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Posts posted by rogerxp

  1. Hi, yup as Will mentioned I've had exactly the same, and in fact it's still not resolved. I've just been too busy to get round to sorting it out yet.


    That thread pretty much tells all except for the final instalment. The dealer has failed to get the required replacement clips for my roof so it's still not 100% refitted yet. Between them, and Nissan, they have order every single clip, seal, accessory part for the roof but non of these orders has resulted in the correct two clips being delivered.


    Nissan have asked me to go back to the dealer for a 4th time (and now into the 4th month) for them to partially dismantle my roof again and PHOTOGRAPH the missing clips, send the images to Nissan for them to investigate and hopefully locate the right clips :scare: . Surely not rocket science is it.


    Like I said, I've just not had chance to head over there and waste a morning but might try to on Tuesday - I've got an exam on Tuesday afternoon so could do some last minute studying whilst I wait.

  2. I'm a bit slow to this thread but was taken in until the cat was well & truly let out of the bag :lol: . Hope Rosie is fighting fit again.


    Yes, the QQ+2 is a bit gutless, but our 1.6dci (which I guess you borrowed the same) certainly gets going quickly after 1,500-2,000 revs. My only complaint of ours is if you try to pull out of a junction in second, and the revs have dipped a little, you've just gotta hang on until the shove comes, but when it does, it really moves. An amazing engine really considering it's tiny size. Here's our Mr & Mrs cars...

  3. It's horrible scuffing alloys, I've done mine a couple of times now, but can't be arsed doing anything about them (they're not too bad). On a plus point with your dark alloys, surely some dust/dirt from the road will cover up them scuffs no problem, might as well leave them as you're bound to dink them again :wacko: .


    Couple of wifey driving stories...


    Back in 2006, she was the token driver whilst we were out with friends, and we took the Maserati, coming home with 4-up in the car, she went to spin the car around in a wide junction only to belt both kerbs on either side of the road. Was actually very funny, I didn't care much for that car, so wasn't too bothered.


    Then in 2007, pregnant with our Daughter (our unborn child was blamed!!), I was due to take her 206cc in for an MOT so she was taking my 335i into work, she moved the cc off the drive and parked it opposite our driveway, then promptly reversed the 335i off right into her cc that she's just moved so it'd be safer :bangin: . Couldn't be 'too' angry as she was in floods of tears.


    Ironically, she's actually a very good driver, just had a couple of moments. She only drives the Zed if she absolutely has too :blush: .


    Anyway, I can't talk, I clipped my rear wheelarch on the narrow access to my office carpark - mostly will polish out but might need a tiny touch-up. Bugger.

  4. Here's the 360 camera view on a 2012 QQ+2 (as supplied by our very own Toby :thumbs: ). It is quite confusing, still getting used to it, but very good once you've got your head around it (a bit un-nerving as you obviously can't use your eyes & look at the screen at the same time if you know what I mean!!).


    In fact, my wife really missed the 'beeps' from her X3, so I've bought her that XVision kit Toby eludes to above (but just the basic rear bumper beep version). Just need to get it fitted. So, she'll have 360 degree cameras, and beeps. I'll fecking kill her if she still bumps it :bangin: .


    This was taken on my first attempt, hence still being crooked (mmm :blink: ).

  5. I have always run on 97 (as it's available in several nearby petrol stations) on the assumption that the missing "1" is unlikely to make any difference. :shrug:

    97RON is fine, its when you drop to 95RON the problems in the 350z start. Far to early to know if the 370z doesnt like 95RON for any other reason but with a knock sensor up to the redline, I dont see why it shouldnt be ok, but still not ideal. Perhaps we should get a demo car on 95RON on Abbey's dyno and see what it really does to it? :teeth:


    Could you explain this in dumb-ass English Chris?? I mean, what physical problems did 95RON cause the 350Z, what does a knock sensor do in a 370Z, why does it help?? Just interested.

  6. Get it bought man :p

    Value? it is as new



    There is upto 10 k off a new one, at Westway Nissan in Waterloovile. Was offered an unregistered one GT Edition, loaded for 25k


    @*!# me, I'd have that, do you think they'd hold onto it until the summer is over?!?!

  7. Well, I think they must be breeding them, as yesterday I got a third marroon Note (all different cars!!), this one with only 9 miles on the clock.


    Anyway, car went in to have the 'clips' installed, got a call at about 3pm to say they'd opened up the packet including the new seal but there were no clips inside :rant: . Car has to go back for visit no.4 soon :bangin: .

  8. Will, great to have a mini mini meet ;)


    A massive thank you for letting me take Rosie out for such a nice drive :thumbs:


    Will was kind enough to allow me the privilege of tickling Rosie's pedals this morning :teeth:


    All I can say is what a car :drive1 and what a top guy Will is. ;)

    Now, Will, you really have yourself to blame. Need one now! :lol:


    Thanks Will. :yahoo:


    :yawn: action, not talk man :bangin:


    Action IS happening Colin.. I am in talks with a garage in Edingburgh :bounce:


    Don't know this might be an option but I could be persuaded to part with mine to a good home?? 60 plate / 7,000 miles (just getting the roof sorted this week).

  9. My wife's new QQ+2 was parked in that exact same spot a week last Friday - can't beat the feeling of collecting a new car :yahoo: . Your Zed looks spot on, especially the colour (not that I'm bias or anything ;) ), good choice :thumbs: .

  10. Well, my car is booked in again on Wed/Thurs next week, and I've raises all the issues. They'll take a good look over it, the rear de-mister shouldn't be too difficult to rectify, they'll have a go at tightening up the whole of the hood once the new clips are installed, and then that leaves the lopsided hood. Maybe, once the clips are all in place, and the whole thing has been tightened, the fabric might centre itself but until all that has been tried there's no point in guess what'll happen next.


    We'll see.


    My only 'diva' request has been to not give me another marroon Note :wacko: .

  11. Cheers chaps, I'm not really disappointed with Westway for their work, I suspect they have taken a great deal of care over this project but are in unchartered terriroty themselves so taking things one step at a time. I am certainly going to air my concerns with them and see if they can get someone at NissanUK to take a look for their input. With the way things are it's just inevitable that a hole will reappear - my issues are logged so they'll just have to keep replacing my hood but that's a right faff.


    I'm a pretty fair kind of chap but the issues are so obvious I just can't let them pass without being addressed - after all this could affect my resale price. Tell you one thing it's going to be hard to sell it to a forum member :bang: .


    Will, if you're able to get some photos up that would be great, and anyone else for comparison, the more comparisons I've got the better. I'm delaying sending the car back to get these clips sorted until I've got enough evidence (plus it's too sunny to be driving around in a fecking Note again!!!).

  12. Well, I'm finally getting round to reporting back where things are up to with my roof, and with a few miles under my belt I'm in a better position to write...


    ...firstly, the roof fabric was replaced about 2 weeks ago, and all seemed to be fine. The new fabric seemed to fit correctly without any 'flappy' bits hanging off. That was the case bar two areas just behind the door windows where the fabric meet the chassis (only one visible thought strangely) where the clips had to be snapped to remove the fabric, but as the dealer wasn't aware of this having never done this before, they didn't have new ones ready and have been on back-order for two weeks - now ready to be sorted. This hasn't effected the roofs movement or anything like that so I've had my car back since it was last in.


    Now, after having the car back for two weeks, I'm starting to notice a few issues which I'm going to mention to the dealer but not sure how much on an issue they actually are. They are -:


    * The rear window de-mister is either not working or is now very slow

    * The rear window, I'm convinced, now flaps about more when going at speed. I don't know whether I would expect humans to be able to get the right 'tautness' as a robot in the factory

    * I'm still not 100% happy the roof sits right; seems to be tilted to the left. Difficult to explain but the fabric completely covers the rubber seals on the left but the rubber seals are exposed on the right. This is what lead to the hole in the fabric in the first place i.e. not enough gap for the door window to pass without catching it. This new fabric sits in exactly the same way as the old which would indicate the actual mechanism is a touch out. The dealer (when highlighed ages ago) said that possibly the chassis is twisted (due to having the top lopped off) by a tiny bit which is exaggerated at the top of the roof. Not sure I buy this as it sits perfectly along the top of the windscreen.


    I was wondering whether any other 370Z Roadster owner wouldn't mind posting picture of their roofs so I can compare how they sit, specifically like the ones below so I can see any difference...

  13. Sorry chaps, I'm sure this must have been discussed before, but a search for 'stillen' as you can imagine turned up many pages of results.


    Have anyone dyno'd their 370Z stock and then with just the Stillen exhaust on?? What actual bhp gains were there?? Stillen are claiming around 18bhp increase but how accurate is this??


    I'm no expert here but when I mentioned the figures to someone with much more experience than me they were surprised by the size of the gain purely from changing the exhaust.


    Anyone got any real-world evidence??

  14. Well, my car went in today to go 'under the knife', to hopefully be ready later on tomorrow.


    I made a cheeky request that they source a GTR from Westway Manchester as my courtesy car, but unfortunately (no surprise really) M'cr weren't playing ball, so once again I'm tootling around in a maroon Note (top of the range I might add :lol: ). It really is a gutless piece of @*!#, it just has no pull whatsoever on a by-pass/motorway, overtaking is impossible (dangerous actually), and you just end up with people right up your chuff getting pi**ed off. Anyway, won't be long now, hopefully only 28.5 hours to wait.


    Here she is looking all nervous but taking some comfort from a friend (in fact, that's my Note in the background :scare: )...

  15. Great photos guys.


    Will, I must ask, how do you cope in the Roadster being so, hmmmm, lanky :p . I'm a heady 5'8" and my seat is pressed up against the back to such an extent the leather creaks as it rubs against it - I've now pulled my seat forwards a fraction but I'd prefer it back a touch. Are your knees by your ears or something ;) .


    Good choice with the Stillen though. Hasn't Guns got HFCs too. I've not and am perfectly happy with my level of noise. I'd suggest the exhaust first and see how your get on.

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