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Posts posted by Paddy78

  1. Not to be the voice of doom and gloom, and I'm sure one tank won't hurt, but there are a number of incidents on here regarding running the incorrect fuel (And hundreds of threads). Mark from Abbey Motor Sport had a thread a few years back where they were rebuilding an engine which had very serious knock issues due to running lower octane fuel. Long term it will cause issues with premature engine wear or failure. It says 98 RON on the filler cap for a reason, Nissan know what they are talking about.


    Not sure why there aren't issues in NI? Maybe the cars are mapped for lower octane or maybe your octane ratings are different to the GB (Like the US)?

  2. If you're worried about asking for cash, then you can setup a gift website where people can pay amounts of money for imaginary experiences that you can have on your holiday. You can then chose to do those things or just lop a lump sum off the total cost of the honeymoon. The people we booked with have this as an option and I think it's fairly common nowadays.

  3. Yeah, we've just got our own place so don't need any stuff for that so will end up asking for money to pay towards our honeymoon! Does it sound rude if you ask for money?


    No. Gone are the days when people need toasters and tea sets. We have asked for contributions to our honeymoon for our wedding in less than 3 weeks! :scare:


    We have been together 10 years and living together 8, so we already have all the house stuff well and truly covered.

  4. Think you will find its a minority of remainers that think those voting leave are racist, but many moreso of leavers who assume that the remainers think that way.


    Admittedly I could have add a "some" before "people" in my previous post, but I didn't say "all" people who voted remain either. Sorry to quote you again Paddy, but as an example my FB feed is covered with stuff like this right now:


    I refuse to accept that I backed the wrong side. I think leaving the EU is on par as an idea with America building a wall across the Mexican border. Xenophobia and ignorance have won the day...


    To be fair, I blame the Leave campaigners and the press. When the main argument you see on repeat from them is "migration, migration, migration" I guess you can't help but feel as if anyone voting leave is agreeing with that point. I couldn't give a stuff about migration (considering my wife is from Paris quite the opposite), however I still want to know where the corruption (Statue of Mars penis anybody?), failing EU economy (50% unemployment in places, reduction in GDP as % of world GDP) type arguments were...


    Those arguments weren't mentioned because that's not how you hook in the main Brexit demographic (If the stats are to be believed).

  5. Just accept you backed the wrong side and 1.2million extra people wanted to leave. Stop being so salty about it.


    I refuse to accept that I backed the wrong side. I think leaving the EU is on par as an idea with America building a wall across the Mexican border. Xenophobia and ignorance have won the day...


    So basically you read the media's coverage on Brexit and decided you should remain based on that right? And anyone that voted leave is a racist? Quite frankly if you think that voting leave is equivalent to building a wall between the states and mexico then your vote shouldn't be counted!


    Don't get upset with me because you're now forever associated with the same demographic that read the sun, like Britain First and vote BNP. There were some interesting economic questions tabled by the Brexit campaign, but I personally couldn't get behind some of the worst detritus our political system can generate, who were so bitterly focused on stirring up intolerance and hatred that they failed to deliver any substantial plans for a Leave vote. Your leader has even come out this morning on TV and basically said that your main promise was complete horse sh!t... and I'm the one who shouldn't have been allowed to vote? :lol:

  6. lol at the Damage control going on in here by the pro-remain posters.


    Just accept you backed the wrong side and 1.2million extra people wanted to leave. Stop being so salty about it.


    I refuse to accept that I backed the wrong side. I think leaving the EU is on par as an idea with America building a wall across the Mexican border. Xenophobia and ignorance have won the day, yay for Great Britain. I'm as proud to be British today as I was English last week, when a few (Probably leave voters) were hurling bottles at French riot police.


    It's still to be seen what has actually been won by the leave voters, let's hope it's not a recession and higher prices for everything.

    • Like 3
  7. Asda, using the magic code you can find on the internet. Think I paid about £250 fitted a few months ago from them.


    I think the magic code is 1430 then any 7 digits of your choice and get's you 10% off - worth googling though rather than taking my word for it! :)

  8. MPS4's are a direct replacement for the MPS2's, the MPS3's were a moment of madness from Michelin and should be forgotten about lol


    The MPSS is still the top performance tyre that Michelin sell.


    or the MPSC2's......




    Was thinking the same and surprised a serial pedant like Dan didn't pick up on that! :p

  9. It wasn't terrible, but there is room for improvement. The old Top Gear took a while to seem natural too, you just have to look at the first few series where Clarkson is fairly wooden. They'll get used to the writing style and will be more relaxed in future shows.

  10. You should see the Facebook group, there's at least a post a fortnight about the same thing. I know it's a different culture and it's very hard for a gun-less society to understand... but I don't think a lot of the morons should be allowed access to vehicles, let alone automatic weapons. These are the same people that think increasing the number of guns owned would reduce gun related deaths too...

    • Like 1
  11. 2006 could be either a normal DE or a DE rev up (As 2006 was the year tthey switched to the facelift model). One of the ways to tell, without looking at the engine, is if yours has silver/metal aircon and heater controls? If it does it's a rev up, if not it's a DE.

  12. Don't be too hasty... there aren't many places that make the replica lips... A few factories in China. Although I'm sure Chris has the contacts and resources to get the better ones, there's no guarantee another one will fit better. Fitment is always likely to be an issue with a replica although that does look worse than a lot I've seen.


    I'm not trying to excuse the seller, but he may well believe that they did fit as he bought them in good faith. If you don't get people to test fit, then you end up in this situation. The guy may well be left with a load of stock that he now knows is basically worthless. At least you got your money back.

    • Like 2
  13. Then in 2006 it got a bump to 296bhp and was known as the "revvup" engine, it was basically a map on the DE engine that only licenced garages could modify. Few garages have this.


    I think you might be getting rev up and up rev confused. One is a 350z engine the other is the software used for remapping. :)

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