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Posts posted by WINKJ

  1. Unfortunately Tabbs is no longer with us. after 23 years of companionship and having been around for most of my life (being 27) it's pretty rough that shes now gone. She got far too ill and her organs were failing and it just wasn't fair on her to keep her in that way. She got a mention in my wedding speech last week and will always miss her! Going to miss her licking my hair! (in a non weird way)! :)


    A pic from when she was healthier and in my old 350 :)



  2. just finished Stranger things too - absolutely loved it! +1 to watch it ...


    really struggling with TV shows now, any other good recommendations on netflix?


    Tried watching Peaky Blinders but got pretty bored halfway through episode 1 and turned it off


    Actually only just finished watching all 5 series of Breaking Bad (yeah I know, I was busy)


    If you like gangster type shows, Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, The Wire etc, I would certainly recommend you stick with Peaky Blinders...

    If you're a fan of BBC type dramas like Luther, i'd recommend line of duty which is an awesome show, very similar to Luther.


    Breaking bad is an inresting one, I liked it but didn't think it lives up to the hype ...

    • Like 1
  3. Hi All.


    Took my Zed (which is my daily at the mo) in for a warranty investigation at Nissan Oxford on Friday to remedy an annoyingly squeaky clutch pedal. After reaching Approx. 1000miles, the first 10mm of travel was met with a slight squeak which was annoying but livable until I had time to look at it. However it got progressively worse over the next couple of hundred miles to the point that a mildly bumpy road would cause constant squeaking! :rant:


    Anyway, Nissan had it Friday to have a look. It turned out the clutch pedal assembly was the issue so they tightened and lubed everything up & all is right with the world :teeth: (bar from an initial bit of squeaking for about a day but that seems to have bedded out now). They also said if it returns/persists then they'll look at replacing the assembly, however I hope it doesn't come to that because I can't bare the shame of driving a leaf (which was strangely quite fun to drive :wacko:) as a courtesy car again!


    I'll update if anything more develops.




    Mike - good to see it was resolved, I live down the road in Dorchester on Thames - let me know if there is anything I can ever do to help out... bought my MK1 Nismo from Oxford Nissan...

  4. First off, never ever bother with chip repairs. Always just get a new screen, much better result and almost always less pain. However, that's of little help to you now.


    B pillars should come finished, and really you have no route in SCC as you've yet to suffer a real loss that the company haven't been prepared to fix. If they refuse to make good the repairs, then you can start down that line.




    Never going to bother with a repair again, i'll just swap the screen out - on the basis I can find a company that is capable!


    I feel your pain. I had a horrific experience with another national windscreen (ahem) company. As I was waiting to get mine done, another customer was complaining that they had scraped his bonnet and dashboard. The staff then managed to lock his keys in his car, and has to smash his driver window to get them out!! They then hilariously said "we will replace your driver window free of charge" as if they were doing him a favour hahahah. When I got mine back, the rubber strips on the outside were all the wrong length - some way too long, some way too short. The one along the top is now loose and I need to go get some glue to put it back in place.


    :lol: at least they didn't put my window through! could of been worse I guess... but the attitude and attention to detail seems a very similar experience.


    I would persevere with the windscreen company if they are admitting liability and have agreed to replace the trims.


    The "A" pillar trim (not "B") comes painted from Nissan and also comes complete with all seals and costs North of £300.00.


    Hang in there and try to be patient and you will eventually wear them down. :thumbs:


    Alex. :)


    Cheers Alex, A pillar it is then! if we're talking about the plastic thing in between the front and rear (all be it tiny) window.

    I had something very similar with Autoglass. They were absolutely terrible at giving customer service. The fitters were great admittedly, but head office really let them down.


    Took me about 9 months and 3 windscreens to get it sorted. They also busted an a pillar trim and that took months to get fitted (and they initially turned up with the wrong side). And yes they do come painted from Nissan.


    No idea why they'd be taking the strut brace off though, no need.


    I have had the EXACT same experience with customer service, even if its getting a time and date booked in. Luckily I have been speaking with an adviser on Twitter who is leagues above the people you get on the phone. Let's see how I get on with the replacement parts... i'm tempted to get them to give me the parts and I'll fit them!


    I'll keep you all posted on progress.. or lack of it most likely

    I had a surprisingly good experience with Autoglass when mine needed replacing. I agree that chip repairs are pointless if you're a perfectionist, as they don't make the chip look much, if any, better. Good luck getting it sorted.


    You should only contemplate legal action if a) you can demonstrate you have made all reasonable attempts to resolve the matter informally and b ) you're prepared to follow through if they don't cave in at the threat of action. The small claims process is designed to be straightforward and inexpensive for non-lawyers, but it's still going to involve work, cost and hassle; and you ultimately have no guarantee of getting your money back. I doubt I'd bother unless it was a large amount of money. Trading Standards would be another option to consider if they refuse to sort it.


    Ah! I've never had a chip repair so I wasn't sure on the finish. Thanks for the advice in the 2nd para, I'll give them a couple more weeks to resolve the problems and see if they offer any compensation. If they fail to resolve and keep messing me around I'll look in to my options.

  5. I felt the same way with my 350z - happy to say that I got the buzz back when I upgraded to the 370zN. My next car will be something different from the Z family, however doubt i'll be going German.

  6. Hi All,


    I thought i'd share the recent drastic events of having my windscreen replaced by a very well known company, that no doubt many of you use...


    It all started with a small chip in my windscreen, as I like to keep the car as close to 100% I wanted to get it repaired or replaced. Went through the usual motions, arranging for a worker to come out, which after multiple weeks of trying to get this sorted, they finally showed up.


    As they took the resin machine to my windscreen to repair the tiny chip, a 10" crack appeared. The chap knocked on my door to tell me that he had cracked the windscreen and that I will now need to pay £75 for a new windscreen as opposed to the £15 excess for the repair... you can imagine my response.. As he called the head office, he openly admitted and didn't attempt to lie that he failed to warn me that trying to repair the windscreen can cause it to crack. After 15 minutes of going back and forth they agreed to waiver the fee and arrange for a replacement windscreen.


    3 weeks later and the screen is due to be fitted, however it has been damaged in transport and therefore will be another 3 week wait for the replacement of the replacement.


    An additional 3 weeks passes an the two guys turn up to replace my windscreen. I'm pretty sure this isn't right, but I was getting alarmed when they removed my strut brace under the bonnet and put it on the block paved floor and I didn't see a torque wrench in site when they came to re-fit it... Anyway, 1 hour passed after seeing the guys be extremely careless throughout the whole process, they seemed to have got the windscreen in without any noticeable damage. . . too good to be true? YEP. I came to wash the car a week or so after and noticed they have snapped one of the clips behind the B pillar so it's loose. Back on the phone to company to complain and get a replacement. . .


    The worker arrives to replace the B pillar that has been snapped, only to have the wrong part - I didn't expect any less. Not only that, he advised me that I could just glue the current one onto the car? ... you can again, imagine my response. As he was there, I decided to look properly all over the car where they had been. Not only has my B pillar been broken, they have also snapped a clip holding the a frame under the bonnet, so that is loose, also they have scratched the paint (all be it in the gap between the front right fender and the bonnet, but you can see it through the gap in between the panels.


    My question to you guys is:

    1. will the b pillars come from Nissan already painted in black or do they need to be sprayed

    2. should I be raising this with the small claims court?


    I'm passed angry with them but just get let this one go... advice is welcome.

  7. Been getting tattooed since I was 18, originally in downtown New York @ Invisible NYC - then as the tattooist moved to Portugal, and then now opened up his own shop in Amsterdam (Blue Blood Studios) which is far closer than NY to get too!. I have 2 3/4 sleeves, wouldn't go down to wrist as I like to have the options to cover up my tattoo's. Also have both of my sides/ribs tattooed and my right chest - All Japanese.

  8. Just remember, everyone wants to kill you, its the soundest advice i ever got when i first cast a leg over a bike.


    Enjoy :)


    Yup agreed! motorways still scare me a bit and i nearly got hit by a golf on a roundabout yesterday nearly pulled out into me i guess his knowledge is bikes hoon it off roundabouts so when i was casually riding past he went to pull out and almost clipped my rear wheel

    when I am riding, I find motorways the safest environment to ride in .. not sure if people share that view. Its roads where there is any opportunity to get t-boned that scare me more.

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