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Posts posted by varley16

  1. im trying to create a website, i know there is editors out there, and im playing about for the moment.

    But i need to know how i create a website, and people have to register but can access the home page without, i also need a search function, aswell as a search function as above, but a drop down menu, like autotrader, so people can select different bits and bobs from various drop downs, example on one drop down a user can select nissan, then the second one will change to nissan models, so then they can select 350z and so on.


    any help will be much appreciated and awesome, thanks.

  2. dont normally go for part worn tyres but i dont do much mileage so at the moment im considering part worn tyres, i can get tyres at cost/trade prices, but i cant get falken tyres at cost price.


    i would prefer falken but ill consider others, must be 5/6mm, no puncture repairs cuts or damage, pm me thanks.

  3. Im after free advice, me and the wife want to extend or borrow more cash on our mortgage, we are comfortable with our payments, and we aim to do the kitchen. We. Are aiming for 5k more.


    How do we go about this, does it effect my current mortgage much in terms of payments?


    Thanks for any advice.

  4. apart from the treatment, there was more, i got bollocking for having a tea break later than usuall, although i think it was a misunderstanding and he thought i had been up there for longer than i should, and the thing that annoyed me more about that, is the person who moaned about me, walks out the door roughly 5 mins before we should finish.


    i often caught the manager walking through the workshop with a lit up fag..... then fag breaks far to often.


    to be honest i could go on forever about issues in the workplace, but im now not unemployed, im going back to a place where im respected, and also in a weird way im glad i did work in hell for the last 3 months because its made me realize that where im going to now wasnt that bad, if i didnt leave Ford i think ill still be there getting annoyed.

  5. thanks for that guys.


    Also i would like to clear one thing up, the company i worked for that "deals" with this website isnt a trader, its just a company that scrolls across the homepage for discounts available to members.

  6. wooooooohooooooooooooo, ive left my current employer, it got worst, treated badly and i started to react to the way i was treated. i was told by a few that i got on with when i first started that if they want me out they will make it hard for me, and thats what they did. very badly treated and unfortunatly its a company that this website deals with for discounts i think.


    It got to the point where i was being accused of things, and i started to react in ways i normally wouldnt, its a shame that people feel the need to treat others like this to make them feel better/ more important/ more safe in there job.


    I was very clearly being singled out, luckily i did get on with a few people which did make life slightly easier, and luckily i got on with an accountent who over heard a conversation that i was being called into the office on thursday morning, also lucky for me i had been in talks with my old boss back at Ford about going back there, the only reason i was stalling is because i need to settle down in a job so i can work hard, and work my way through the ranks, i would of gone back sooner, but the situation i was in i really didnt believe that i was being forced out, i knew deep down i was, i just didnt think it would happen to me.


    I even had a tech mention to me that they had noticed i was being singled out, or i was being bollocked for things they normally wouldnt bother about. so a very bad experience, but at the same time i find myself very lucky, for the people i did get on with me warning me about events that were going to happen, for the people that actually made the effort with me and not act like a sheep and follow the others, and also thankful for getting my old job back with people that actually put in more than enough effort to get along, respect and have a laugh.


    the one thing ive learnt is that it aint always greener on the other side.

  7. i considered the same, although they are nice, there not a zed, i always wanted a zed and if i got the g35, i think i would of been dissapointed, im sure there an awesome car but the zed is better looking, i would spend the extra cash and get a zed.

  8. yer i quoted there terms after i posted this topic and now waiting for a reply, it ran out on the 20th and they took the cash on 27th, as soon as i found out they took money i emailed them.

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