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Posts posted by 350Chris

  1. Im after a carbon vs style lip for ep racing at the moment. If two of us want them we might be able to negotiate a nice discount if your interested theyre £295 normally.


    When you thinking?


    I could do it in the new year?

  2. Budget 10 hours labour &amp


    Theres also a very good reason why those with TT kits have had to change the headers but I'll let you figure that out yourself..............


    Cheers Ian,


    My original post was poorly worded, appreciate the need for header swap and additional flange to go TT

  3. I am resigned to the fact that I will probably pull the engine to fit them, I am no stranger to spanners and I have made peace with that already :lol:


    The problem I have with that is that will be the temptation to do more while its out...very slippery slope!


    12hp gains are reasonable in the grand scheme of things and will support the future package nicely.


    @keyser or tarmac - are the ceramic stillens mild or stainless?

  4. I have been doing some investigation on exhaust headers and quite like the look of the Stillens (as they would match the rest of the system)


    Very few people on here seem to have ever changed headers - except for TT - is that because the effort outweighs the gains or for some other reason?


    My future plans include a super charger and a Cosworth plenum - so if there is benefit to the headers then I will...if not, then I won't - Simples! :p

  5. Well after the mass turn out for the local meet today, thought I would post the pics up...


    Meeting everyone at South Mimms - even the kit car lot (all two of them) turned out a better meet!!




    Then it was off to the pub to meet everyone else...time for a few scenic group shots











    On the way out of the pub, I noticed a nice Church backdrop...so we took turns in the layby in front (queue was pretty short - so I had a few go's)










    Then before a bit of a scenic route home, I stopped off at Jag just for a nose...this was hiding out the back




    All in all, a fun day - turnout was a bit disappointing but the roads and the drive were well worth the trip!

  6. Tut tut... we waited until 2:45 ish before heading for fuel / drive.


    Considering we drove an hour, poor show! Was still good fun though, roads around there are nice.


    Tut tut...we were aiming to be there for 3 after leaving South Mimms :p - I was there until it got dark :lol:




    There are nice roads around there and some good photo opportunities...I have dropped the other photos in here;



  7. I am a big fan of Rum and have quite a collection at the minute. If you are specifically after spiced rums, these two must be on your list;


    Chairmans Reserved spiced - this is quite heavily spiced so more of a Christmas feel to it

    Foursquare Spiced - this is stunning. I have one problem with it though, once it is opened it is impossible to put the cap back on cloud9.gif


    If you fancy the golden rums then you cannot go wrong with these;


    Eldorado 12 year old - nicer than the 15yo IMO very easy sipping rum with a sweet demerara twist to it. My absolute favourite at the minute

    Brugal - cheaper rum good for Mojihto's


    On my to try list - these will be a birthday present to self later this year




    Finally treated myself to the Zacapa....smooth as a velvet cod piece - it gets me all unneccesscary!! :blush::yahoo:

  8. how about BA11 AIK


    BA11 SAK has to be in there somewhere?! :lol:


    I have always sat on the fence regarding private plates as near me there are some truely tragic examples - K15 SME, B10 WME, L12 KME jumping to mind - I am more leaning to getting one but I just can't find anything that takes my fancy or is obvious enough not to look stupid

  9. Just Man Up...

    Not even an offer to come and give me a rub down or walk on my back in your kitten heels?


    That's a brave thing to say to SMD - the doorbell will be ringing soon :lol:


    Bring it on...I've had one seeing to this morning, I could probably manage a second now :p

  10. I've had back issues myself Chris, and the best support for you back is to exercise to strengthen your core muscles, will make a lot of difference and hopefully stop you hurting your back in the future.


    Thanks Toad - I am working on that and should be allowed to get back to the gym early next week for very light work - I just need to work on pacing myself which is where I usually struggle


    Will give the towel a try to start with - we have the Herts, Beds and Bucks drive out this weekend - which I am keen to make!

  11. Having slipped a disk in the last couple of weeks I am now almost mobile enough to be getting up and about and into the car again - this is excellent news as I am fed up of looking at the ceiling!! :dry:


    Having just sat in the car and played with the seat adjusters as much as I can, it is still lacking lumbar support. There are rafts of aftermarket supports online, but all look pretty useless. Has anyone got anything in their Zed that they would recommend or do I just need to take a punt on something and see how it goes?


    Sorry for the old fart type question - but it is support or the car has to go :surrender: and thats not happening if I can do anything about it!

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