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EH 370z

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Posts posted by EH 370z

  1. I think they are rather good and much more discreet than the parking sensors.

    I have it on good authority that XVision are planning on launching a good aftermarket one but I don’t have any details as yet.


    I have popped an e-mail in to chase up the progress of this with XVision. I will post as soon as i hear somthing :thumbs:

  2. On a serious note though, if you want to be taken seriously as a buyer then ring and make an appointment for a test drive as that way they're not either going to judge you on how you look, nor how much cash they think you might have. If they start taking the p*ss down the phone then you've only wasted a phonecall rather than any effort.


    Now my experiences with this one always makes me laugh. I nearly always ring up first and tell them im coming to look at a particular car and would like a test drive. I guess really you shouldnt do this as it gives them chance to make sure that the car is all ready, warmed up and any problems are hidden - rather than catching them unawares. But, 8 out of 10 times ive pre-warned the garage im coming to look at a particular car, they have not even made an effort to get it ready for a test drive. Usually the car is about 5 cars deep on their forecourt, more often than not it has a flat battery. One I went to see had flat tyres, flat battery and was in their showroom, blocked in by about 4 cars. I really dont understand it. Sure, they may get the odd time waster who rings them up, but if someone was to go to the effort to call me and arrange a test drive, id damn well make sure i had the car sitting there, all perfect ready to go.


    Its not just car dealers, i had the same thing with an R1 motorbike. Called up, reasured it was a lovely example. Drove 45miles to garage, they then couldnt find the keys to the bike, it had flat tyres, they had to pump these up, then move a load of bikes out of the way to wheel it out onto the forecourt, only to find the thing wouldnt start and no amount of jump starting would get it to go. I took great satisfaction in showing the sales man I had 7 grand in cash in my pocket and he`d just lost a sale as I walked off. He litterally came running after me begging me to stay. Needless to say I didnt.


    Ahh, but, if the sales chappy is un-organised, and you are genuinely up for a deal, the best place you want the garage is on the back foot - no?

    Also another outstanding way to achieve this, is to book the demo on line via a manufactures website, these are usually painfully under managed!

  3. Would You marry Again? - Priceless



    A husband and wife are sitting quietly in bed reading when the Wife looks over

    at him and asks the question....


    WIFE: "What would you do if I died? Would you get married again?"


    HUSBAND: "Definitely not!"


    WIFE: "Why not? Don't you like being married?"


    HUSBAND: "Of course I do.."


    WIFE: "Then why wouldn't you remarry? "


    HUSBAND: "Okay, okay, I'd get married again."


    WIFE: "You would?" (with a hurt look)


    HUSBAND: (makes audible groan)


    WIFE: "Would you live in our house?"


    HUSBAND: "Sure, it's a great house."


    WIFE: "Would you sleep with her in our bed?"


    HUSBAND: "Where

    else would we sleep?"


    WIFE: "Would you let her drive my car?"


    HUSBAND: "Probably, it is almost new."


    WIFE: "Would you replace my pictures with hers?"


    HUSBAND: "That would seem like the proper thing to do."


    WIFE: "Would you give her my jewelry?"


    HUSBAND: "No, I'm sure she'd want her own."


    WIFE: "Would you take her golfing with you?


    HUSBAND: "Yes, those are always good times."


    WIFE: "Would she use my clubs?


    HUSBAND: "No, she's left-handed."


    WIFE: -- silence --


    HUSBAND: "@*!#."

  4. Just dropped off the trusty Grande Punto work-mobile at the Fiat garage for a service this morning, I enquired as to the possibility of getting a Twinair engined vehicle for the courtesy car. The initial phonecall had been fairly positive, but today I was informed that I could only take the (500) twinair for a normal test drive, and an accompanied one at that! The coursesy car was just a boggo 1.2 Panda.


    Now then, when I was looking to buy the zed, the Nissan dealer basically gave me the keys to to a nigh-on 300hp sports car and asked how many hours I wanted it for! It just seems ridiculous to me that it doesn't work that way for a wee fiat with 85hp... :wacko:


    Depends on the company policy and the insurance:

    ie When I was at Audi, we used to chuck the keys a clients and ask when would they be back with it!

    At Merc I would only be allowed to do this for an existing customer

    At Nissan very rarely would this happen at all 99% were accompanied...

  5. Dicky - no I'm not sure they will flash too fast, that's why I was asking if anyone has tried them to see. I'm not very knowledgable on car electronics and don't even know what a BCM module is :surrender:


    EH 370z - it's eBay where I seen loads of LED indicators. Some mention about having something built in to stop the warning light coming on and some come with resisters that should regulate the flashing, but I don't fancy wiring in resisters to the loom and finding somewhere to stash them.


    Sorry, it was my understanding that the resistors were in case you have a "Bulb Blown" warning in the car the wattage wasn't enough to register this with an LED so extra resistance was needed. Apologies if I am wrong :blush:

  6. Is this the sort of set I would need? I do have other tools at home for general DIY

    http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... yId_255215


    I've got my eye on a mini on ebay now. Also looking at a 300zx but I reckon that will be a fair bit out of my price range.


    http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... zone=PDPz1


    ^^ That one is worth the extra £10. Ratchet spanners are a godsend at times :thumbs:

    Spot on, Ian. That one you linked to Rmacnair isn't the Pro range, the one Ian posted up is.


    And this........


  7. Agreed on the above, BTW :)


    But, I recently had to get into this a bit, as I just binned my Company car.

    I bought a 20 year old MB 190e (see thread)

    I chose this as they a beautifully mechanical very little in the way of tricky electric or specialist knowledge, ideal for me! Its needed a good clean up and there a few bit to tinker on with but generally its also a user & most of the bits are cheap from eBay and what not!

    Whilst I understand this car wont be for everyone, as a little tip. When I was looking I found that the classified section in Carandclassic.com, realised the bargains. PH & Autotrader was much more expensive.

    Any way some great fun to be had, enjoy ;)


    My Thread



    Some cars that made my list


    Saab 99 (way cool this!)



    Porsche 924 Lux




    Sleepless nights here I think


  8. Got my launch night tomorrow night, looking forward to it :)


    Is that the Agate Grey? They had that on the 911 at the launch of that and it was the first grey I'd seen for years that I actually like. I'm hoping that the lime gold one will be in Colchester tomorrow, really want to see that up close.


    I think so but to be honest by this point my dad was doing my head it as you can by pic three, that's me staring out the window, trying to hold on to my sanity :lol:

  9. So me and my father attended the launch day at JCT600 Silverlink Newcastle on Tuesday.

    It was very busy, and they had two in the showroom. One was Silver with dark grey interior the other (photo'd below) was grey with beige leather, not a combo I would have gone for but looked nice and different. There was also a couple of other slightly more unusual Porkers too! Again sorry for the iPhone pics taken by the old man, but in his defense you could barely move in there.






    A Goodwood Spyder racer



    This thing is massive!

    Carrea GT





    Sorry couldnt get near the back, so its one of these monsters if you were woundering!!


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