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Posts posted by ian.lewkowicz

  1. For sale here is an AutoLeads Low Level Booster 1v To 4v Line Driver (PC9-460)


    If you have replaced your head unit (or are looking to) and the pre-out volume isn't loud enough then this is what you need. You simply plug this device in between the phono's and the stereo and wire the power in and there are adjustments to make the volume louder.


    Only selling because I brought it before testing my head unit and it was loud enough anyway


    This item is brand new and un-used. I am looking for £22.50 delivered



  2. 1. Bigsss - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    2. phutumsch - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    3. funkyboogaloo - 300zx-club- Payment confirmed

    4. GZ32 - 300zx-club - Payment received

    5. Martinmac - 350z-uk - Payment received

    6. legrath - 300zx-club - payment received

    7. Narcotix - 350z-uk - Payment confirmed

    8. ToffeeZ - 350z-uk - payment received

    9. Swanagedave - 350z-uk - payment received

    10. Lincolnbaggie - 350z-uk - payment received

    11. mattbowey - 350z-uk - Payment confirmed

    12. Lisa - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    13. Trancemandann - 300zx-club - Payment received

    14. jay28 - ZClub - Payment confirmed

    15. Zedwizz - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    16. Croeso - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    17. Medallion Man - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    18. Slicktop - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    19. Jenni86 - 350z-uk - Payment confirmed

    20. 300zx_girl - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    21. Uncle Dave - 300zx-club - Payment confirmed

    22. Pablito-300zx-club-payment confirmed

    23. washwarehouse-300zx-club-payment confirmed

    24. Aceman - 300zx-club- payment confirmed

    25. madmarco - 300zx-club

    26. ian.lewkowicz - 350z-uk

  3. Will check whether I'm free but if I am then I'm up for this:


    1. Clarkie34

    2. Chesterfield

    3. Jenni86

    4. M13KYF

    5. zedwagon (+1 and a half) (maybe)

    6. Marzman (in my fiesta!!)


    8. Introspect

    9. ste01

    10. urban4 (never been to one of your meets but met a few guys at 'Modified Live - Oulton Park')

    11. ian.lewkowicz

  4. Saw this with the sound muted on the TV and assumed it was gonna be a fatal one, just goes to prove how the safety of the driver is the paramount thing in these sports. The crumple zone of the car absolutely obliterates the millions of pounds of car but the driving area stays in one piece.


    The driver of the car he used as a ramp must have been thinking his time had come, looking at the video he can't have thought he was gonna miss him. In that situation do you just hope for the best, try to slow down to miss him or try to accelerate to try and make sure you go underneath him while he's in the air? Whatever he did it seems like it was the right choice.

  5. When my sister was learning my dad told her to take her shoes off for the first few lessons with him so she could get a feel for the clutch better.


    Must admit, I have only ever done it when I've been moving the car in the drive or while camping with nothing on my feet, it just feels wrong, especially on the Z's pedals when it's cold, lol

  6. its ok i'm not getting those now. My car passed its MOT with the bit of tread that's left so i'm ordering some 452's when i'm back off my hols - i've been happy with these before. :)


    I was really happy driving my car away thinking how well its doing for a 2003 car and hardly ever had a problem and sailed through every MOT. :thumbs:


    the other thing that made me laugh was how you get used to having a zed and it becoming 'normal'. When i got in that qashqai i realised just how quick my car is in comparison.


    i know what you mean, havent had mine long but drive other cars and a tipper truck on a regular basis and damn it puts a smile on my face when i get back in my zed. :teeth:


    You definately get used to it if you don't drive anything else on a regular basis. When I recently took my parents to the airport I used my dad's Ford Escort 1.6 and then went back to the Zed when I got home and smiled the whole journey :)

  7. Lmao see if ur neighbours didn't know you were a cop, they'd think u were a gangster paying off the authorities. All those coppers turning up with machine guns and leaving without you and pockets bulging with stuff. Little did they know it was donuts


    From what he said in the previous message, they don't know he is a cop, which makes it even funnier

  8. As the title states, just wondering who put a Spotted card on my Azure 350 on a Club Stand at Modified Nationals today? I was back at the campsite so missed ya.


    Mentioned to another Azure 350 owner about the site and he said he wasn't a member so hopefully might see him joining soon. He entered and won the Cobra Exhaust sound off with a JapSpeed K1 and (unknown manufacturer) Race Manifolds

  9. When I did my Metatarsal the first time I was asked whether I'd be giving up football now and I just said "No, we'll see how it goes when I start playing again"


    When it happened the second time same person asked me again and my reply was "No, I'll have to ensure I give it longer to heal to ensure it doesn't happen again"


    Lol, you should never be forced to give up something you love, it should be your decision

  10. how do you end up getting banned?


    Console flashing i'm guessing ;)


    I have heard reports that Console Flashing will, playing copied games, or even playing games early i.e. you pre order a game and the seller receive's them early and sends them out early and you play it on live as soon as you get it (which I think if true is a bit harsh - it's not your fault that the seller sent it out early)

  11. It's an old post but thought I'd add mine to the list. If anyone wants to add me for a game some time feel free:


    1. Dunker - dunker67

    2. Chersterfield - C3ALL

    3. M13KYF - M13KY F

    4. NEO - panead

    5. Holthero - Holtehero

    6. rmmackfc - V8RM

    7. Andy - V6 NOS

    8. Ian - Ian350Z

    9. P15UL T - P4UL T

    10. jimbadman - JimmyB206

    11. Rentech - rentech

    12. neodc - neodc1

    13. rtbiscuit - rtbiscuit

    14. xStric9x - xburlyx

    15. sake-bito - sakebito83

    16. Adriank - adriankoz

    17. MrLizard - Team Lizard or TeamLizard

    18. IanS16 - St0pDr0pNR0ll

    19. Beavis - beavis350z

    20. ARphotographs - scottish rawker

    21. dcash5 - dcash55

    22. Dene8 - DeneE

    23. BladesGrant - Grunster1980

    24. srobrien - Rossco39

    25. spr1ngy - Spr1ngY

    26. aka350z - ak2k

    27. helimeddaz - AXEMAN999

    28. Shaun1982 - ZedDrifter

    29. Harman350z - II Harman XD

    30. Maxi-Glasgow - Maxi1969

    31. Sarnie - Sarnie

    32. AndWood - xxxxxWOODYxxxxx

    33. Kustard - kustard

    34. IanS - ZED 350

    35. Marzman - KingMarz

    36. lilsheepshagga_turbo - lilsheepshagga

    37, Danny 350Z - DJOR1979

    38. JT1703 - JST1703

    39. ian.lewkowicz - Ian1007

  12. Get well soon, I know how annoying it is when things like that happen.


    I broke my 4th Metatarsal back in July 09 then when I finally got the all clear from the doc to play football again, lasted 3 matches and broke it again :(


    Needless to say work weren't too impressed, altho they can't moan as the first time I had 2 weeks off work and second time I booked a couple of days off and was back at work after a couple of days, lol

  13. As I said previously. I can't make this now, sorry


    1/ martinmac

    2/ max

    3/ Lexx

    4/ JK240

    5/ Jenni86 (depending on the date)

    6/ AK350Z

    7/ Elfman

    8/ shieldsie

    9/ |chris|

    10/ MattyR

    11/ Dene8

    12/ mattbowey

    13/ Busa1300

    14/ ste01

    15/ SteveW (date dependent - dads birthday that weekend)

    16/ smudge :-)

    17/ Rob Gaskin

  14. I think in some cases this flat rate of 3 point and 60 quid fine a bit of a joke...


    for example 34mph at 3am and on an open road? Hardly see the harm, use discretion mr policeman and dont get jealous of the nice car :please:


    As far as I know it's all to do with the area. I.e. It's 30 for a reason, altho it's stupidly late and there's probably no-one about, if they are about they would be expecting car's to be doing 30. If you are doing 40 it's a lot easier for them to get run over and if you do hit them the damage will be even worse.


    Where as if you are going 90mph on a 70mph motorway there's less likely to be anyone just randomly wandering around. If you hit someone at 70mph or 90mph there's no chance they'll survive, unless they are the luckiest sod around. The only real problem with it is if you have an accident with another car it will still be worse at 90mph than 70mph


    Of course the other thing is you are still breaking the law so you will still get done by the cops, but this is my opinion of why they usually offer more leniency when on dual carriageways and motorways

  15. Both look good, which one you go for would be personal preference or whether you need any of the features of the more expensive one


    Another thing just to point out is to remember you'll need a mains power socket near the computer for these External hard drives where as ones like this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Western-Digital-Passport-Essential-Portable/dp/B002KPW5IS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1273579963&sr=1-4 use the computers power. These can sometimes be handy as no extra electrical connectors are needed but if your using a laptop it will decrease your battery life

  16. That's horrific! Wonder how long tyres last :p


    He has the stickers on them there still, so that suggests not very long!


    The stickers will be in the middle and the middle of the tyre probably doesn't actually touch the ground. It'll probably only be the outside inch or two that get's worn

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