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Posts posted by Sized

  1. Well what would you do in this situation if you were the pm? Personally if it was me i would get the army in and issue a statement saying that if you continue to loot, riot and set fire to people's property you will be shot.


    Ordinarily I would probably say that is a little extreme, but you know what, given the pictures and reports I've seen on the beeb and the fact that an acquaintance of mine is working for the fire service in Brixton tonight, I actually find myself agreeing. I'm in the US with work at present until next week and it's thoroughly depressing seeing what these scumbags are doing to the city where I live.


    And all this kicked off around the fact that some guy got killed who had shot at a police officer. Feel for his family, but he deserved what he got as far as I can see :shrug:

  2. whats his missus like?


    If she is worth one I'd slip her a portion then say "Its only your missus mate" and see how he likes it. :yuck:


    :lol::lol::lol: classic


    Definately ignore the next door neighbour - he is a chump, plain and simple. Touch wood I've only ever had positive comments about my zed. Generally it seems to be a car that people know is more special than the average focus/astra etc but not so 'flash' that people resent you for driving one :thumbs:

  3. i completly agree the stance is daft but i love it. completly undriveable but apparently it does drive like that. Not in this bloody country though


    Haha too right :lol: The guy must get through lips/skirts at a rate of knots even in the US though! Either that or he just drives everywhere reeeeeaaallyyy slowly :wacko:


    The Ken Block fiesta in the pics below is :cloud9::cloud9:

  4. If an athlete gets caught with illegal drugs in their system, they can get a lifetime ban from the sport, and therefor lose their career. Why should singers be treated any differently?


    Because it wouldn't be perceived that they were gaining an unfair advantage over their competitors, also music is not a competition.


    Whether you like it or not, think its right or wrong, the fact is drugs and music go together. I'm not talking Heroin or Cocaine but Cannabis, speed, Ecstasy etc enhances the experience of playing, listening and writing music and without them most of the music we ALL love to listen to from the past and present probably wouldn't exist.


    I'm not saying drugs are good and everyone should take them (far from it), but people that do, do it for a reason. Those that do it to the point of self destruction would probably find another way if drugs weren't available, like Alcohol, its legal but is that really any different/better?


    Just for information, I don't take drugs any more because drug testing is regular in the work I've done for the last 13 - 14 years so I chose to sacrifice that for the sake of having a good job and earning good money, so I drink alcohol instead (not at work :lol: ) and I enjoy it :) But if both were legal and I had to choose between drink or drugs, I would choose drugs. In the 8 years I was a regular Pot smoker with weekends spent on speed or the occasional 'e' I NEVER had a bad experience, felt ill, had a hangover, got in a fight, or trouble with the law. I found it enhanced the pleasure in everything I enjoyed, music, films, sex and even the most simple things like laying on the sea-wall and staring at the stars.



    I suppose my point is - its not the drugs that is the problem its the people that take them and their attitude to life.


    Well said that man :thumbs:

  5. :lol::lol: Chris - by that sort of logic anyone in the public eye who does anything illegal should be immediatley removed from their job or profession - that would be half the film and music inustry for starters.

    Should we do the same to every footballer caught speeding, fighting or gangbanging?


    Vik I was just typing a reply to Chesterfield, but you have done my job for me! :lol:


    Also, re: the point about legality - that wasn't really what I was getting at. I was just trying to demonstrate that if we start blanket banning all 'drug' music where do you stop? The Althletics analogy is also a different kettle of fish IMO, as the performance enhancing drugs that athletes take are specifically designed to give them an unfair advantage over their competitor, which clearly should be harshly reprimanded. Rather than start bannig music, I think we as a society should really get a grip on drug education/legislation and tackle some of the social issues that surround some hard drug use, but that's another topic! :lol:

  6. I actually think that any artist/band that has any involvement with drugs should immediatley have their records removed from sale, removed from all radio playlists and be barred from appearing at any concerts or shows by law. I bet the producers would take a tougher line with their artists if that were the case. It may concentrate the mind of the artists or their management in getting the problem resolved sharpish. It would also stop glamourising drugs and providing a **** poor example to children.


    Don't agree at all dude. To me that's the same as saying we should ban all films that contain any violence/drug use etc etc. As I think a previous poster has said, most of the bands I grew up listening to had drug/alcohol issues (Guns n Roses, Nirvana, Alice in Chains etc) but the most I've ever done is smoke a bit of weed about 10 years ago and had a few beers every now and again! IMO the problem is the fact that we put these people/'celebrities' on pedestals and expect them to be 'role models'. They're just people like you and me, and as such will make shi*tty decisions and screw things up in life. Also, I don't think Amy Winehouse glamourised drugs in any way - she looked a total mess most of the time.

  7. Hi


    looking to spend around 200-300 and would like a double din not bothered about sat nav just want a easy fit dvd player

    You are really gonna struggle to get one for that price. Mine was about 300 and was second hand


    There's a pioneer unit on bassjunkies.com for £290 :thumbs: Not sure how current/good it is mind. As Sparky says, if you increased you budget say to £400-500 your choice would be a lot wider..........

  8. Hi Christian and :welcome:


    As Stoker says there are some very knowledgable ICE experts on here, but they may want a bit more info e.g. do you want nav, what's your budget, would you prefer single din with fold out screen or proper double din fitting etc? I got my Kenwood earlier this year and it's great, if a little pricey (although you might pick one up cheap as the new kit is out now I think). The nav is garmin too which is crystal clear and the whole system is simplez to use. The only niggles are that the response when navigating through menus is a little slow, but doesn't bother me too much tbh, and the iPod/iPhone cover flow function is crap as it only displays the first 100 albums. That's really minor though as I never use coverflow on my iPhone anyway!


    Fitment is very good too using one of the surrounds from Sextons :thumbs:


    Totally missed this post when I made mine earlier, but as you probably gathered they did indeed play Clarity in full :sorry:


    You're probably right about KBs, which is a shame.............Alexisonfire and City and Colour = oh yes. Dallas is a genius :thumbs:


    I watched AlexIsOnFire twice at Leeds festival in 2009 as they played the main stage, and headlined the Lock Up on the Sunday.

    Pretty damned impressive.

    Although Rise Against had them beaten hands down as the best performance of the weekend for me. Although that was a close run thing with Brand New. They played the main stage and were staggeringly amazing.


    Haha snap mate, although I was at Reading rather than Leeds. AOF were amazing for both sets. Other great performances that weekend I thought were Gaslight Anthem, Fake Problems, A Wilhelm Scream, Polar Bear Club.............and obviously Frank T :bounce: Faith No More were cool as well. Think I'd seem 'em in London a few weeks prior too :) Am off to Leeds for a change this year actually, but only for Sunday.........must remind myself who is playing!

  10. Last gig: Jimmy Eat World @ Forum, London


    Jealous, very jealous!


    I've been on the boat for everyone of their UK dates over the past few years!


    Ahh nightmare bud :( Might be a daft question, but are you in the navy then?? At the risk of rubbing it in, it was the dates when they had no support but played 'Clarity' and 'Bleed American' in full.......sorry I will shut my trap now! What are you thinking about the new King Blues album?? I'm not totally convinced......but must admit I haven't quite forgiven them for the Whiskers add yet......!


    JIMMY! :lol: Love a bit of JEW, haven't seen this tour though. Is it a new album? Lexx is in the merchant navy mate, telling our own Martinmac which end of a paintbrush to hold. ;)


    They played Clarity in full!? :scare:


    I truly hate you.


    Hmmmmm, not convinced by the King Blues new effort.

    It's a bit too......soft.


    I feel that Save the World, Get the Girl will be the pinicle of their career, and Itchy will end up going solo.


    And as said - I'm in the Merchant Navy


    Totally missed this post when I made mine earlier, but as you probably gathered they did indeed play Clarity in full :sorry:


    You're probably right about KBs, which is a shame.............Alexisonfire and City and Colour = oh yes. Dallas is a genius :thumbs:

  11. Last gig: Jimmy Eat World @ Forum, London


    Jealous, very jealous!


    I've been on the boat for everyone of their UK dates over the past few years!


    Ahh nightmare bud :( Might be a daft question, but are you in the navy then?? At the risk of rubbing it in, it was the dates when they had no support but played 'Clarity' and 'Bleed American' in full.......sorry I will shut my trap now! What are you thinking about the new King Blues album?? I'm not totally convinced......but must admit I haven't quite forgiven them for the Whiskers add yet......!


    JIMMY! :lol: Love a bit of JEW, haven't seen this tour though. Is it a new album? Lexx is in the merchant navy mate, telling our own Martinmac which end of a paintbrush to hold. ;)


    No stuff off the latest album mate, but they did a few nights at there as a warm up for Glasto I think. After playing the two albums they did a few tunes off Futures and Chase This Light. Was pretty awesome I have to say :) Haha now I (sort of) get the reference Lexx has in his location! :boat:

  12. Last gig: Jimmy Eat World @ Forum, London


    Jealous, very jealous!


    I've been on the boat for everyone of their UK dates over the past few years!


    Ahh nightmare bud :( Might be a daft question, but are you in the navy then?? At the risk of rubbing it in, it was the dates when they had no support but played 'Clarity' and 'Bleed American' in full.......sorry I will shut my trap now! What are you thinking about the new King Blues album?? I'm not totally convinced......but must admit I haven't quite forgiven them for the Whiskers add yet......!

  13. Gram Light 57s Pro, cant believe those are standard sizes though, reckon they have had some further work. B)


    I know not everyone will agree, but thats a pretty amazing picture for me is that :cloud9:


    I do like that slammed US look but I don't think I would want it on my own car as it's not really my thing! However, those wheels are on my shortlist when I get round to replacing the rays with some 19" wheels as they are :cloud9:




    Yep expensive I think - maybe try Z1 Auto for a price. In my brief googling so far I couldn't find anywhere in the UK that had 'em. Someone on here runs them though IIRC......actually is that you Docwra??

  14. Sick of it All (always have to have some Noo York hardcore in there :band:

    Great band, got a cracked nose at the glagow Garage when they were touring for Built to Last. :wiggle: Agnostic Front done a geat gig about the same time.


    Ahh nightmare injury there mate! I saw SOIA at Reading last year in the Lockup tent. The set was amazing and the place was going off. Only problem was I lost my bleedin' iphone in all the fun. Was rather daft taking it to a festival in the first place mind......




    I thought they'd split up??

  15. Also an excellent video between angels and insects with the roaches coming out of his mouth an that!

    Picking up the point of lost direction, I felt the same way about linkin park after hybrid theory

    I wonder if you are feeling a bit of sound garden too...?


    Everyone loves a bit of Black Hole Sun.


    I was always baffled at how you could take the best parts of Soundgarden, and the best parts of RATM, and end up with something as poor as Audioslave.

    On paper, it should have been amazing.....but it just wasn't.


    I'm glad that both bands have reformed and started over again.


    Like you, I stopped listening to Linkin Park after Hybrid Theory. Although, I was never a huge fan anyway to be honest.


    Couldn't aggree more. Now then Incubus - discuss..... :lol:

    Great band again not alot of air time tho


    I think Audioslave had their moments, but overall, dullsville. And the less said about Chris Cornell's solo stuff the better...............! :thumbdown:


    Incubus were great up until Make Yourself IMO (even if they did owe a rather large debt to Faith No More back then). Saw them a fair few times including supporting Korn in '96 (I think) and downstairs at Nottingham Rock City (tiny room!) around the same time.

  16. I wonder if you are feeling a bit of sound garden too...?


    Nirvana and Grunge


    I totally glossed over the whole grunge thing. Oops! Although it was probably not as much of an epiphany for me as the stuff I mentioned. Soundgarden I am indeed feeling, although my knowledge only extends to Superunknown really...............epic album though :)

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