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Posts posted by SteveM

  1. So.... my 40th Birthday was upon me and my wife decided that i should have a fishing trip to remember for my big 40 so with that in mind i booked a trip to Thailand and had a ball while we were out there! didnt just do the fishing but here are just a few pics of some of the fish caught...


    25lb Black Pacu



    55lb Amazon Redtail Catfish



    80lb Amazon Redtail Catfish



    90lb plus Siamese Carp



    another Redtail



    30lb Asian Redtail Catfish



    150lb Arapaima caught on my 40th birthday


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  2. Be honest Stevo... how hard are you trying...


    as Ekona says you have admitted to not being that good at times so this week / weekend really try and comit to it then next week up your activity levels a bit and see how much more weight drops off... once you realise that effort = reward it becomes addictive!

  3. could i suggest a small detour....... from La Mure to Modane you are going along the A43 / E70.... could i suggest that you do a slight detour along the D1091 through La Grave along to Briancon then up to Modane from there..... that pass through les deux alps is awesome!! ;)


    also when you are in Germany if you do not drop off the route at willstatt near Oberkirch and go up the route 500 from its junction with the 28 and follow it up to Baden Baden you will be missing out BIG TIME!



  4. 109kg this morning


    so only a lose of 1.5kg


    i agree with Dave!!! only 1.5k... dont forget where you started!!! 116kg and now 109kg... thats 7kg!! thats 15.4lbs... over 1 stone!


    well done mate!


    put that into perspective... go down the local supermarket and get a small 5kg sack of spuds and pick it up.. you will soon realise just how much you have lost


    keep up the good work! its working :thumbs:

  5. I've not had a headache since doing this.


    I used to get them at least 4 times a week :thumbs:


    However I'm getting to the point of dinner is getting boring (Mainly because it's either Chicken/Steak salad or Chicken/New potoatos and Veg.)


    good news on the headache front! bad news on the boring food bit... there are only so many ways you can 'spice up' chicken.


    i have come to realise that the food i put in my mouth is there to fuel and build my body in the way i want it and as such i understand that at times this makes it boring, for me its a necessary evil and i look forward to meal times for the fuel it gives me rather than the enjoyment of eating after all it was the enjoyment of eating that got us into this mess right?

  6. rest day for me today..... Gym for 2 hours on monday (1 1/2hr weights and 30 min cardio) then cycle to work (22 miles round trip) and went swimming for an hour on tuesday and then back to the gym for 2 hours (1 1/2hr weights and 30 min cardio) last night... knackered! i think it was the squats last night that has pushed my legs over the edge!


    important to have a rest guys and give your body time to recover


    so Grundy... Stevo... hows it going? how are you feeling? feel better yet? are you doing any excersise?

  7. i must get round to sorting my pictures


    oh and Will.. i believe the road at the beginning of the itallian job is the Col du Petit St Bernard... further down the Alps and nearer to where i went last year... also another GREAT trip and one i have lots of details of... including taking in the col du turini and Monaco... i can pass on details! (again)



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  8. i weigh myself once a week at the gym... all that said i am not actually getting caught up in the weight thing as i know that as i put on muscle it will counteract the fat / weight loss


    sounds like you are both doing well with the diet and its great to hear you feel more energetic and less out of puff :thumbs:


    stick with it :#1:


    i weighed in at the gym last night... end of feb i was 21st.... last night i was 17st 2lb.... this time next week i WILL be into the 16s...


    you guys have inspired me to really go for it.... so as above i mentioned i WILL be in the 16s.... absolutely smashed it in the gym last night doing a 2 3/4 hour session including a personal best for 30 mins on the cross trainer and am now 16st 11lbs


    how are you two doing? still finding it hard or is it getting easier yet?

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