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Posts posted by formatzero

  1. 15 hours ago, mr v6 said:

    Oddly this week I've had the cheapest quote I've ever had for car insurance in my 22 years of driving. From 2005 to 2014 I've owned 2 Pug 406 Coupes in V6 form over 2 different PSA V6 engines. My current insurers wanted £734, then came down to £500. The insurance department of where I work wanted £1327 after employee discount:rant:. Anyhow, after trying Prestige, Chris Knott & Adrian Flux, I went on Comparethemarket & Axa came up with £398. After adding my dad on the policy & doing a bit of altering of details. I ended up with a fully comp & protected policy, legal cover, able to drive other cars ect for just £325 for the year:lol:... That's just change isn't it? It pays to shop around, don't be afraid to be cheeky & ask for money off ect, also play them all off against each other, they want your business more than anything else at the end of the day.

    I was moaning because mine was over £200,but then i'm probably older than your dad:lol:

  2. For the last year or so, I have only been sleeping for 5-6 hours a night.... before that it was 7-9 hours. During that time I split up with my long term partner (and fiancee) so yes I was stressed. During this period, 2 hours of sleep was good. Now I am happy, eating well, exercising regularly and have very little stress in my life, but still only manage 5-6 hours of sleep.


    I generally go to bed at about midnight, I fall asleep within seconds (very very rarely do I struggle to fall asleep) and without fail I wake up around 0515-0545 and I mean wide awake! No chance of going back to sleep. In the last 4-5 months, I have maybe had 2-3 days where I have gotten back to sleep and slept for another hour, but still woken up before my alarm which is set for 0745.


    After 4-5 months, I have no odd side-affects, I do not struggle to stay awake, focus, concentrate, work, etc.


    Most of my friends say its very odd and that I should speak to my doctor. Im not a fan of doctors, they will just want to prescribe something rather than trying to fix the rootcause (if there is one).


    Anyone else ever had this?

    Been doing a bit of reading and there are people that excel like this, so should I just accept it and figure out a way to use my extra time constructively?

    Also a little difficult when you have someone who is fast asleep next to you, that you dont want to disturb (she is moody as hell if she doesnt get 8 hours).


    Im in the process of reading articles now.........

    My partner had this for a long time,always waking in the early hours and reading for up to 2 hours,She eventualy went to a hypnotherapist and after 2 visits she sleeps all night'There is nobody more sceptical than me regarding that kind of thing but I am amazed how well it has worked !!

  3. Lets hope her plan isn't as fantastic as her plan for gaining more power in parliament...


    No you don't shout out the details - but all we have had so far is 'it will be the best deal for the UK' - you can release more than that without compromising your position.


    In any case whatever plan they had is now in ruins with the DUP stepping in and soft brexit a possibility.

    Lets hope her plan isn't as fantastic as her plan for gaining more power in parliament...


    No you don't shout out the details - but all we have had so far is 'it will be the best deal for the UK' - you can release more than that without compromising your position.


    In any case whatever plan they had is now in ruins with the DUP stepping in and soft brexit a possibility.

    Let's hope her plan is not as fantastic as the one promised by Corbyn !!

  4. I have a GT Edition,and love the car,a good compromise between handling and comfort I find.Would I like a Nismo ? well yes,but which one.Prefer rear of MK1 and front of Mk2,also seats of MK2,but it,s a very personal thing.

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks for all the info.Heard back from Nissan today,no back plates available in Europe so a new one would need to come from Japan !!! I will have a go at bending it back out the way.

  6. Noticed a grating sound from front drivers side wheel only when turning left,local garage had a look at it and could find nothing wrong with discs,pads or wheel bearings,they suspect it could be an issue with disc backplate.Phoned Nissan garage to get a price for one and it wasn't on their system ! The guy said this indicated none had been bought in the U.K and he would have to email Nissan for a price.

    The car is 13 plate with 40k and extended warranty but I would doubt if this would be covered and its a two hour jaunt to nearest dealer,anyone had similar problem ? cheers

  7. Had a 225 quattro before my 350z and liked it a lot,however preferred the feel of the steering on the z.Audi was great in the snow which we have up here sometimes. :teeth: I now have a 370 and it's a definate step up from the 350 lmo.The Audi probably quieter from the road noise point of view if that bothers you .

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  8. As interesting as the TV debates were to watch, they added very little to things other than give a headline to the Daily Mail. Remember in 2010 when Nick Clegg was amazing on TV when no-one had heard of him, and his party got a crap load of votes based purely on that rather than any actual depth to the LD policies? Yeah, look how that ended up: People then realised just *why* no-one had ever voted for them in decent numbers after seeing the nonsense they came out with! IMHO debates about policies and who you should be voting for is something that should be taken at face value going on previous history and what is actually written down, not soundbites and how well someone comes across on TV.


    TM seems a far stronger leader than DC to me, and whilst I didn't necessarily agree with her actions as Home Secretary she's appears to be significantly better and more forthright as a party leader. As I've said, I don't think this was the right call for a snap GE, however I'd much rather have a PM that is flexible enough to realise when something isn't really working and needs changing, rather than stick blindly with something just because they don't want to be seen as 'going back on their word'. That is the kind of useless nonsense that has to be erased from modern politics, as all it does it leave us stuck in the stone ages.



    As for a TV debate without the PM, that debate then loses all credibility and given that the other parties broadly agree that the Tories are evil, it won't be much of a debate if they all just stand there and agree with each other all night! :lol:



    I agree with this,we have been force fed so much politics recently we must surely know what the parties policies are without yet another debate.Tories to the right,Labour as far left as you can get,Lib dems trying to be the middle ground,S.N.P objecting to anything from Westminster

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  9. I don't think Labour could be trusted with the economy,they would likely borrow loads of cash to fund their policies and leave us with huge debts.May gets a lot of stick,particularly from S.N.P but I think you have to give her some credit,she was a remainer but at least had the guts to take on the task given by the electorate to tackle brexit !Cameron on the other hand jumped ship! I too believe it will be interesting in Scotland,will Queen Nicola lose a few seats? I think she might .

  10. I have read an article where it was suggested the way forward for hydrogen was to convert it to liquid form,then all existing fuel stations would be able to supply it !


    Hydrogen fuel cell cars HAVE to use hydrogen liquid form, but pure hydrogen molecules want to chemically react with everything hence doesn't exist in nature apart from in the middle of stars where the gravitational mass keeps it in place.


    To get pure hydrogen to liquid form you have to compress it to 700bar or 10,000 PSI. That's not a typo, 10,000 PSI is equivalent to a force of 700tons/sq foot, that's roughly the same as two fully loaded 747s compressed into the size of 2-3 cerale boxes!!! Frankly you need your head checking if you think these attributes make liquid hydrogen the 'ideal' fuel to replace petrol.... Oh and all this is bound by the laws of physics, no clever boffin is going to find a way to suddenly over come the inherent instability of hydrogen.


    The thought existing petrol stations can be simply 'converted' to manage hydrogen instead of liquid petroleum is the biggest fake news and lie spun by oil companies regarding hydrogen fuel cell cars. Currently hydrogen fuel stations costs between £2-4 million each to build, and thats without on going maintenance or hydrogen distribution costs. That compares to about £10k for an EV rapid charger install which has zero ongoing costs aside from electricity.


    The reason oil companies love spreading love for hydrogen is because it keeps them relevant. If everyone fueled their cars from home why on earth would anyone go to a Shell/BP forecourt??


    But even big oil isn't stupid enough to waste their actual money on hydrogen, Shell has been talking up hydrogen for decades but yet to act by installing hydrogen stations, but guess what Shell is doing :)



    Very interesting read.I have been interested in getting an electric vehicle as my daily but staying in a terraced house charging at home is not viable.Until charging issues are resolved probably hybrid is the best I will manage .

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