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Posts posted by MattMe

  1. It's called a 'drop-link'. And it appears to be a rear one, from your picture. The attached the ARB (Anti-roll bar) to the chassis. They 'go' quite often, causing a clunking noise as well as squeaking. Sometimes people try greasing them to stop the noise but usually they need replacing.


    Hope that helps.

  2. Am I the only person who thinks the standard grill looks better than the mesh?

    IMO whether it's expensive mesh or cheap mesh, still looks like it's out of the Halfrauds bargain bin...




    And I know the OP's original is broken, but if it were me I'd fix it. Or swap the whole bumper as MrLizard VERY kindly offered.


    Don't turn your car into a chav-mobile ;)


    (I'm going to have some haters now, aren't I?)

  3. Interesting thread, this one.


    I fitted my 20mm spacers all round a few months ago. The only difference I noticed was the steering feel, but to be perfectly honest I now prefer the feel of my steering, almost heavier and feels like the car rolls slightly less.


    I can see where you're coming from technically everythign you say makes sense but realistically I doubt many people would find the changes even noticable.

    I wouldn't have thought the un-sprung weight of the alloy would make any more difference than allowing your wheels to get dirty tbh ;)


    It's definitely one of those things that would suit some folk, and not others. Something like horses on swings and roubabouts on different courses, or something.


    It does make the car look better, for sure, and I would never advise anyone who was looking to purchase a set to do any more than consider the points you've raised. Then consider if they think they'll notice. Like someone already said, you can sell them on very easily around these parts.


    Whether you have spacers or not there is only one thing to do...



  4. Little Wing - Hendrix

    Power Out - Arcade Fire

    Atlas - Battles

    The Canyon Behind Her - Dredg

    Roseability - Idlewild

    Revol - Manics (Including balaclave solo)

    Myxomatosis - Radiohead

    A Hundred Times in Every Direction - Vessels

    Indiscopia - Tracer AMC


    Hmmm, seems a very 'indie' playlist on the whole, but they're all good driving songs :)

  5. I didn't enjoy watching that video. Think I might stay late at work to miss rush hour.


    To be honest I'm surprised that with the way I used to drive (not many years ago), and the amount of crashes I've been in, that I wasn't featured in one of those videos. I've been very lucky. Took me a long time to learn that a car doesn't make you invincible. Sounds stupid, but I was convinced I was the best driver out. I still enjoy driving but I leave a big margin for error now, if you know what I mean. You can't predict what's around the corner, or if there's dust on the road ahead, or a kid or anything at all.

    In some ways I think without having the experiences of a crash, or a near-miss you're not as good a driver. I hate being a pasanger in wet weather conditions - people have no idea what affect it has on traction, cornering stopping etc and the fact if you break traction you won't get it back.


    This weekend I had 5 flights back from Australia and I was looking out the window of the plane thinking it was a long way down when that statistic came into mind about you're 10 times more likely to be involved in a car crash than a plane crash. I thought about this for a moment... If I've been involved in 10 car crashes, and I have 5 flights within 1 or 2 days, how likely is it this plane is going to crash? :dry:


    Luckily for you I proved all statistics wrong.

    For now :snack:

  6. Looks cool and subtle.


    I'm pretty sure I've read on here about people removing the orange reflector strips from the headlights.

    It had never bothered me till I'd read about that either!

  7. Hiya mate.


    I changed mine a while back. Not a quick job, and I'd recommend getting the car up as high as you can.

    If ou've ever changed a rwd clutch before it's pretty straight forward. You'll need some long extension bars to get the bellhousing bolts off. There are a couple at the top which you need to get from the engine bay.

    The linkage can be a pig to get off (although I took the whole 'box out so you might not struggle as much if you just pull it back a few inches). You'll need a clamp for the hydraulic clutch pipe, or drain it all.

    All-in-all it's not too bad a job I guess. Just have a good look around at everything before you get started and you'll be fine. My advice would be to take the gear knob off first before youget your hands too mucky, then remove all the wiring that's connected to the box, then the linkage, drain the box, remove the prop, undo the bellhousing. Like I say, I took out the whole box, not sure how mcuh you'd have to do just to change the clutch.

    I spent a while liining the clutch up as I could seem to get it in the right place. Not sure if you can get allignment tools that would help.


    Not sure this will have helped actually!

  8. I'm not fashionable either but why hate something for no reason?


    Sound quality is fantastic and you can put some games/apps etc on too so where is the bad news?


    Get a 64GB iPod touch, you don't have to convert anything you don't want to and the interface is superb if you take the time to tag everything and update the album info.


    Sorry, when you say tag everything, is that like CDDB thing where it'll download music info from a centrally stored database, or do you mean manually tag 400 albums and all the songs within?

    Please be the latter...

  9. Ahh, the good ol' original tape Walkman, now there's a technology you can trust...


    As for Apple products, in the same way people choose to buy it because they like what they see, I choose not to buy it because I don't like what I see. I don't like the size of the things for a start. As far as I'm aware they have very limited media support. I use WMA files as they are superior quality to MP3s at the same bit rate. Oh yes, I can't stand iTunes, I really cannot get along with it.

    I don't like heat magazine, I don't wear pale pink T-Shirts, I don't like Coldplay and I don't have my hair cut like David Beckham.

    Just because lots of people do it doesn't make it right.

    Also, I don't want to feed my money into a business like Apple that alienates it's customers by stubonly choosing not to support certain types of media on the iPad (Flash websites anyone) or who deny the fact the iPhone 4 looses it's signal alarmingly often (but they will provide you with a massive rubber sleeve to keep you nice new slim iPhone4 in).


    No, no, no!



    I know Zunes are Microsoft, but at least they support all common formats, not just Microsoft developed ones.

    Microsoft have promised to continue support for the Zune after they release the Windows 7 phones, which I imagine will be the Zune HD phone (a la iPod Touch/iPhone)




    Rant over.


    But seriously, I don't want a iPod.

    Sony X Series walkmans (not tape) look nice. Slim, good interface, brilliant sound... Not 64GB in UK!



    Am I a niche market, wanting higher capacity MP3 players? My 4 year old unit does it... Shame Creative seem to have lost their way in MP3 players recently. Apparently they're releasing an Android based unit soon that sounds interesting but no confirmed date or any details at all really.


    Any other options anyone. Not an iPod please...


  10. Phew.


    I jut logged into the Max Power forum by mistake. I think I covered my tracks by talking in their native language.

    Hopefully nobody followed me back here.

  11. I'm after a new 64GB MP3 player. Before I go any further I don't want an iPod/iPhone/iicaptain or any other Apple product.

    There are two main reasons for this. 1 being that I don't want to convert all my music into Apple's horrid horrid format and 2 I admit I'm anti-Apple for the simple fact it's a fashion statement and I'm not fashionable.


    Moving on...


    I'm after a new MP3 device to replace my steadily dying Zen Vision M. I bought this probably 4 years ago, maybe more, and it's a 60GB device. So how come there are approximately no devices on the market in the UK at the moment that are more than 32GB?


    I know mine's a hard disk, and flash is the new tech for obvious reasons, but am I really asking that much? I don't really want to get a 32GB device as my current CD collection is over 30GB already, and it ain't getting any smaller.

    I quite like the look of the Zune HD but they're not officially for sale in the UK, and the 64GB version is't out yet. I'd rather not have one of those massive Archos MP4 things either. I'll only be listening to music on it so it doesn't need to have a 32" wide screen attached to it.


    So, I ask of you, 350z-uk forum memebers, what 64GB MP3 players are available to satisfy my musical needs?

  12. Husky wrote:


    on the other hand, bummer



    ...sounds like a plan!


    :lol::lol: :lol: I nearly spat my tea all over the desk when i read that!!!


    She certainly won't be sitting anywhere for a few days, especially the Zed...

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