug:


    I keep thinking this until I actually drive past one. Maybe it needs to be a striking colour, rather than grey or black, but the 4 exhausts and bonnet bulge really make it look far more aggressive than a normal 3 series (E92 anyway). I saw a Dakar edition the other day in the light yellow and it really was eye catching and sounded immense. Also, the fact you can pick a decent one up now for under £25k makes them a bit of a bargain really.

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  5. That last link in the thing about the M5 is entitled 'Darwin Wins'. I'm afraid it does sound very much like he got what was coming to him.


    Agree, that's not really what the Darwin awards are about. The poor kid was on a runway away from the public at least. Tragic that all too often, young, inexperienced drivers, find out the very hard way, why powerful cars (And very high speeds) should not be taken lightly.


    I grew up in the country and most of my friends has stuck a car into a tree or ditch by the time they were 18. Luckily, no one I knew was ever seriously hurt. I didn't pass my test until I was 28, but I know that if I'd had an M5 at 18, where I lived, I more than likely would have killed myself in it. Not because I'm a bad driver, but I was a lot less mature than I am now and the temptation to go stupidly fast would have been a lot harder to resist... although you could call that bad driving.


    A lot of the time people feel they are safe because they are in a big metal cage with belts and airbags. It's only when you see (And start to appreciate) the damage a 70mph impact can do and how hard it is to stop 1.5 tons of metal at high speed, that you start being more careful. I don't think a lot of people develop this until into their late 20's... hence why the insurance costs come down at this age.

  6. Is this actual a new gtr or just a face lift ? Doesn't look that much different ?!




    A lot of companies seem to be going down the route of more regular updates. rich people will always want the latest thing, even if it has barely changed... iPhone anyone?

  7. ah, but those of us who have them ...............enjoy every minute of it :blush:

    Sounds like something a TVR owner might say.......Whilst sheltering under a bush waiting for the RAC. :lol:



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    Literally wetting myself :lol:

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