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Posts posted by MattMe

  1. Just got an email from Just The Tonic (comedy club) in Nottingham:



    We are going to advertise this more officially elsewhere, but thought we would let out regulars have a bit of prior knowledge:


    FULL TIME MARKETING AND SALES JOB Just the Tonic Comedy Club is one of the most respected comedy clubs in the country. We have been based in Nottingham for 16 years. We are about to launch a full time comedy club in The Cornerhouse in Nottingham and will be putting on comedy 4 or more nights a week. We are looking for someone that can take the Just the Tonic night and get more people in. We will be based in a very central location, we have a very strong reputation within the city and we have an incredibly strong line up of shows:

    http://www.justthetonic.com/index.php?i ... id_club=46


    What we require is someone that can help us spread the word, sell a load of tickets to the right kind of people and to help Just the Tonic grow in Nottingham and the Midlands, whilst retaining it’s standards of excellence. What you have to market and sell will be a quality product in a prime location offering the best comedy line ups, a broad range of drinks, quality food all presented within a newly refurbished venue. It will be a unique product, unmatched in the UK If you think you can help do this and would like to earn some decent money doing it, please get in touch. If you think you will do this by putting up more posters and flyers, then don’t get in touch, we have people to do that. This is far bigger and a far better job Money will be negotiable depending on experience etc Please send CV's and letters about yourself to darrellmartin@mac.com Don't just reply to this email or you will be failing at the first hurdle.

    Thanks Darrell and Joe


    Sounds okay - don't know if location is any good for you, and it's not exactly motorsport related...

  2. Hi, welcome to the forum.


    I've not owned a Clio V6 but I know someone who has, and I also looked at purchasing one in the past.


    My opinion was the Clio V6 wasn't really all it was cracked up to be, it's still a Clio at the end of the day and doesn't really drive that great - I actually prefer the standard sports Clios, they're much moer fun and a hell of a lot less likely to kill you! The V6s have great straight line speed, and they do 'feel' a bit quicker that the 350z, and they're certainly a lot rarer.

    I went for the 350z as it's a more all-round motor. More comfortable, better looking (opinion, of course) and you can have some real fun in them quite safely as they are very progressive round corners. Don't know much about modding the V6 Clios, and imagine to be extremely expensive and probably not a good idea as re-sale goes. The 350z has lots of options, both cheap and not so cheap, and you can get mega performance for a couple £k if you're into that side of things.


    Drive them both, you'll make up your own mind.


    One thing you can't get with the Clio is this forum, so that should settle it... :lol::thumbs:

  3. Surely the ultimate fast ford is an RS200?


    Now that's a :cloud9: kinda car. That and a Lancia Stratos pretty much make me moist.


    Am I wrong? I don't think I am...

  4. As above you need a clay bar (and lube) to do a proper clean on it before polishing...




    I spend £130 the other month on wax, polish, clay bar and applicators/mit/towels etc. but my car's never shined so much, and the supernatural will ast me years.


    Same here - missus has no idea how much I spent on cleaning products :dummy:

  5. Weather is:




    never mind moaning, who gave her a SPONGE!!!!!! :doh:


    haha very true! Sponge = :thumbdown:


    Nice one though Dan - couldn't agree more! Red hot here (unlike France last week...........) BBQ footie and GP this weekend! :D


    Can't believe I'm the first to say 'I'd give her something, and it wouldn't be a sponge'...

    I think the heat has got to me. I'm surprised I have't been reported to HR this week :scare::blush:

  6. Like what's already been said really.


    Why have you moved from your 2 previous cars? Time for a change? Upgrade?


    They are great cars, no doubt, but nobody keeps one car forever do they?


    I use mine every day, I'ver done about 25k in mine in 15 months and found it comfortable, practical, fast (enough) and it looks cool as f*k IMO. I've never owned a car that long before, and I can't see me selling for another year or two at least. when I do it'll be becuase it'll be fairly high miles, I'll have owned it long enough to get my kicks out of it and I'll hopefully be able to afford an upgrade, or something I can just use at weekends, and have a banger for commuting etc.


    The only other reason I can think of is because of this forum :p

  7. I dont feel like I have to go fast or loud.


    Roll on getting the Bi-Modal exhaust fitted. She's far too quiet at the moment.



    I think I live the VXR8s, but I have a soft spot for anything with 8 or more cylinders...


    Congrats - hope you enjoy her! :thumbs:

  8. I'm sure you can remember the thread a while ago which linked to another forum somewhere.


    Maybe I should be more specific than that...


    It was about a Moris Minor (I'm pretty sure) and a guy/hero/maniac had fitted to a 200sx (I'm pretty sure) chassis.


    I can find it.


    Any ideas what I'm on about?



  9. I'm looking for a shot-blaster and/or power coater in the Midlands for a Porsche race car I'm helping my brother with.


    Anyone know of any?


    Preferably in the Midlands, but he travels all over the country so I guess any at all would be a good place.


    There are quite a few listed in yellow pages etc but we'd rather go off recommendations.


    Cheers guys & gals...





    Looks B)


    Wish I had the cash to get some of those wheels I think they're my favourite on a Zed out of everything I've seen anywhere, and the lowered stance just completes it. Tempting to sell my mother for a setup like that. Doubt I'd get much... :dry:


    Is the ride much harsher than a standard setup, like over potholes and general every-day driving?

  11. I went to an autofactors down the road last year when I noticed my oil was nearly on minimum and was stood outside filling her up when two yoofs walked past.

    'Nah M8, thats carz da bolox doh, innit.' or something to that effect. I was half expecting an empty fag packet to be thrown over the fence or something, but rather than telling them politely to go fourth and multiply (they were 15, afterall) I just said

    'Thanks. You into cars then?' and before I knew it I had a new best mate, looking al round it, asking loads of questions and just being genuinely enthusiastic about it.




    Other than that, I usually get 'You must be getting paid too much' from people at work. I used to try and defend myself by explaining that new focus they just bought cost twice as muchm, and will depreciate by the value of my car in a few years. Falls on deaf ears, I'm afriad. It is annoying though when I've been saving for around 4 years, sold all my other cars and wordly possesions for what I consider to be a fairly sensible car, just to be put down as if I were being flippsnt. Fury!


    alweays nice to get a compliment though :thumbs:

  12. Nice ar matey.


    Like most, I too tried a S2000 before getting the Zed.


    I nearly really liked everything about it. 2 things put me off - the squaky hard-top roof (and road noise to go with it) and didn't get along with the high-revving engine. I'm more of a torque man myself.


    If I hadn't found the Zed at the price I did I think I'd have ended up getting one though. The interiors are nice, ride's comfortable, RWD etc... And it's possibly one of the least girly rag tops out (that are available at a fair price).


    Sure you'll have a jolly good time in it. And when you get that dream job as a hair dresser you'll be all set :p;)



  13. Hmmm...


    Surely there's a way to tell though - if you took it to a garage I'm sure they'd be able to diagsnose what the problem so why can't we?


    Why would braking prevent the compression rod from banging? Might be a stupid question...


    Mine seems to rumble/bang over uneven/pot holed roads but hardly ever on smooth road surfaces, but I guess the suspension isn't moving much at that point.


    I know second hand would be a lot cheaper but going through the effort of changing them on parts that aren't garunteed, and without knowing the history would seem a little foolish in my eyes. I'd rather fork out and know I wouldn't be doing it again for another 40-50k miles. (fingers crossed). Suspension components and brakes are about the only parts I wouldn't consider second hand. Unless reconditioned, but the bannana bars can't be reconditioned as far as I'm aware, and there's no refund for returning the old parts like you sometimes get on drive shafts etc.



    I could really do without it. Problem is, it still works, won't fail an MOT on it and still goes alright so it's very tempting to leave it, but you know it'll just get worse and will probably affect other parts if left long enough.


    Stupid cars....

  14. Grrrr...


    I've had a banging/knocking noise at the front fora while now, so I've been reading a few posts about it.

    I'm guessing it'll be the compression rods (bannana bar) as they seem quite common faults.

    And a new noise has developed - when breaking hardish at low sppeds I get a clunking from the front drivers side, almost as if the strut's moving :scare: Any ideas what that might be?


    Basically I'm going to jack it up this weekend and have a good prod around and see what I can see. Any advice on how best to check what might be making the noise, other than visual checks of bushes etc? How can I tell if it is the compression rods? What about top mounts - is there a way to check them?


    I can't think of a way of actually pin-pointing what's making the noise but I'm sure there must be a way. I don't exactly want to buy some rather expensive parts, go through the ball ache of changing them just to find it doesn't go. :thumbdown:


    Love you.


  15. I worked with a Porsche team and on track days there they actually put the device in the exhaust. Could be completely different equipment that's designed to be used differnetly, but it's the only experience I have!


    How loud/quiet is a standard UK exhaust system?

  16. IO've got three points - about a year ago for doing 38 in a 0, which under normal circumstances I'd understand, apart from the fact I was about 100 yards from the 50 sign which the coppers were sat underneath just to catch people speeding up before going past the sign.

    To me, that's not making the road safer, that's just making money.


    I also got a thing through the post about 2 years ago when I was in London, driving around quite a lot trying to find somewhere to park. Pictures of my car and a notice sayingI'd driven the wrong way down the road. I thought, that's a bugger, I hadn't even realised, looked close at the photos and couldn't see any road markings so I rang them up. The girl said, oh yeah, you're not doing anything wrong, just send the letter back with a notice of appeal and it'll be fine. A few months later I hear on the radio about the big scandel of these cameras making £100 million (or something rediculous) of incorrect/unfair fines. And none of them refunded!


    Cheecky, robbing, lying, bad smelling, turd-face twits.




    Rant over.

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