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Posts posted by 350Chris

  1. Something on hill parking - pointing wheels to the curb or parking in gear - saves you and others in the event of handbrake failure. Not such a concern now most kids are getting new cars but when I was at school and freshly passed, my mate had a clio that we could roll around to hide it as his handbrake was so knackered! :lol:

  2. Has anyone got a copy of the bluetooth guide squirrel'd away somewhere?


    There are a couple in the guide section but they are both broken links that could do with a refresher!




  3. When I first got the Zed the TC was off due to a fault and I found the car very informative when driving. If it was going to go, I knew about it, was prepared for it and it was very controlled.


    At present I have it turned on as the roads are slippery and unpredictable with the volume of leaves that have fallen recently. I do find it intrusive though - as others have said - and by cutting all power, would be dangerous in some situations. It is a reassuring back up though and certainly worth while as you are getting to know RWD characteristics.


    Would absolutely recommend an airfield or similar day to turn it off and really test your car though...I will do one in the Zed once the new year arrives to send my rear tyres over the wear indicators in style!

  4. Morning all, how we doing with attendees?


    If I were to say meet at South Mimms at 2pm for a 2.30pm departure to the pub - how does that suit?


    That should mean arrival at the pub between 3-3.30pm subject to lateness, detours and parking.




    1. 350Chris - in spirit

    2. theheff

    3. Luke0549

    4. 350 Russ

    5. Clown

    6. Mutley88 & James Dean

    7. Hennerz


    My car keys have been taken from me to stop me driving - however I will plan to be at South Mimms (without the Zed) to see everyone off!

  5. The camping has just been arranged for myself and a group of mates - we are going to do FoS next year instead of Le Mans (the novelty has worn off as it gets more touristy) Useful tip for the grandstand passes, thanks!

  6. Good work!


    My first experience of tramadol was amusing. My flat mate had gone out for the evening, he came back in (seemed like 30 seconds later) so assumed he'd forgotten his phone. Nope, 5 hours had passed, must've been staring at the door the whole time :D


    This cheered me up :lol:


    +1 though, time has no meaning! I'm having to write down the times that I am taking them so i dont double up...pretty spaced

  7. **Pointless thread alert**


    I slipped a disk in my back yesterday and spent the day in a&e in absolute agony...bad times!


    However, tramadol hydrochloride and diclofenac sodium are absolutely awesome - Everything is fuzzy!


    The list of side effects are pretty scary...I may end up as a cross dressing nympho with horns!




  8. Gents, I managed to slip a disk in my back yesterday and having spent yesterday in a&e am now laid up on some excellent pain killers (everything is fuzzy and lovely! )


    This means I missed the jap meet at Bluewater last night and may well struggle to make the pub run next week but I will see how the week goes. In the event that I cannot get there, is there anyone that can lead the way?


    To date, we have struggled to get a meet started, but if we don't set the ball rolling, we never will!!

  9. I have always gone for remoulds personally...I like the buzz of playing of Russian Roulette every time I turn the key :wacko:


    Aside from that I have been very impressed with the Seccanta's - rears are due in the next 2k miles and have been looking at Vred's replacements for the Seccanta's - Vorti...tread pattern looks reassuring but I haven't found anyone that has driven on them yet

  10. I cannot watch the video in the office so can't hear exactly what you are after until I get home but...


    There was something around a few years ago called a Vortex system - it was a box that you introduced into the system for claimed performance through exhaust gas channeling...my gut feel is that it was just for noise and had a very jet engine sound. Cartainly not my cup of tea but a suggestion none the less!


    There used to be a local exhaust fitter that could tune a system depending on what you were after - I think he is dead now (exhausted through age as opposed to an exhaust based accident) but don't under estimate what you can achieve with some pipe tuning...may make it a bit more trial and error than you would like - but exhaust tips, valves, pipe diameters and box internals can all make a difference.

  11. I wouldn't have said that there is anything there that is terminal - it all looks to be surface corrosion.


    Happy to be proven wrong if you can put a finger through it...?


    I would take a wire brush or flap wheel to it and then give it a few coats of hammerite or similar after some rust proofer. Then top it off with some gravitex for good measure

  12. I have my Birthday party on the 17th, but if i am feeling sober/well enough i will def be there :)


    Would be coming from berkhamsted, so some of us could meet at South mimms services and convoy there?


    1. 350Chris

    2. theheff

    3. Luke0549

    4. 350 Russ

    5. Clown

    6. Mutley88 & James Dean

    7. Hennerz


    South Mimms is a good shout - nice easy landmark to find

  13. i may be tempted. im night shift the night before so it would depend on what time you was looking at doing it?


    Open to suggestions - early - mid afternoon?


    Yes. I'll be there!


    Anyone else from Watford?


    I'll be heading there from Potters Bar - depends which route you are planning on taking?


    I will go A1000 off towards Stanbrough/Codicote then down some country roads (back road towards Luton)

  14. Ladies, Gentlemen and those as yet un-decided...


    My travels around the counties and some user locations on here have lead me to believe that there are a number of Zed owners that need to be dragged together to sit in pubs (or their car parks) and talk cars, rubbish and V6 global warming.


    I tried to congregate a number of people previously which fell flat when I had to fix the car - I will volunteer once more provided that there is a willing audience.


    I would suggest something mid November to give everyone time to get their passes signed off - so if I said 18th Nov at the Crooked Chimney pub (Cromer Hyde Lane, Lemsford, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 7XE);




    Who could I tempt out into the cold?


    Speak now of forever hold your piece

  15. Im not far off 30 and met my current other half online...more by accident than anything. I got out of a 3 year relationship, gave the online thing a look out of morbid curiosity and here I am four months later.

    There is allot to be said for online as it fits around work without the need to loiter in bars on the off chance that someone eligible walks in but there are a fair share of weirdos out there. One guy from the office picked up a lady admirer half his age. She was very normal on the surface but dig a little deeper and there were drugs, unemployment, bankrupcy and unresolved mentalness!!

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