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Posts posted by ian.lewkowicz

  1. Might seem like a lot of issues but don't think of them all at once otherwise you'll just want to get rid. As long as the inspection comes back think of them and think which are the worst ones and then do them in the order you wanna do them etc. Think of each one seperately and all of a sudden it won't seem so bad and also you'll get through them a lot faster than you'd think. With the help of people on this board they'll soon get sorted. Everyone's really helpful and will always give advice whenever they can.


    Personally I'd see how the inspection goes then see what the smell is under acceleration. Cosmetic issues aren't too bad, just your pride that will take a knock etc. But at the end of the day you'll still be driving round in a 350z, which lets face it is still an amazing car even with some cosmetic issues



    Good advice :#1: i hope shes a keeper..but will take alot to align every panel back into place..gaps everywhere! :bang:

    we'll see if shes straight first... if not- no good! :bangin:


    Are the gaps just between aftermarket and stock panels? I.E. the new carbon bonnet and the wings / bumper, or are they actually at every single join in panels?


    If it's just in aftermarket stuff I'd have thought it'll just be either the quality of the aftermarket bits or the fitment of them bits. Maybe Max rushed a few bits and didn't fit things quite right or sommat. My advise would be to wait and see. If it was bent in the accident I can't see it not being recorded. Is there any of the original interior? Are there signs that the airbags have deployed?

  2. Might seem like a lot of issues but don't think of them all at once otherwise you'll just want to get rid. As long as the inspection comes back think of them and think which are the worst ones and then do them in the order you wanna do them etc. Think of each one seperately and all of a sudden it won't seem so bad and also you'll get through them a lot faster than you'd think. With the help of people on this board they'll soon get sorted. Everyone's really helpful and will always give advice whenever they can.


    Personally I'd see how the inspection goes then see what the smell is under acceleration. Cosmetic issues aren't too bad, just your pride that will take a knock etc. But at the end of the day you'll still be driving round in a 350z, which lets face it is still an amazing car even with some cosmetic issues

  3. Bumper has been like this since before I brought it. Just the first time I've looked underneath it as there was a big ol' piece of metal in the way before :p lol


    Couldn't feel any broke clip or any clip that wasn't attached etc. So dunno if it's a broken clip or sommat or whether it's been mis-shaped under heat or sommat

    You will have to really look to see this sleeve/clips. They are there trust me ;) i suspect the bolts/nuts where taken off when the bumper was removed at some point in previous ownership and was never put back hence the deformation by wind rather than heat :p

    "Sometimes the mid-section rubs on the W-shaped crossmember and spacing this with 2-3 washers sorts this out i did the same but frequently scraped it on speed humps so took out (mind you my car is 35mm lowered )"

    That's the one, couldn't remember what it was called. I haven't got it at the moment but they are keeping it for me. It looked like it was gonna struggle to fit in the Z and was filthy so thought i'll go back get it in a couple of days in my dad's escort. They have said that there's no issues with having it removed and that it would be spaced down by about an inch so thought I'd probably leave it off if that is the case


    There should be no "real" issues except that :

    - you will loose the protection to the midsection which is the lowest area underneath the car

    - you will loose some chasis bracing too :p Don't know how much its contributes but i will rather a stiff chasis than a wobbly one :teeth:

    I agree with spacing in your case as your zed is standard height and will not make too much of an isues with sensible negotiation of bumps as opposed to buying a new midsection when it breaks unprotected ;)


    I have been considering lowering springs too

  4. Midlands Breakfast Club?:




    The next one is on Sunday 18th April. I've went to one last year (before I had my zed) and it was alright, it'd be a lot better of course if a big group of zeds turned up.


    That sounds good. Was gonna go there a few months back. But I'm up for whatever, and as long as there's no conflict with another show and I don't already have plans then I'll be there :)

  5. Yes, there are 2 metal sleeve" comming from both edges of the bumper between the exhaust and these stop the free edge to do what you care seeing in the pics. the are fixed by a bolt and nut which pass through a longitudinal slit on the "sleeve" and as a result you can adjust the position of the free middle edge of the bumper to normal or even higher to give you a bumper "tuck" look B)

    Hope this helps :thumbs:


    Ah rite so it's basically loosening off some nuts, move the bumper and that'll fix the 'lump' lol

  6. Bumper has been like this since before I brought it. Just the first time I've looked underneath it as there was a big ol' piece of metal in the way before :p lol


    Couldn't feel any broke clip or any clip that wasn't attached etc. So dunno if it's a broken clip or sommat or whether it's been mis-shaped under heat or sommat


    "Sometimes the mid-section rubs on the W-shaped crossmember and spacing this with 2-3 washers sorts this out i did the same but frequently scraped it on speed humps so took out (mind you my car is 35mm lowered )"


    That's the one, couldn't remember what it was called. I haven't got it at the moment but they are keeping it for me. It looked like it was gonna struggle to fit in the Z and was filthy so thought i'll go back get it in a couple of days in my dad's escort. They have said that there's no issues with having it removed and that it would be spaced down by about an inch so thought I'd probably leave it off if that is the case

  7. I think everyone is overreacting a bit here personally. You won the car Amy and at the end of the day the repair of the few audio bits ect is going to be less than 1k. If I got a fully functional bumped and repaired Zed for that much I'd be chuffed. Whos to say the next Zed you buy wont develop a coolant problem and quite a few people replace the audio system any way.


    The interior can go on ebay (some blind muppet will buy it) and you will probably get more than a stock interior is worth.


    I think you should put the worries to the back of your mind and just enjoy it :)


    Oh, and everyone most say they wont mod the Zed at first, though few people stick to it :lol:




    I for one was gonna leave the outside completely standard and not touch the engine at all and the stereo was fine for me


    I've just had a K1 exhaust installed, in the process of putting a £550 stereo in it and will when I can afford upgrade the speakers


    Have already toyed with the idea of having the engine remapped


    Also if I could afford would be putting a bodykit on it

  8. Nope, they are still there. There were some wheels there I wouldn't have minded swapping mine for because they looked nice, but think they were the wrong offset, and didn't wanna ask as I have no money to buy them anyway, lol








    As ya can see from the last pic, the bumper has a bit of a weird bend on it. I thought it was a clip or sommat that wasn't connected or was broken but having taken a look when it was up on the ramps I have seen there doesn't seem to be a clip or evidence that one has broken it or sommat so guess it must just be morphed with heat or sommat

  9. Tried ABP due to wanting it done for the weekend and not having any time between now and then when I can have more than an hour off work, and ABP is like 15 mins from work


    It's on and seems to fit fairly well, a couple of things needed taking off, just covers from what they've said. I've got the bits that they've taken off. Also one item needed taking off that is apparently to be lowest part of the car incase it gets grounded. Not entirely sure what this is but apparently I can put it back on but it will need to be spaced down by about an inch but that will mean it's more likely to get caught than grazed if I ground out on anything. Will get a photo of the bits taken off at some point so that people can tell me if it's ok to be off the car, lol


    There's a slight rattle but think that might be my golf clubs in the back. I have also got photo's of it fitted so will put that up soon

  10. I have used the RCA output from the stereo for front and rear speakers (not got any RCA's in my Sub RCA Output yet and I have used the RCA leads on the InCarTec lead plugged into these and it seems to work fine.


    I do have the BOSE system yes, my car is on an 04 plate


    Have you tried following this thread to ensure the wiring is done correctly? Have you joined the blue/white on the InCarTec wiring lead to the remote wire from the stereo and black/white lead on the InCarTec wiring lead to the ground from the stereo? Think this powers the amp?

  11. Yeah, to be honest I'm not too fussed about watching DVD's etc, especially when I'm driving (I'm not that stupid - most of the time) I was just thinking about passengers, not bothering to find the brake switch, and also I'd heard it also does some things with the bluetooth kit, so without knowing what it knocks off I wanted to just bypass it. Just weird that I'd heard from a number of sources (and also seen youtube videos) about creating a relay when it's not needed :s

  12. Just so that I know as I'll be trying to sell a few things on here soon. Are you allowed to list them as or nearest offer or do they have to be a set price?


    If you are allowed ONO prices then how does that get policed? Is it down to the seller when they accept the closest offer to their listed price?


    EDIT: Forgot to mention. I think the post limit on the For Sale section would be better increased. The For Sale section afterall is not a free sale area, it's meant to be for members to list their items. This would however (most likely) increase the amount of spam around the forum.


    One thing I have seen on other forums as well is some areas not counting towards post counts. Like the Joke room etc. As it's a common place where people who are only trying to get their post count up will head to try and spam without getting caught

  13. I thought the idea of the cap was that it get's charged by the alternator and as such the alternator doesn't need to be able to provide the power instantly to re-charge the powercap, it just needs to be able to charge it and the powercap takes the hit basically and then slowly recharges. Obviously if this is the case it's only useful for odd big bass beats, not constant otherwise the powercap will just be dead and the problem will be passed back down the chain again

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