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Posts posted by spursmaddave

  1. well i have the bose setup in my 350z before i got it i was thinking it was going to be really good and clear but its awful no depth to the music and seems pretty poor i had a jbl upgrade stereo in my peugeot 207 which was awesome loud and clear.

    so i'm looking for suggestions what to replace it with i'd like pioneer as i have had them in the past and they have been good. i'd prefer to keep it double din size if possible. but will i be able to still use the steering wheel remote?? and can i still use the blue tooth phone system??

    any advice would be good


    If you search you will find answers to all your questions :thumbs:


    All depends on what you get, I got a F900bt with SatNav + BT + iPod etc etc etc.... Phone controls work ok and dont need the BT phone system as it has it built in

  2. Yeah i going with the package that alex sells on here the light fly wheel and excedy clutch. Looking forward to feeling the response more in the gears.


    You must be one of the 7 guys booked in this week with Abbey.


    I was there last thursday had the same set up fitted from alex but I didnt get the remap .....yet ;)


    You will love the new setup, if your gears are even a little stiff get them to change the gearbox oil too, alex suggested this as I had some vibration in 5th and now its sooooo smooooth :D

  3. Well done Alex and Abbey. :thumbs:


    Its always great to hear of someone who has fallen back in love with the car thanks to support from the forum traders. :)


    Seems some of the traders on here have got a bad name lately, so glad to give praise where it is due.


    I asked Scott at Abbey if he was getting lots of trade from the site, not sure if they are all members but 7 Z's booked in for tuning and workshop time next week alone!


    I could have got my work done nearer but its nice to go somewhere that sees Z's all the time not just once in a while.

  4. The last couple of months have not been great....


    Clutch getting heavier and heavier, I'm 6'4" and no wimp but I almost needed a left knee support!!! 5th gear sticking, also vibration when in 5th @ just over 3k, all leaving me :angry: and not loving my Z.


    New clutch & flywheel from zmanalex :thumbs:


    Trip to Abbey, clutch fitted, HEL brake lines fitted, gearbox oil change and some other minor work and.....




    Even on the fairly gentle 30 mile trip home the difference was huge, lovely light clutch, smoother gear changes (no sticking), no vibration and no rattle from under the car thanks to some welding...


    Thanks Alex and thanks Abbey for making me :throb::wub::winkiss: my Z again

  5. i still have my iphone 3g, upgraded to IOS4 last night, much to my dissopointment, no multitasking or changable background. guessing it's just 3gs and 4 that allow these after the new upgrade.


    My 3g has multitasking AND changeable backgrounds :thumbs: only thing I cant do is hack a better processor or camera :thumbdown:


    The multitasking works ok on 3g, obviously not as quick as on the newer models, all you have to do is tweak a couple of lines of code in the OS4, believe it or not it just has the feature set as false, change it to true and hey presto!!!!


    You have to jailbreak the OS4.


    My 3g was jailbroken on 3.1.3 so I upgraded through iTunes to 4.0 then jailbroke it again :teeth:

  6. Ok, so quite a bit to consider then.


    Thanks for the info so far guys.


    If you search on here you will find loads of info, I forgot to mention the brakes, the non brembo ones are not really upto the job, only my opinion of course and I only test drove one import.


    The thing that swung me is there really are not any + points for buying an import apart from the price, but then once you realise all the things you maybe want to change it works out more expensive.


    I guess an import would be a good starting point if you really want to mod your car as most of the bits that are not quite upto the UK ones you would be changing anyway...


    Whatever you choose enjoy it :thumbs:

  7. Imports are cheaper, but can be harder to insure. They also have a smaller capacity petrol tank, much quieter standard exhaust and are restricted. There are a few other 'quirks' including different dials, bumpers etc.


    If you can afford it get a UK car, but then again if you find a good quality import with a proper history all the above are fairly minor and can all be changed without too much hassle.


    Either way you will not be dissapointed, its the same car just made for a different market :thumbs:


    Im sure all the Import guys will be along and tell you not to let it put you off, but im glad I waited and got a UK model as im sure a lot of little minor things add up to a :bang::bang:

  8. i'm probably going to get flamed for this because its a bit biased as im a non smoker and a only drink on special occasions.


    I cant believe they havent put the tax up on booze and fags. Why should everyone suffer with a 2.5% vat increase and public sector workers have there pay frozen when a luxury which no one any good goes untouched.


    i.e joe bloggs who is a nhs worker giving his 110% everyday helping needy people has a pay freeze no matter how hard he works and how much he deserves it but people who smoke and drink for the better of no one doesnt suffer in anyway. i think that is crazy.


    In the most part i agree but i would have thought they would have looked at luxuries first before anything


    Totally agree, more tax on luxuries like booze and fags that way the people clogging up the hospitals will actually be helping the country out instead of being even more of a burden than they already are. I survived Cancer and had to lay in a ward with smokers dragging their drips and machines outside to smoke, made me sick, quite literally.

  9. Real men don't read manuals :p









































    Having said that, I have browsed through it..... I even phoned the dealer to find where it was..... hidden in the secret compartment that is identified in the manual :headhurt:

  10. Very nice, can you give a quick guide to removing the cover to wrap it as I have some DiNoc stuff laying around collecting dust and I have a nasty scratch on my cover...


    Cheers mate...it's really easy to get off, I did a search on here and nobody really mentioned the removal process so just worked it out myself.


    First remove the two bits of plastic trim to the left and right of the piece you're wrapping, these are just attached with clips so stick your fingers under and pull.


    Then the two remaining bits of trim still touching the silver cover need to be pulled away from it (ie. just pull them back away from the cover).


    Finally, the cover simply pops off itself...it does need a good tug to get the clips out, so don't be shy with it.


    Refitting is simply the reverse, but the two top bits of trim are a bit tricky to relocate...you'll work it out though! :thumbs:


    Cheers, 30 second job!


    Now to get wrapping, it will do until I get a proper CF one :lol:

  11. Very B) !


    I've been considering this terribleone (plenty of scuff marks on mine too), is it fairly easy to wrap as I haven't attempted wrapping before... :surrender:


    Very easy mate, it's the first thing I've wrapped and I did it right first time. Just cut the vinyl roughly to size, remove the backing and lay the cover onto the sticky side. Then use a hairdryer to heat the vinyl up (I don't have one around so had the oven on, popping either end in for 5 seconds to soften the vinyl) then smooth out and it takes shape really well.


    I'm looking around the cabin now to find more things to wrap...I really want to do the bits on the door handles with the window controls on!! :teeth:


    I did my whole interior in DiNoc, but it was a bit dull really so I took it all off, would look good on the door handles though, someone on here has wrapped theirs have a search if you want piccies :thumbs:

  12. eBay!! I can't recall who it was from, but type it in and just look for the cheapest price for the size you want.


    Oh and yes it comes on a roll, there are sizes from 300x300mm up to bonnet & roof size. :thumbs:


    Very nice, can you give a quick guide to removing the cover to wrap it as I have some DiNoc stuff laying around collecting dust and I have a nasty scratch on my cover...

  13. Cheers guys,


    thought as much just wanted some reassurance, Alex gonna PM you about the clutch kit after I get paid thursday :thumbs: been quoted £240 for Abbey to fit it and happy to leave it in theor very capable hands :D


    Only decision is should I get exhaust done at the same time, I'm sure I read somewhere that the exhaust has to come off anyway to replace the clutch??? :headhurt:


    Exhaust can be left in place when removing the gearbox to swop out the clutch;)


    Cheers Alex, thought I read somewhere it had to be at least partially removed. Will be in touch after payday :yahoo:

  14. Depends what your used to I suppose, if you like vtec type engines that you have to rev the nuts off to get any torque the you shouldn't have bought a Z :p


    The whole thing with the Z is you dont have to give it the beans there is power all the time, it certainly isnt peaky, sure you will learn to love not having to change down so often to get some :teeth:


    I do prefer the Vtec power style where it just keeps on pulling but agree on something like a 2.0l engine its a bit pants, however the S54 in the M3 had the same characteristics but the engine was strong enough at lower revs not to have that problem.


    Its not a major issue and as I don't thrash my cars most of the time I probably won't even notice it day to day !


    Not really a just comparison, but yeah I agree the Z engine is not the sportiest but for me its all about the noise and the looks B)


    First time my missus drover the Z on her own she said she will have to be careful as she looked down and was doing a fair bit over the limit, she hasn't driven it much since then :lol:

  15. The way the Z picks up speed is very deceptive. I never & still don't find it to be that quick but a glance at the speedo soon changes that


    That is very true, my 2.0 TDI feels quicker at times, but as you say the Z is just goes and goes. I was on my way back home today on the M25 and thought I was in 6th doing 70, planted my foot down and shot off like a rocket.... I was actually in 5th :blush: must turn my music down a little.....

  16. Depends what your used to I suppose, if you like vtec type engines that you have to rev the nuts off to get any torque the you shouldn't have bought a Z :p


    The whole thing with the Z is you dont have to give it the beans there is power all the time, it certainly isnt peaky, sure you will learn to love not having to change down so often to get some :teeth:

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