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Posts posted by Husky

  1. Which is why it's always good to know the HC :D


    As long as it's done safely so they can't get you for careless driving, no issues at all. Smashing past at over the ton probably isn't a good idea though :lol:


    That's why it is always best to use the hard shoulder to undertake :p


    Once again I jest.


    Nothing would surprise me any more, ~100 on the hard shoulder undertaking a tractor before a junction, yup seen that :scare:

  2. undertaking, a pretty grey area. I never do it, if plod doesn't have enough hits that day or is having a bad day, i know he'll single me out and throw the book and the kitchen sink at me.


    I'd never change lanes specifically to undertake, that's a big no no.

  3. I like to pretend to undertake and then when they realise and pull in, I overtake. Then pull in front of them, slow down to 30mph for a minute, when they then go to overtake I speed back up. Repeat at least 5 times.


    (I dont actually do this)


    I have had a really strange encounter in the past where a lady was flying down the empty motorway, maybe doing 90. She got right up behind me, incredibly close and then tailed me while I was doing 70 on cruise. Almost as if she couldn't keep speed by herself and simply used other people to control it while tailing them. So I cancelled cruise to get rid of her, 60... 50... 40... after drifting all the way down to 30mph she finally changed to the middle lane. At that exact moment I caned it back up to 70 leaving her in the middle lane of a motorway at 30mph, oh the flashing lights of people thinking "WTF" were entertaining. Some people are just weird.

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  4. I just sit in lanes 1 & 2 and pass as I see fit. Most people can be passed on the right without breaking sweat.


    I stay in the farthest left lane as is sensible, I keep my speed constant and if someone is sitting in the lane to my right, with nothing in front of me I will (cautiously) go past them on the inside if the speed difference isn't too great. I do not change my speed, simply pass them on the left.


    Rule 268

    Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.


    Rule 264

    You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past.



  5. Good work fella, another thing I would do whilst you are there is unbolt the front grille and spray it matt black, makes a huge difference to the look and feel of the front of the car as they tend to go grey and age the car badly.


    The one at the bottom of this pic?




    I may sort it, may leave it for when everything gets resprayed, not sure.

  6. ...and, upside down Toyota badge?


    It makes me cry. So long story short(ish); a woman pulled across me while I was doing 40mph, I braked, swerved, managed to keep the damage to only the front passenger side. Insurance sorted it, told them I wanted the car to go to Martin in Blackburn, they said absolutely no problem. Goes quiet for a while, I'm fine, I have a courtesy car doing crappy work miles for cheap fuel so don't hassle them. Eventually call Martin, he hasn't had it delivered yet, call the insurance, garage has it, call Martin, he defo doesn't have it, call insurance... It had gone to a @*!# hole panel beater cheap garage in Birmingham, they had had it the whole time. So my pride and joy with a 2000 mile old forged engine still being driven gently to run in was with some ass hats in brum. I didn't see her for a few months in total, I got her sent to Martin before me so he could assess the repair work. He told them that the repair work was sub standard and the paint match not good enough (it's @*!#). The independent inspector however signed off on it all, I complained all the way to their director before eventually saying **** it and giving in I have better things to do with my time.


    Paint match is terrible, their reasoning for it being ok was that "the rear doesn't match the body, so it isn't critical that the front matches", however ****ing angry think you'd you feel about that, I was that angry.


    Toyota badge is on upside down.


    They didn't align the new headlight whatsoever, I had to do it.


    Parts not replaced that should have been.


    They bent my key!


    **** knows how much they aged my nice new engine.


    I'm sure there was a lot more but I can't remember off hand. The insurers, (Sky insurance I think it was) barely gave a **** or had any power to do anything, they used a crap 3rd party company and they were shocking.


    I'm going to go take some Valium now to calm back down.

  7. Got to work on her in the sun on Sunday, I tried on Saturday but the second I walked outside it hailed on me :cold:

    I'm still trying to dry the driver footwell out, had the windows down all day and it does seem better, a way to go yet though before she's bone dry.



    First up was a tug of war with the exhaust bung




    The bolt was (as always) rusted hard in there so needed hacksawed out




    I had to clamp a rag to the bug, wrap it round my hand, bridge against the rear wheel and pull has hard as I possibly could.



    Once free I could see why she was stuck :surrender:





    She sounds great once again, I took a video so I'll see if I can cut that down later and post it up for you to hear.





    Driver door next



    So there has always been this issue of the driver door not shutting correctly, it also affects the window closure letting water in.



    Looking at the catch I figured it was related to wear and perhaps bending of the metal?



    So I took it off, jesus more rust.



    And flipped it round. Sadly it made no difference, the door must be hanging on the hinge wrong, or alternatively bent? Not sure yet.







    Onto the engine bay once again



    I scrubbed some bits here and there and decided to sort out the front bonnet seal, it had a lot of crud trapped in there and the metal holding it down was rusting.





    Never ending rusty things



    With it unbolted and peeled off, you can see the crap collecting under there





    I started sanding down the metal to be repainted when I found a lovely buckle in it that had been hammered back. The front end ding from someone driving into me had a @*!# repair from a shop in Birmingham (long story, much anger). They didn't bother replacing the part, just bent it back to shape and stuck it back on.





    At this point I didn't give a crap about doing a nice finish on it as it'll get replaced, I put some random black paint on and some 5 year old lacquer, 5 year old rattle cans don't seem to work so well :lol: But with the crap all cleaned out and some rust protection on there, it does the job.t5EALY4.jpg








    Strut brace



    While I had the paint out I figured it'd be rude not to sort something else that had been bugging me, the strut brace







    I gave it a quick sand down and chucked some matte black on it, it isn't meant to last a long time, just stop the rust progressing for the time being.









    I gave the engine bay a bit more attention cleaning the lights out and other stuff, this is where it's got to now.







    Finally not wanting to waste the expensive race spec oil I took out the celica, I started treating the 80 year old shed :lol: It's as dry as kindling so drank it up!






  8. I was there in the white GTR, left about 9pm with the 3 yellow Lambos for dinner.


    Is that a subtle way of saying you all needed fuel again?


    We just parked and enjoyed looking at the other cars, unlike the lunatics doing wheelies and drifts on the main road. Same in Sloane Square, one guy I know (Adam, GTR owner) which has been banned twice from driving, was "enjoying" the courtesy car E63 AMG drifting and driving 80-90mph on Sloane Street. At some stage he nearly hit a courier/ biker. Guys like him ruining the meets and places like Ace Cafe... Needless to say the expensive cars owners were not impressed at all, he we doing passenger laps. :|


    Yeah I have to say I'm very picky with any car meets I go to, been to a few where I just turned around and went home. A couple of assholes and it not only ruins the meet, but gives a terrible impression of car clubs to the public.

  9. I have a photo album of the places the paint is fooked and I tell you it is getting looong. It needs quite a lot done, so much so it's only worth getting a full respray at this point. I plan to get it road worthy without working heavily on the rust (i hope) so I can strip it in scotland by down to the metal, engine out the lot, then we can do as much prep on her as possible. Doing the respray last makes sense anyway.




    Dude you know woollen leg warmers went out of fashion in the 80's . . :lol:


    I'll have you know that's the cuff of the Mrs lovely pink gardening gloves, kindly donated to me in a cunning plan to then permit brand new pink gardening gloves to be purchased on the next visit, always one step ahead! :wacko:

  11. Ok so the oil change is done, that was some pretty black stuff that came out :blush:


    I set to work cleaning the engine bay out a bit to see the state of it, weeds had actually grown through it last year due to the light coming through the bonnet vent, yeah not so good!


    This was the engine bay before:







    This is after a while with a tooth brush, my back is ****ed so I can't do too much at once :(







    The bad news is that while getting her started back up and charging the new battery up, I left the window down a crack, just in case the locks got any funny ideas i could get back in. Yeah I forgot to wind it back up and it rained... A lot.







    I don't smoke,that's litter that blew in the window in the rain :(

  12. Hmm, I have a habit of somehow justifying a new gaming PC quite often, or expensive upgrades to it. Then I'll get stuck into an indie game for a month that I could have played on a shitty laptop :blush: Currently feeling an extreme pull towards ordering the HTC Vive


    HTC Vive is epic. We have a few demo kits at work we use with our visualization software.


    Its got a much better resolution than the Oculus Rift.


    FUUUUUUUUUU dammit the wife is gonna kill me, gouging out my eyes with a spoon before it arrives if I hit this order button.

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  13. No excuse for parking like that (apart from maybe what husky said :D ). I'd have driven straight back out and sacked the gym off and used it as a sign it wasn't meant to be that night ;)


    You probably need some pizza too, you know for... reasons.

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