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Posts posted by ds2000

  1. Lots of good points here. PCP with a company isn't even sensible these days, my accountant has advised that if I want to get my mrs a company car to run around in then its better pay her a dividend and buy it outright, then charge company 40p/mile for business use or buy outright via the company on something with less the 100m/g co2 so as not to affect her tax with a BIC charge, but then depreciation hits.....


    For me I always buy, usually something around 3 years old with low mileage. For the first time in 11 years I have no finance on anything (other than the mortgage) and its great. If I run out of work I have £7-8k sat in the zed that can be moved on, hopefully that'll not happen though! :)

  2. Business as usual in North London then. All my Arsenal mates are rejoicing and think its hilarious. Reading some of the Spurs supporters comments on the BBC is insane. Not quite sure who some of them think they are or who Spurs are. Until Feb they were probably the most entertaining team in the league!

  3. It was a nice strike for sure and probably the best game thus far as well!


    I watched the England game, as a supporter and thought we did ok. Up front we are short, Welbeck looked excellent though. When we get Rooney back we'll have a bit more of a key to unlock defences. I thought the French were average and England actually created the clearer openings. The French seemed happy to shoot from 25/30 yards.


    Loosing Barry, Lampard, (Wiltshire and and Cleverly too) has impacted. Henderson will not get a look in once all the midfield are fit. I'd personally play Jones over him. I can't see Carroll getting much of a look in either.

  4. I think France will be there or there abouts. Not sure about the Spanish without Villa. (Haven't seen if Navas is in as he's a great player)


    I think England will be like an old school Italy side, no real flair but solid. Except Glenn Johnson that is...... I'll be wincing everytime someone runs at him!

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