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Posts posted by MattMe

  1. Can I jump in on this too? Sounds awesome, when would they be made anyway? :thumbs:


    Just got a few more bits to sort out yet. Wanted to know the interest was there before taking it any further. Seems it is :teeth:


    Hopefully be making the first test unit for my car in the next couple weeks. I'll keep the thred updated with any progress...


    Some people asking about if they fit to later model engines, which I believe they do, but not sure on the gains against pre '06 engines. Think the biggest gains come with fitting alongside the MREV2 lower plenum chambers too.

  2. i'll defo take one assuming it works all good...what could possible go wrong!


    Will fitting instructions be included?


    Thanks everyone for your interest!


    Mark - yes I'll write up some good fitting instructions once I've trial fitted on my car, explaining step-by-step.


    I'll ring my guy tonight and see if we could possibly produce more than twelve (but less than 24!).

  3. Looks like you got a very handy little list there already! :thumbs:


    1, ma'z'y

    2, Jed

    3, mc

    4, Neilp

    5, 350 Russ

    6, Daryl

    7, gazhull8474

    8, marcuscollings

    9, chippychip123

    10, James B


    Get it done, and hope that most of the ^ will get on in the end :disguise:


    That's great news, I never expected such a good response in such a short space of time.

    Seeing as so many people are interested already I'll start further research this weekend.

    If the list goes beyond 12 I can look into producing more, but not sure if it would mean another 12...

    Thanks to everyone for your interest so far.

  4. Heard people having problems with small leaks etc. Not gonna commit until it's all confirmed good


    Totally agree with you here, that's why I'll be doing all the testing on my own car. I won't be even thinking about selling anything until I'm happy it's safe to use and works as expected. Personaly I've not heard of anyone having leaks with the plenum spacers. Is that Motordyne equipment? My guess it that it would be a gsaket not fitted properly.


    The spacer it's self will be one piece alluminum water cut around the edges and skimmed to be perfectly flat, so the theory is it will form a perfect seal, especially with gasket paper on there too.

  5. Mattme, what types of gaskets are you planning on using for the middle part of the spacer? The 6 bolts centre top. Seen a few different types there, think that nylon might be the best.


    I'm only planning on producing the basic spacer type kits, nothing fancy like the thermal options that Motordyne offer (which go under the lower collector, so requires more parts removed for fitting). I suppose I could look into it if it's something people are interested in, but that would definitely be extra cost, and my main priority was keeping costs down.

    Looking on the Motordyne site, they seem to recommend the Thermal spacer for hotter climates where the temp doesn't often drop below freezing, so nit sure if it's even worth it in the UK. Worth 1-2bhp based on not losing that hp through heat soak. I don't think it'll be worth the development and manufacturing costs if I'm honest.

  6. I'd be interested in this mate, was gunna get a motordyne but if these work out as good I'd be happy to take one :thumbs:


    One thing I can confirm already is that it will work as good as a Motordyne once I'm finished testing. I've examined one closely and they are very basic designs that perform a simple function, and as they have already found out the 5/16th depth is most suitable and mine will replicate this. The main difference will be the water cutting process I will use will provide a better finish. (Although that won't make it perform any better!) Otherthanthat they will be very similar through necessity.


    2 down, 10 to go!

    12 is quite a lot, but with as many members as this forum has I'm hoping it's possible...

  7. Hiya folks.


    Some of you may remember a while ago I posted a thread asking if anyone would be interested in purchasing a high quality plenum spacer kit made by myself.


    For those that don't know a plenum spacer is a common mod in the 350z world. It's a simple installation with very few tools required, and can be carried out by most with a little confidence and a couple of hours spare. It offers improved airflow over the front two cylinders (which in standard cars suffer from lack of air) resulting in improved performance and economy.


    I've been working out pricing with a friend I know who could manufacture the parts for us. The spacer would be water cut aluminium (higher quality finish than common laser cutting) at 5/16th inch, not requiring any other modifications to the car, very similar to known brands.

    The only problem I'm facing so far is the fact I would need to make up (and sell) 12 to make it cost affective, based on the purchase of the aluminium and time involved in designing/producing the product.

    If 12 people were to put their names down as being interested I should be able to get these out for around £100, including gaskets bonded to the spacer, and all required fittings, nylon spacers, bolts and fitting instructions.

    We'd probably be looking at a month from getting 12 names to allow time for making test units, fitting and trialing on my own car before I'd be happy to sell any.


    There are still other factors for me to price in, but ideally at £100 I can cover our expense of design, manufacturing and testing. I'm sure you can appreciate at this price I won't be making a huge profit and would mainly to provide a one-time offer and a cheaper alternative to the forum users and myself :) I'm not out to make a quick profit, but offer a fairly priced product.


    Any thoughts, opinions or questions, please ask. I'm not very knowledgable in this area myself, but the people I know certainly are, and so I can happily pass on any queries from potential buyers.


    Mods - I know there's been a thread recently concerning trader memberships and selling items n the forum. In this case would I be expected to pay the traders fee? Happy to do so, just wanted you to know I hadn't over looked it. :thumbs:



  8. I think most of the time peopl use the term 'LOL' it means 'Laugh Out Loud', and isn't used in a literal sense. It just means something made them smile, or that they are joking and didn't want you to read the sentence too seriously. Either that or a lot of people I talk to on the internet are sat by themselves laughing hysterically at the computer.




    Anyway, back to the original question! I was 25 when I got my Zed and went with Direct Line. Privelege gave some good quotes, but I'm with Adrian Flux now on a multi-car discount whic if you can get (ie live in a house with someone else who has a car) you won't beat it. I pay £650, and the best alternative was around £1200 (but I don't live in a particularly good area at the minute).


    Either that or debadge it, and stick Meastro 1.0 stickers on the back and find your insurance drop massively.


    (That was a joke, but I didn't LOL. Obviously not that good a joke)



  9. What kind of condition are the wheels in? One of the rears looks a bit squared off...


    Otherthanthat - Nice project! :thumbs:


    I liked the white wheels actually, look a bit different being on a blade silver car. Black wheels look meaner and go with the carbon. You considered black roof or carbon wrap to finish off the look?


    And it's flippin' low!!

  10. Burn all sheds!


    I've thought about keeping the Zed as a second cars loads of times for the same reasons as everyone else. Thing is I keep thinking about why I bought the Zed in the first place - because I'd had enough of driving around in the crap, uncomfrotable, boring, un reliable sheds and having a nice car parked on my drive. Seemed a bit backwards really. At the end of the day, it's only a car, use ot for what it was intended too and make the most of it - who knows what will happen tomorrow.


    However, the anti-shed list at the top of this thread didn't look too bad. Still rather be driving me Zed than a shed.

  11. If you're after power, from what I can tell you need to fit the standard airbox (06 onwards) with a good quality panel filter, and change your K1 for something with a smaller bore to create some of the back-pressure you've lost. Fit a plenum spacer, get decats/hfc before the Y-pipe.


    Whatever you do, don't drill the airbox, in now way does this help. On any car. You're just drawing in warmer air from the engine bay.


    To be fair, if you're happy with the sound of the car and not too fussed about ultimate power (only talking 10-15ghp anyway), fit a spacer and get it tuned.

  12. I know, I was only playing. ;)


    It's impressive to watch (no sound at work, or they'll know what I don't do all day). It's also fun the watch Mr. Wong on his TV show on that website. Made me grin.

    Seriously though, it does look like something out of the Matrix. Go throw some ninja shapes! Hi-yah!

    Bet it takes 4 or 5 lessons till you get to his level of self-defence. Have yo consedered buying some pepper spray? Loads easier :lol:

  13. im asking because i my car has been making "clicking" noises in the rear when i first take off and sometimes when i stop.

    brought it to my indy and he said these needs to be changed.. is he correct?

    where can i order this part and how much


    Probably looking at an hourish to change both rears at a garage. Not sure on cost of the part - either check eBay or pm one of the many traders on here. ZManAlex is apprently very prompt and offers good prices. Not used him myself, but can vouch for his knowledge and seemingly never-ending availabilty of parts! :thumbs:


    It's a fairly common fault, so nothing to worry about.

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