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Posts posted by MK-Ultra

  1. 01. DoogyRev x2

    02. Wasso x1

    03. Neil x2

    04. Marzman x1

    05. Maccaman x2

    06. Ebized x1

    07. ianphampton x1

    08. AK350Z x1

    09. Keyser x1

    10. mc x1

    11. EH 370Z x1

    12. octet x1

    13. coldel x1

    14. Will350z x1

    15. Glrnet x2

    16. Sam Mcgoo x1

    17. Zugara

    18. manphibian x1

    19. Blacky x4

    20. Buster x1

    21. leonk x1

    22. morgs x2

    23. Clarkie x2

    24. ATTAK Z x1

    25. Flexib x1

    26. SpursMadDave x1

    27. Steve 350z

    28. Irfan x1

    29.MK-Ultra x1 :thumbs:

  2. I invented a true 24-hour clock today. This photo was taken just as the clock went live, at precisely 37 minutes past 18:




    At 38 minutes past 18 I was asked to convert the clock back to a standard 12 hour version. But it still remains. One of the directors is in tomorrow and so if he sees the benefits then I may be able to roll out further 24 hour clocks to other parts of the building.




    :lol::lol::lol::lol: Genius!

  3. Know its doesnt help, but i feel your pain mate. Been the victim of theiving scumbags a couple of times. The police were useless on both occasions. One time my car was broken into, completely ruined both doors using screwdrivers, wrecked the dash trying to remove the stereo which was bolted in. When they couldn't get it out they just smashed it. Police caught the **** who done it but as he had no money (drug addict) i couldnt get anything back. Also they wouldnt give me any off his details.


    I truely hope they they catch the ****'s and you get your bike back.

  4. The same way that people who 'can' work but cant be bothered, who have no desire to learn, or better themselves and who are happy scrounging of the system, can continue to survive. The theory of survival of the fittest goes out the window in a society where you don't need to think or try anymore because someone will do it for you.


    It hurts my brain trying to understand how some people stumble through life. :headhurt:

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