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Posts posted by MK-Ultra

  1. :wave: Hi and welcome :wave:


    As others have said it can run on 95, but best to use 98 or better.


    If your pushing for new tyres from them ,which you should, just make sure they match them. The dealer will nearly always try to fob you off with budget tyres. Just don't let them give you crap rubber.

  2. If Apple doesn't like using Flash because they say is slows the phone down, then the top of the range Android phones must be super-computers in disguise because the ones i've seen are quick.

    They dont say it slows the phone down. You need to read this - http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/


    TBH I wouldnt be bothered if everyone dropped Flash like a turd - its crap and it itself slow :thumbdown:


    I can see from your profile that you work in the computer industry, so you obviously have far more knowledge than me when it comes to the in's and out's of how flash works, but i've never had a problem in day to day use of using the web nor has anybody else i know. I can understand from a more in depth use such as programming, web design etc that flash would be more of a problem but how many people actually use their phones for such things? Again you are more knowledgable than me so i may well stand very corrected!!

  3. I am disappoint.



    Siri looks very cool but I can't see myself using it that much, and I use my iPhone for simple games not huge epic things (Infinity Blade works very well on the iPad but not so good on the iPhone IMHO). A better camera is a nice touch but it's perfectly acceptable as it is and I have my D90 for proper photos. I don't need any more space at all either, so the 64GB is pointless for me.


    I so wanted this to be amazing, and it's really not. It's still better than any Android phone that I can see, but it's not enough to make me rush out and get it.


    I'm not too sure its better than any Android phone. I've got the Desire HD and while its not to everybodys taste because of the size, its certainly no worse than the Iphone. Its been superseded by the Sensation now i believe. The HD is very quick and does almost everything the Iphone does and in certain areas more. If Apple doesn't like using Flash because they say is slows the phone down, then the top of the range Android phones must be super-computers in disguise because the ones i've seen are quick.


    Apple certainly have the upper hand in the marketing stakes, just look at how many pawns/customers they have queueing up pay more than they need on monthly tariffs and high handsets costs just to have the latest best handset the world has ever seen or ever will see. Until the next iphone comes out, in 6 months.

  4. :headhurt: Ouch - woudn't want the Armco or the car rental bill for that one :blush:


    An excess in Switzerland for a Corvette must be backside clenching :scare: There didn't look to be much warning judging by the vid in the PH link - if the repair crew were in that location and hadn't moved on....


    Could you point me to the link of the vid? i couldn't see it. Thanks.

  5. No i wasn't there unfortuantly, only got my car on the 19th of august i think it was, so just missed it. I was also working the whole time the Jockland hoon was on so missed that too :dry:


    I really want to get to some of these meets, especially some of the bigger ones. Would be good to get some faces to names!

  6. Ha Ha got to love to cheap rigs, if it works it races!!


    As i said i got quite into my sims so got me a sweet little set-up for quite cheap the only issue is storage. I got a chair out of an astra coupe for £15 from scrappy. Used sone steel conduit i got from work to mount my wheel and hey presto a cheap setup. It works real well. The most expensive part was the wheel. Had a crappy one for a while then decided to treat myself to this bad boy....





    Amazing wheel. With those pedals its brilliant. Expensive but brilliant.


    Give IRacing a try, and let me know how you get on, or if you need any pointers.


    Cheers, Lionel.

  7. Trust me i was a massive fan of online sims, i've tried nearly all of them, from the console ones like GT and Forza to the PC sims like RFactor Live for speed and now IRacing and i have to say IRacing beats them all.


    The only thing with IRacing is the cost, What you do is pay a membership which gives you a few tracks and cars. You then buy the cars and tracks separately, getting discounts for bulk buying. All the tracks are laser scanned and are as near to the real thing as you can get, every bump and camber is true to real life.


    It started with mainly Nascar but has now incorporated a lot of other classes. There as several professional Nascar drivers that regurly use it for practice and fun, as the tracks are so good. There is F1 but only one car the 2009 williams, while it may not appeal to some the reason there is only one is license costs and the time it take sto get the phyics as near to real as possible.


    If you have a decent wheel and a bit of free time i would strongly recommend checking it they usually have special offers of a 3 month membership for the price of one for newcomers.


    If you love your sims check it out you will not be dissapointed :thumbs:

  8. Although forza is a good game it pales in comparison the IRacing. If your just after a fairly realistic game then its good but if you want a proper sim, look no further than IRacing. Its Unbelievable. You don't get anywhere near the amount of cars as GT5 or Forza but the physics and tyre model are second to none. I've been IRacing for about 30 races and only recorded 1 victory where as in the last Forza me and my mate where nearly always top in the room.


    But as i said it is proper hardcore!! You need to put quite a bit of practice into it. But the one victory was an immense feeling! Next best thing to real racing, which i would love to do but lack both the time and funds :thumbdown:

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