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Posts posted by DaddyCee

  1. Morning All.


    I have had a new stock bumper put on my 350Z Roadster but thought that there should be rubber trim on the bottom of it. Is this an additional piece that doesn't come with the stock bumper, if so where is the best place to purchase this from please?


    How easy is it to fit a splitter to the bottom of the bumper?





  2. Hi All.


    Japfest was amazing, I did make my way to where all you guys and gals were but there didn't seem to be anyone about, probably because it had started raining.


    Any who, I am looking to find out what a good replacement for the OEM front bumper would be for the 350Z using an aftermarket one.


    I've looked at some on fleabay, but feel that without getting the side skirts that the look would be odd.


    Any thoughts please?



  3. Ok so one more day to go before Japfest at Castle Combe, weather looking okay'ish, you aint gonna get a tan but there again you aint gonna end up looking like a drowned rat either.


    So what is the best time for Joe Public to get there, seeing that gates open at 09:30am? (coming from Bristol Town)


    I would love to meet up with any of you guys and gals that are going to be there so that I can put a name and face to a forum account, so where will y'all be?


    Really looking forward to this event, haven't been before so have high expectations, hopefully these wont be dashed.



  4. Trouble with rays alloys is they bubble and if you get an acid based wheel cleaner like wonder wheels under that it will be as bubbly as an aero :surrender:


    what's the best way to stop the bubbling from happening or is it just a fact of life?

  5. I read the title as 'serious mood now' and thought I was in for a top quality rant :blush:


    I was watching the guys at Tesco car wash give a new SLK a going over today, it was painful to witness the amount of swirls they must've put into the paintwork :scare:


    hing is I bet the owner doesn't even known what paint swirls are, so they are just glad to get it back gleaming, it's not until direct sunlight that they will see the swirls.

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