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Posts posted by Husky

  1. Bump.Interesting reading through this thread.Before I left the uk I used to do a lot of Safetycar work for MSV at Brands.Often leaving Cambridge at 6 in the morning to arrive by 7.Sometimes just the Saturday others Sat and Sunday.

    Everytime I would be approaching Harlow and there would be an Audi A2 being driven at 70 mph by a young black girl in the third lane with the other two being totally clear!! I lost count of how many times I would sit behind her for a short distance,right indicator on-made no difference whatsoever.I still wonder if she EVER got caught by the police or if she is still driving like a single celled being.


    Right indicator on is a great German technique that is completely ignored in the UK.

    right indicator on means you're an arse - I know you're there and I will get out of the way as soon as i can anyway ..... now you're just pissing me off


    You only use it if you know they can get out your way and haven't done it for some reason (not paying attention etc.). I wouldn't sit behind you with it on for no reason.

  2. Bump.Interesting reading through this thread.Before I left the uk I used to do a lot of Safetycar work for MSV at Brands.Often leaving Cambridge at 6 in the morning to arrive by 7.Sometimes just the Saturday others Sat and Sunday.

    Everytime I would be approaching Harlow and there would be an Audi A2 being driven at 70 mph by a young black girl in the third lane with the other two being totally clear!! I lost count of how many times I would sit behind her for a short distance,right indicator on-made no difference whatsoever.I still wonder if she EVER got caught by the police or if she is still driving like a single celled being.


    Right indicator on is a great German technique that is completely ignored in the UK.

  3. Just finished Unravel. It's just a simple, puzzle solving platform game with swinging mechanics at heart, but what a beautiful, heartbreaking little game it is.

    The backdrops are gorgeous and the little wool character has such a depth of expression, you really feel for the little guy as he spools out yarn, collecting the memories and photographs of a family's life from childhood to the end of the reel.


    A little clumsy and frustrating at times, but ultimately if you push beyond that it's well worth a few quid if you like games without cars or guns.


    That sounds really good, will go take a look :thumbs:

  4. Clicky for a long but sobering read


    *EDIT: Sadly 10PS has removed his text from that thread and left PH. I'm sure it can be found elsewhere on the internet, and is well worth looking for.*


    Ok, so this inspired me to go on a massive internet trawl and see if I can dig up a copy of the original to repost here. It's buried deep in the web somewhere, just got to figure out where, most people have just linked to it. In the mean time I found this, which is also sobering.


    18-year-old kid killed in a BMW M5






    He posted on the BMW M5 forum —
    — as "AmericanM5," the proud new owner of a 2008 BMW M5 painted Space Gray.


    He had a problem. It happened when he had "everything set to max" and changed gear with the shift paddles mounted on the steering wheel. As he said, "and I'm going pedal to the metal pushing 140 and upshifting, there tends to be a thud noise with the gear change." AmericanM5 wanted to know if this was normal.


    And he added: "Let me say I am a beginner when it comes to high-performance cars as I am only 18, so take it easy on me."


    Reality Check

    The forum members told him that yes, the sensation of an abrupt gear engagement is normal with the M5's automated sequential manual transmission, but several also took the opportunity to express their concerns.


    Wrote one: "It's just disturbing to know...that an 18-year-old who is asking these questions about a 500-horsepower car is driving the same streets I am. I don't have anything against young guys driving nice cars, but an 18-year-old being [behind] the wheel of an M5 is what accidents are made of."


    AmericanM5 responded: "I completely understand where you are coming from, assuming that I am irresponsible...that is definitely understandable. I do sometimes make bad decisions but I am young and I do drive safe and I will not endanger the lives of others."


    These posts were dated January 25, 2008.


    Space Gray

    At 3:30 a.m. on January 26, a 2008 BMW M5 painted Space Gray flew off the raised end of a runway at a private airport just outside Ocala, Florida, sailed 200 feet through the air and stuck a huge tree. The impact with the tree occurred 15 feet off the ground. Five young men, aged 18 to 20, were killed instantly.


    Members of the M5Board began to put the pieces together. AmericanM5 said he was 18, had a 2008 M5 in Space Gray, and said he lived in the Ocala area. And he signed one of the posts, "Josh."


    The driver of the crashed M5 had been Josh Ammirato.


    Experience Counts

    Apparently AmericanM5 had not been entirely truthful in his postings. The M5 belonged not to him, but instead to his father.


    When members of the M5board forum had made this suggestion online, AmericanM5 bristled: "It's mine, buddy. I just traded in my 335i and paid the difference."


    Another member suggested that AmericanM5's lack of knowledge about the BMW M5's transmission could be easily explained: "Maybe your two years' driving experience in your whole life is the problem."


    AmericanM5 responded: "That could be a good assumption but the fact I never drive a manual car before may be true, but I've been driving for a lot longer than two years, buddy."


    Reports indicate that Ammirato had received four traffic citations in the last two years.


    Is This for Real?

    The crash occurred at the Greystone Airport, which is bordered on one side by Jumbolair Estates, a fly-in community where actor and pilot John Travolta lives; he filed a suit in 2007 to compel the owners to allow him to land his Boeing 707 on the strip.


    The fly-in community was built by the late Arthur Jones, inventor of Nautilus exercise equipment. The airstrip is 7,550 feet (1.5 miles) long and is 210 feet wide. Apparently it can be accessed through an unguarded gate.


    The five occupants of the M5 had attended a basketball game, and then a party where they were celebrating the 19th birthday of Dustin "Smiley" Dawe, one of the men killed.


    The Florida Highway Patrol reported that there was evidence of skid marks at the end of the runway, indicating the car had turned sideways before crossing a sloped embankment and sailing through the air and into the tree. Alcohol does not appear to have been involved. The accident made headlines in the Ocala Star-Banner.


    A Final Word

    The final exchange between AmericanM5 and the rest of the forum members came late on January 25.


    Some members wondered if the 18-year-old M5 owner was for real, and suggested that he post some photos of his car. Others wondered why a teenager would opt for an expensive sedan instead of more conventional sports car like a Porsche.


    A forum member from Queensland, Australia, applauded AmericanM5's decision to get a BMW: "I would much prefer an 18-year-old with brains to have an M5 rather than spend his money on some other piece of junk that could kill him and his mates in an accident," wrote M5DAL, a forum member since 2004. He continued: "If you crash in a big way, expect to be on the news."


    "Thanks, guys, don't get me wrong," AmericanM5 wrote. "I never said I didn't respect your wisdom. Thanks for the welcome, and I am looking forward to getting to know you guys better...and I plan to have all the pics up tomorrow. Josh."


    That was his last post.




  5. Kanye is next.




    I hope.


    Don't toy with my emotions like that!


    In regards to the celeb deaths, it's well known that it's only going to get worse as we delve deeper and deeper into generations with more celebrities. The whole "**** 2016" thing is getting tiresome, it's sad yes, should we mourn, yes, but I'm fed up with the over dramatic arm flailing in the air "OH MY GAWD 2016! it's like a George R.R. Martin script!". And the news sites are trying to report as many deaths as possible now as it gets so many "clicks", it's sad.


    Q. What is compressor surge?

    A. The surge region, located on the left-hand side of the compressor map (known as the surge line), is an area of flow instability typically caused by compressor inducer stall. The turbo should be sized so that the engine does not operate in the surge range. When turbochargers operate in surge for long periods of time, bearing failures may occur. When referencing a compressor map, the surge line is the line bordering the islands on their far left side. Compressor surge is when the air pressure after the compressor is actually higher than what the compressor itself can physically maintain. This condition causes the airflow in the compressor wheel to back up, build pressure, and sometimes stall. In cases of extreme surge, the thrust bearings of the turbo can be destroyed, and will sometimes even lead to mechanical failure of the compressor wheel itself. Common conditions that result in compressor surge on turbocharger gasoline engines are:


    -A compressor bypass valve is not integrated into the intake plumbing between the compressor outlet and throttle body (BOV)

    -The outlet plumbing for the bypass valve is too small or restrictive

    -The turbo is too big for the application


    Awesome stuff, good info from a good source. :thumbs:

  7. Basically my Blitz BoV blows too early since I had the hybrid turbo put in, so I have to keep the pressure down or it goes a bit crazy dumping every half second. There is an adjustment on the back but I've checked up on it, it's not an adjustment for the spring, it's for some factory calibration and shouldn't be fiddled with. So I'm back to square one of needing to shell out for a new BoV then, ahh well, thought I may have been onto a cheaper option there :lol:


    if you're gonna be shelling out for a new BOV it cant hurt to have a play around with the current one first (assuming you don't make it worse and blow your engine up) or would you hope to sell on the Blitz one once you have a replacement?


    If it's in good condition and working I guess I could sell it, I have a habit of being far too lazy to sell stuff though and it just lays about in my garage. I have a ton of 350z stuff all boxed up in there :lol:

  8. I've updated the steps here: http://www.350z-uk.c...de/#entry686203 With info regarding both cutting of the tracks and removal of the spring. Both of these seem to be a common point of confusion so I hope that clears it up.


    5 years later... Better late than never :D


    31) Use a sharp blade to cut these three tracks, make sure you do not cut any other tracks in the process.


    INFO: By cutting these tracks you will disable the tape playing ability of your head unit. If you never plan to listen to a cassette again, then go ahead and cut these. These lines were originally cut to reduce noise, however many people have left them intact and had no issue. It is your choice.





    32) Now remove the spring circled in red in the below picture.

    also remove the metal slider circled in blue.

    This removes the need for a tape to be present


    INFO: Again, removing these will disable your tape player, if you do not remove these you will need to trick the player into thinking a tape is present by either: once fully installed use a pen or similar in the tape slot to push/engage the mechanism until it locks in like it would with a tape being pushed in. OR, find an old cassette, pull out all the tape so it's empty, then leave it in the slot. The bay door will remain slightly open with a tape in, which some find unappealing. All three methods achieve the same goal, tricking the unit into thinking a working tape is present.





    33) Slot the tape deck back into position being very carefull to line up the connector underneath correctly, do not bend any pins.

    Replace the four screws on the tape deck.



    • Like 2
  9. It's been years since I wrote the guide, but wasn't there a spring or something to be removed? Either that or people were getting a blank cassette, pulling all the tape out of it and putting it in, tricking the system into thinking there was a tape in there. I went for the spring option as the tape being in leaves the door partially open which looks a bit meh.


    EDIT: I updated the guide here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/45398-how-to-bose-phono-ipod-hack-guide/#entry686203

    • Like 1
  10. JDM ones came with more power out the factory than UK ones ;)


    I'll have you know that there isn't anything power related on mine that's untouched from the factory anymore :p I even have a teeny tiny bit more capacity than you do! Re-bore ftw :lol:

    • Like 1
  11. Basically my Blitz BoV blows too early since I had the hybrid turbo put in, so I have to keep the pressure down or it goes a bit crazy dumping every half second. There is an adjustment on the back but I've checked up on it, it's not an adjustment for the spring, it's for some factory calibration and shouldn't be fiddled with. So I'm back to square one of needing to shell out for a new BoV then, ahh well, thought I may have been onto a cheaper option there :lol:

  12. You got a damn good deal then! What a lovely history to have, wish something like that was around when I was looking, but then again, I was determined to get a UK one not an import.

  13. Just need to find something to blank it with... Can I use a chunk of wood? Joke :lol: I guess I have to go get something machined then, or are there aftermarket parts for it? Only thing I've found under ST205 bov blanking is a 4 year old post which was a dead end.

  14. I'm getting paint jealousy here! I'm guessing the previous owner of your Faff was as diligent as you? The paint seems in great condition compared to mine, red fades really well after 20 years.

  15. Car supplies the correct amount of fuel for the air that is metered in. For simplicity let's say 1 amount of air gives 1 amount of fuel. Air coming back out the air intake due to closed off bov will be read again (albeit not accurately), now car thinks theres more air coming in even though there isn't. 2 air now gives 2 fuel. The problem is that the engine is actually only getting 0.1air but it's still going to give that 2 fuel as dictated by the AFM.


    That's my grasp if it thus far.

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