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Posts posted by BulletMagnet

  1. Oh dear, you poor console owners will never see how good The Division actually looks



    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    But to be fair, the Beta servers are gonna get wiped anyway, so all of us that have enjoyed the Beta can start from scratch once more.


    I'm a PC gamer too, but I actually prefer consoles. It's worth the slight downgrade in graphics in my eyes.


    If you were a TRUE PC gamer, then you would have forsaken the crude technology of lesser consoles.

    What is that I hear? It was cheaper to buy a next generation console than to upgrade the PC?

    Oh? The last game you played was Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne?

    Thy shall repent thy sins and return to the fold of the master race, cast aside the unworthy machinery and devote thyself to the ways of watercooled quadcores, 128GB of RAM and GTX 1080 Titans


    I've actually just upgraded my machine as it happens! WoW does not feature on my playlist, however...

    A TRUE PC gamer would have known that I was NOT talking about WoW...

  2. Oh dear, you poor console owners will never see how good The Division actually looks



    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    But to be fair, the Beta servers are gonna get wiped anyway, so all of us that have enjoyed the Beta can start from scratch once more.


    I'm a PC gamer too, but I actually prefer consoles. It's worth the slight downgrade in graphics in my eyes.


    If you were a TRUE PC gamer, then you would have forsaken the crude technology of lesser consoles.

    What is that I hear? It was cheaper to buy a next generation console than to upgrade the PC?

    Oh? The last game you played was Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne?

    Thy shall repent thy sins and return to the fold of the master race, cast aside the unworthy machinery and devote thyself to the ways of watercooled quadcores, 128GB of RAM and GTX 1080 Titans

    • Like 1
  3. Buy a huge German Shepherd.


    Deploy GS on passenger seat.


    Car security sorted.

    Then see a post of animal rights activist on Facebook condemning the mistreatment of GS :lol:




    I said this because when I was in Ruthin (lovely spa hotel) there was an M5 parked outside in the village. There was a GS in it with all the windows open.


    As we approached to walk past it had a look on its face like "yeah. Go on then. See what happens"

    And that's why you always keep doggy treats in your pocket ;)

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