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Posts posted by 350ash

  1. I headed out again today, got 8 miles from home when I noticed the rear tyre seemed a bit flat, got off to check, pulled a twig/thorn out of the front tyre too and watched as both tyres went completely flat :bang:


    I didn't have a pump, puncture repair kit or a spare inner tube with me so it meant I had a long walk home. 2 hours and 8 miles later I made it back home, a bit annoying really!

  2. Cheers for the photos John, I glad I stopped myself from hoovering stripes into the boot carpet, I bet I would have got some grief for that.


    Ian's re-furbed wheels are looking really good, the colour's great and it suits the azure nicely too.


    I noticed there aren't any photos of the front of Husky's car which is a shame because he's gone all out to save weight - he went as far as removing the two headlamp washer covers to save those precious few grams.

  3. I finally got round to having another go on a bike today. The plan was to head along a local canal and do around 10 miles or so, I ended up finding a cycle route and when I got back I was surprised to find I'd covered 14.5 miles. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it, I think the perfect weather helped somewhat, clear skies, warm and no wind.


    My bike hadn't turned a wheel in around 7 years, the chain is very rusty, it makes some dodgy noises and if you pedal really hard the chain starts skipping on the sprocket but it was nice getting on a bike more suited to more height. I reckon it won't be long till I head out again and next time I'm going to stretch the route a bit.



  4. Change of plan for me this weekend so I can make it now.


    1. Husky + Chris(Navigator)

    2. Wasso

    3. bladesgrant

    4. flyboy

    5. 350ash


    I was driving along the Fosse Way earlier today and their are some roadworks as you head North out of Princethorpe, I'm guessing they're the ones you found in the Toureg?


    The Heritage museum has some interesting cars inside but if you don't have a Jaguar Land Rover employee card, which gets you in for free, it's a bit of a rip-off. The Marcos GT there though is rather tasty:



  5. I understand your problem, I'm 6'3 and I only just fit. I think even just an extra half an inch would mean I wouldn't fit comfortably.


    It sounds like you've tried adjusting the seat as much as you can, I think that if at the moment you can drive without it being too uncomfortable then even a small gain, like having the non-electric seats, would be enough to allow you to fit comfortably.

  6. As other people have mentioned, deionised water should dry without leaving a water mark but I don't know if the washer fluid added to the water will cause a watermark.


    A free source of deionised water is the collection tank on a tumble drier.

  7. Ah..i see JLR employees..bet it must be a cool job testing new cars :thumbs:


    That's definitely the biggest perk of the job although I don't get to do it too often.




    My Dad is thinking on getting a Range Rover again he said. Full fat model though, he's not into the RR Sport as he said it's the 'gay' model! :lol::lol:


    The Full Fat model is my favourite too, so much better than the Sport if you ask me!

  8. I spent yesterday driving 50 miles cross-country in an Evoque, then building and driving into a range of sand dunes in it, then 50 miles cross-country back to work. It's a hard job but someone's go to do it...


    The car was really good on the roads on the way there and back and also very effective in the sand too.

  9. My old man was loving the jag review as he bought a new xkr not long ago which I think has the same engine, someone might be able to correct me. Prescott should be a comedian though. Shame it was the last one of the series :(


    Yep, it's the same engine. I can't stand John Prescott but the rest of the episode was pretty good.

  10. Well done mate, a couple more trips and the old arse gets hardened to it! :blush: The right size bike can make a big difference though.


    If you fancy a bike, get a good second hand one, lots of cash to be saved and some can be near new anyway! I like: http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/forum/classifieds


    I'm going to try some easier stuff now, get used to cycling again and check I actually want to continue doing it then I'll look into getting a bike. Cheers for the link, I currently know next to nothing about bikes but the guys I went with know a fair bit so I'll be hassling them for tips when/if I decide to buy one.

  11. I had a go at mountain biking today for the first time ever, went to Cannock Chase with some friends and did The Monkey Trail. I found it very hard work, I've not cycled at all in about 7 years and I was on a borrowed bike that was too small and had some very dodgy V-brakes.


    At the end the other guys (all a lot more experienced) said that maybe it wasn't the best place for a complete novice. I can't say I enjoyed some of it but a couple of the big, more open, downhill stretches near the end were good. Managed to crash twice, the first was fine, the second ended up with my leg trapped in the bike and my right shin is now twice the size it was this morning. I can see myself getting into it though but I need some practice somewhere a bit easier and some better kit too.


    Don't think I'll be able to sit down for a week...

  12. Well done John! I'm guessing you start on April 4th?


    does this mean you'll actually learn how to drive properly :lol:


    On a serious note, get your class 3 license (Advanced Driving) done at work, it's a very good course.

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