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Dynamic Turtle

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Posts posted by Dynamic Turtle

  1. Yeah I'd be walking away from that one, anything that's needed that sort of work in 42k has had the arse ragged off it and the steering rack issue might be legacy crash damage. Anyone buying a car like this should be keeping perfect records and 24,000 miles without an oil change is just stupid. Plenty of other cars out there...

  2. Could be free motoring for you...


    Thats the plan really.


    I nearly got enticed into a new 570s but looking at the depreciation curves of the 12c (my car listed at £206k!!!) and the 650s they both lost £30-£40k a year initially!! Hopefully the 12c is on a steady depreciation curve now.......personally I can't ever see them dropping below the values of older stuff out there like 430's, pre-LP Gallardo's etc..............but you never know I suppose!

    Also bear in mind that a lot of the early niggles have been ironed out with retrofit upgrades too which is great. It hasn't dated one jot despite being five years old either, I find the 12c pretty much indistinguishable from the 650 and 570. Good call on the colour too, is it volcano orange?

  3. Sling the MR2 and do the porsche mate. You'll get more from it both in money and soul.


    What is it a 2.5 turbo?


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


    I can't dump the MR2 Turbo ! Its running 350bhp at the wheels .. and i promised my wife she can have it as a show car .. The 944 is a 2.5 Turbo.. and before it sat still all that time ago the previous owner had the Alloys refurbed and the Turbo itself refurbed and it was all serviced etc.. But she is noving now and called me as i had always liked it..hence now i have it :-)


    Chuffing heck they're quick enough stock let alone with 350bhp. Mental.

    • Like 1
  4. Not a V8 but you shouldn't open your wallet until you've tried an Evora S, it's chuffing sublime and looks like a supercar in the right colours (red or electric blue). You've simply got to try one. The other 6 cylinder sleeper try would be a 1M. Mental thing.


    I've been in the lucky position to sample a lot of the V8s out there, either on promo days, track rental or through friends. At £35k it's very difficult because you're generally looking at a used car that retailed at £60k+ with running costs to match. If these cars were reliable and affordable everyone would have them....


    E63S - 590lbft!! Too heavy and way too much tech getting in the way. Amazing engine but it's a Bahnstormer rather than a sports car and hilariously inept around Brookland's twisty bits. Fugly too.

    M3 V8 - mate's car, very capable but looks way too dull to have a sense of occasion in a convoy full of exotica (likewise 987 & 997). Worth considering if you need 4 proper seats.

    V8V - five mates with these (!) amazing exhaust note but they've all had frustrations with the electrics. Don't be distracted by main stealer low headline servicing rates, that really is the bare bones. None of them plan to keep their V8Vs which is pretty telling and some have moved on already.

    Corvette Stingray - LHD only. Amazing engine but only really comes alive over a ton. Incredible brakes and great handling due to low weight. Too much tech getting in the way though.

    Maser GT - never driven one but OMFG what a noise. Looks sexy but ultimately designed for the Ameri-gulf market and not as timeless as the Vantage. Apparently they're more reliable than given credit for.

    XK 4.2 (father in law has one) - dull as ditchwater sloshy auto yawnfest for grey haired accountants.

    GTR - marmite. Personally not keen but only spent the grand total of 20 minutes driving one around town so hardly a great intro. Never met an owner I'd like to have a pint with either.


    Never driven an R8 - might be slightly out of budget anyway but maybe worth a gander or does the image just not appeal? Seems to be a modern classic and wouldn't surprise me if prices continue to tick up. The F type is sexy too! Need to drive one.


    If I had to choose one from your shortlist it would be the V8V as it has the most powerful fanny magnet, women LOVE the car. My choice would probably be the Evora S, sadly out of budget last time around hence why I went for the MkI 370ZN instead.



    • Like 1
  5. Good post, nice one bud :thumbs:


    Looking at the values though, just look at the tolerances between the settings: At the ends of those, you'd have a car that handled completely differently. For the performance model, you'd have though Nissan would've tightened those up.


    I agree they're hardly milimetric, I didn't ask what the tolerance ranges were either side of those bands but they do appear pretty wide. Given that the chassis and handling are the best thing about the Nismo I'm reticent to go in with any custom changes because it's just delicious as is. Wear has been very even on all four corners and across the tread surface so it's probably optimised for lifespan rather than performance.

  6. post-16380-145219547231_thumb.jpg


    Some data for future reference if anyone wants to know what counts as "standard" geo on this model. 16k miles in, front right corner needed a tiny bit of toe and that was it. Need to hit those potholes harder!


    EDIT: There was no variant on the Hunter database for MkI or MkII 370ZN so both models appear to run the same geo but I can't guarantee that's the case..



    You guys are probably monitoring the mustang forums closely, any tangible evidence of RHD 350/R models for the UK? GT seems great but the 5.2 sounds brutal...


    The 5.2 is a flat plane engine, quite a different build from the Coyote, there is a strong rumour, that there might be something special before the end of Fords planned 5 year RHD Mustang Coyote run.


    Nothing concrete though :(


    Would be a tragedy to leave the 5.2 stateside...

  8. I don't know why people get excited about turbo 4wd cars - we had 400bhp scoobies in 1995, and for a lot less than the £45k Audi wanted for one of these. Still a rare sight on the roads along with the A45 AMG which does the same thing.

  9. Ohhhhh u will love it then, let me know what u think if u get it bud, great storyline to it too

    Just been watching some trailers of it and it does look pretty good. If I hadn't got so many games for Christmas I'd probably buy it tomorrow but as it is I'm already struggling with what game to play at the moment. :lol:


    Definitely a future purchase especially as Game have it new for under £25. ;)


    Loving my new PS4. MGSV is a "next gen" game IMHO and justified the purchase, completely engrossing with a near-perfect physics engine and play testing.


    Glad to hear you're enjoying the PS4 and MGSV. One of my favourite games for sure. :teeth:


    I've basically given up on racing games and never play them any more. Just find them interminably dull.

    Not sure if you're into racing sims but Gran Turismo is coming to the PS4 soon. Should be good and I for one can't wait. B);)

    Loved Gt1&2 but that was a looooong time ago.

  10. The new Codemasters rally title is meant to be pretty good. I think it's on PC and PS4.


    I've been part of the beta for this for a good few months and yes, it is brilliant. Best rally game by far. Codies have gone away from the usual arcade approach and made a very pure rally sim. I pretty much play it every day.


    The last racing game I really enjoyed was Colin McRae 3 on Xbox. Everything since has been a bit pants (baring some arcadey ones like Burnout and Blur). Forza Horizons was dreadful. I've basically given up on racing games and never play them any more. Just find them interminably dull.

  11. Loving my new PS4. MGSV is a "next gen" game IMHO and justified the purchase, completely engrossing with a near-perfect physics engine and playtesting.


    Mortal Kombat X is amazingly brutal, absolutely loving the gore but I have no idea how content like that is even legal. It's just monstrously, monstrously graphic.


    Bloodborne was a let down after how much I loved the Otogi series on Xbox, poor level design & structure to blame for that. It also felt a little bit last-gen in terms of mechanics and not doing anything Bayonetta, GoW and DMC hasn't already done.


    SW battlefield is a bit meh but it's SW so you put up with it. Gamecube Rogue Squadron was much better sadly.


    Looking at the upcoming titles on PS4 is really exciting; JC3, UC4, Horizon, Wild, Detroit, Last Guardian et. And I haven't even started GTAV or FO4.

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