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Posts posted by terribleone

  1. What about keeping a spare set of cheap 15s or 16s with chunky winter tyres on for the Z? :lol:

    Good luck getting those over the brake callipers :headhurt:


    Bloody hell...completely forgot about that!! Still had my MR2 head on!! :blush:


    Ok maybe not!! :lol:

  2. Coming from a car with no driver aids like TC or ESP, I have to say it freaks me out a bit when it kicks in!!


    Trying to drive earlier (I was going to get stuck on my road with it on or off), I found that with the ESP on my car was less controllable and more prone to sliding that with it off.


    I didn't think much of it until I read this thread, so I got my user manual out...it says that when a driving wheel is spinning on a slippery surface, the system brakes the spinning wheel to distribute the power to the other wheel.


    Does this mean 'brake' as in actually 'brake' or just cut power?? And then does all the power go to the other wheel?? :headhurt:


    It sounds dodgy to me...from what I've experienced of the car so far (which has been 90% snow/icy/wet driving), I much prefer driving without it!! :lol:

  3. "Only" -3/4 degrees here today and a little bit of snow on our street so finally able to use my little baby :blush:

    The amount of snow we've had here is nothing in comparison to the rest of the UK :surrender: just 1-2 inches. The top photo is from today and the black and white one from the week before christmas.


    Same here...only a couple of inches.


    I made it into work yesterday after getting stuck and working from home on Wednesday, but I got stuck at the same place today. A right hand turn off my road onto a hill and the front wheels dig into the snow and the back end comes round leaving me at 90° across the junction!! Not fun, so found my was back down the road and tucked her up under the car port!! :)


    Work didn't seem to fussed, as they know I'm not the sort to abuse a day off. :D

  4. Sorry to post on your for sale thread, but I'm looking at getting spacers shortly...also running standard Rays.


    I take it you are running 20mm front & 25mm rear with no problems??


    I want to get them as far out as possible :thumbs:



    most users run 20mm all round and look fab. I know of one member who runs 20 on the front and 25 on the back.


    Cheers for the info mate :thumbs:

  5. I don't believe the pic. Although, part of me does want to believe it! B)


    Why don't you believe it? There's not really anywhere that has escaped....oh wait, why is Ireland still nice and green?? :lol:


    I know what you mean actually, I saw this on Accuweather yesterday and thought it just looked a bit strange...


    I wish it'd shift though, my Koi have been under an inch of ice for a good week now!! :lol:

  6. Sorry to post on your for sale thread, but I'm looking at getting spacers shortly...also running standard Rays.


    I take it you are running 20mm front & 25mm rear with no problems??


    I want to get them as far out as possible :thumbs:

  7. I bought a 55 plate UK GT model with 36k on the clock for £12.5k just recently...that was with extensive shopping around, and buying privately!


    I saw some 2004 models with similar mileage going for around your budget, so stick with it and something good will come up! :thumbs:


    Oh and welcome to the club!!

  8. I've used my zed for work the past two days...to say it's been interesting weather to get to know the car in is an understatement!!


    In my MR2 I used to get much more traction with the weight over the rear, plus there was the added bonus that stacking the car into a kerb wouldn't have bothered me too much...I had cheapie rims on and spares are abundant, especially this time of year!!


    In the zed I don't feel as much in control...it's a bigger, heavier car and it's either being bogged down by the ESP or trying to spin me round with the ESP off!! At the end of my road I have to turn right onto a slight incline and I've struggled on this both days.


    It's same every time it snows, sidestreets are a nightmare but once you get onto a clear main road there's no problem at all...and by that time the seats have warmed up!! :D


    Was it the MR2 roadster? I remember mine being pretty good in the snow too but one ice so deadly and 1 winter took me an hour to get it up the slight incline to my drive!

    The Zed was ok in the snow but again slight inclines seem to defeat it especially with speed bumps underneath the snow :bang:


    Nope...mine's a Mk2;




    They're suprisingly easy to control in the snow and I'm tempted to use it instead of the Z while the weather's like this, but I'm just loving the Z too much!! :teeth:

  9. I've used my zed for work the past two days...to say it's been interesting weather to get to know the car in is an understatement!!


    In my MR2 I used to get much more traction with the weight over the rear, plus there was the added bonus that stacking the car into a kerb wouldn't have bothered me too much...I had cheapie rims on and spares are abundant, especially this time of year!!


    In the zed I don't feel as much in control...it's a bigger, heavier car and it's either being bogged down by the ESP or trying to spin me round with the ESP off!! At the end of my road I have to turn right onto a slight incline and I've struggled on this both days.


    It's same every time it snows, sidestreets are a nightmare but once you get onto a clear main road there's no problem at all...and by that time the seats have warmed up!! :D

  10. I'd never buy a car without an HPI check to look for a repaired write off, outstanding finance or conflicting mileage history.


    They also say the date first registered in the UK so this would set alarm bells ringing if the car was an import.


    These are all things dealers can easily hide and once the car is yours they're laughing... I hope you can get your money back or some form of compensation! :thumbs:

  11. The spring is there, and very springy! So it may be that the arm is slightly bent...


    I'm thinking filing down the offending part of the arm might be the only option....shouldn't be too much off a chore to take off, lose a mil or two and give a lick of paint. :)

  12. Hi all.


    Have a bit of a niggle with my Zed...when the wipers are going, the wiper arm is very slightly fouling the windscreen!

    Not enough to cause damage, but enough to squeak every time it brushes over and drive me mad! :lol:


    It's the part right at the arm hinge which is fouling, and the arms are so beefy (compared to other cars I've had) that I can't imagine they'd twist and cause the problem. Conversely I doubt I could twist them a bit and solve the problem!! I tried the blades from my MR2 thinking that maybe different blades may help the arm sit further away from the screen, but to no avail!


    Has anyone else had this and found a fix? It's got me a bit stumped at the minute!! :headhurt:

  13. Cheers again for the nice comments!! :thumbs:


    I popped to the shops in it today...found a nice spot well away from everyone and parked up.


    As I was in the shop, I thought to myself "I bet I get back and someone's parked within a foot of me!"


    Lo and behold, upon return to my car there was a people carrier so close to my passenger side that he must have been tiny to get out of the door!!

    Why is it always people carriers that do this?? Do the dads driving them just do this to annoy those of us who are childless and can own a 2 seater, as I used to have exactly the same with the MR2!!?? :lol:

  14. Hi all, I finally got round to picking up a Zed yesterday... :yahoo:


    It's a 55 plate Blade GT, with 36k on the clock, full Nissan service history and all the trimmings bar Sat Nav...I'm rather chuffed, and keep looking out the window at it!! :lol:


    Here's a quick pic I took today whilst photographing MR2 parts to sell! I'll hopefully get time to clean & drive her over the next few days!!



  15. Hi guys.


    Reading a recent thread about intake kits, the K&N wasn't really mentioned...are they any good? Is anyone running one on here?


    They seem good value to get all this for just over £200...polished intake pipe, cold air box, filter and an air scoop.





    Comments & opinions welcome!! :thumbs:

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