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Posts posted by 350ash

  1. 350ash just told me they hung up on a conference call with germans to observe it...


    I was hoping the call would have finished by then but it had dragged on a bit so I just said it was Remembrance day, we have a 2 minute silence, we'll ring them back. It's the least we can do to show some respect.


    That's shocking! I didn't realise you even left your keys with them....



    Not sure if this applies to every airport car park but we had to leave the keys at East Midlands, safety regs I suppose.




    When I flew from East Midlands I didn't have to leave my keys. I didn't have a zed at the time but I still wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving my keys with anyone.

  3. I couldn't resist the "free" part! I wasn't keen to give them my phone number though so I just went with 01234567890, I've done this before and I really hope that no-one actually has that number because they must get loads of junk calls.

  4. I'm after a set of the standard 18" alloys (not the rays) so if anyone has a set for sale please let me know. I'm not too fussed by some slight scuffs on them and they don't need to have tyres fitted either.



  5. I think the best way to look after it would be to go for a 10-20 mile drive everyday, just to keep everything ticking over nicely :p


    To be a bit more helpful I think you're supposed to put some more pressure into the tyres, I don't know how much though - maybe google would be able to tell you?

  6. Hi and welcome to the forum. Feel free to post up any cars that you are considering. Its also possible to get locals to check a car out if they are a long distance away. :)


    What about this one? Not too keen on it being an automatic but does seem cheap thinking about mileage/age


    http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p


    That one also looks like an import, even though there's no mention of it in the advert. There's nothing wrong with imports but they do tend to be cheaper.

  7. I'm 6'3" and I find that I just fit in. With the seat all the way back, the base reclined as far as possible and the back reclined slightly I can get comfortable but I need to keep my hair short otherwise it catches on the headlining. Now that I've got my seat just right I'll kill anyone that moves it because I know I'll never find that sweet spot again!


    As Leeroy mentions, I think the non-GT seats (ie cloth rather than leather and manual rather than automatic adjustment) sit slightly lower in the car, they might be worth a try - get along to a meet and sit in someone's non-GT spec car.

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