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Posts posted by HEADPHONES

  1. In the flesh the 370z gets a big :thumbs: from me.

    Despite being sceptical at first I can see why you are tempted.


    If my budget allowed without doing without other "needs" I'd go for what you desire.

    Personally I'm too emotionally attached to my ZED.......which is not a good thing as it clouds logical decisions on ANYTHING car related :blush:

  2. I feel your pain Stan :surrender:


    My machine conked out 2nd Jan. 12yr old cheapo Indesit.

    Did 3 weeks of going to the launderette waiting for John Lewis to deliver a new Siemens one.

    When it arrived it was faulty and flooded my utility room :scare: .

    JL quickly sorted it though so balance has once again been restored in the house and baby headphones can puke up all she wants safe in the knowledge clean clothes and sheets are only a spin away :teeth:


    I salute you if you're planning on handwashing everything til the new machine comes.

    I gave up after one load :surrender: ........the wringing is a killer :wacko:

  3. Nice meeting Nick for the first time with his pearlescent white zed.

    Wayne's Azure mesmerised the crowds......even I found myself drawn to how clean your springs were B)


    Nice venue.

    Nice weather.

    and a nice crowd :thumbs:


    Thanks to Markoos from the Glanza OC for organising this :#1:

    Seeing the Glanza crowd makes you appreciate how much fun can be crammed into such a small package.

    Some very impressive little cars ;)

  4. Has been a glorious couple of days for zed cleaning compared to all the snow of past.

    Glad you managed to take advantage and treat your locality to the beauty that is a clean 350z :thumbs:

  5. I stand in the munority in liking the ACE wheels :blush:

    But I knew a guy who got these and was devastated when the lacquere started peeling on the dishes caused probably by stones rolling inside them like rocks in a tumble dryer.

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